Kiesler, S., L. Sproull, and J. S. Eccles (2002). Pool Halls, Chips, and War
Games: Women in the Culture of Computing, inroads SIGCSE Bulletin,
34(2):159-164, previously published in Kiesler, S., L. Sproull, and J. S.
Eccles (1985). Pool Halls, Chips, and War Games: Women in the Culture of
Computing, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 9:451-462.
Pearl, A., M. E. Pollack, E. Riskin, B. Thomas, E. Wolf, and A. Wu (2002).
Becoming a Computer Scientist, inroads SIGCSE Bulletin, 34(2):135-143,
previously published in Pearl et al. (1990). Becoming a Computer Scientist,
Communications of the ACM, 33(11):47-57.
Teague, J. (2002). Women in Computing: What Brings Them to It, What Keeps Them
in It?, inroads SIGCSE Bulletin, 34(2):147-158, previously published in Teague,
G. J. (2000). Women in Computing: What Brings Them to It, What Keeps Them in
It?, GATES, 5(1):45-59.
Camp, T. (2002). The Incredible Shrinking Pipeline, inroads SIGCSE Bulletin,
34(2):129-134, previously published in Camp, T. (1997). The Incredible
Shrinking Pipeline, Communications of the ACM, 40(10):103-110.