Cohoon, J. M. (2002). Recruiting and Retaining Women in Undergraduate Computing
Majors, inroads SIGCSE Bulletin, 34(2):48-52.
Recommendations for recruiting women:
- Work with high-school teachers
- Communicate with high-school guidance counselors
- Use role models to actively recruit high-school students
- Develop relationships with community colleges
- Make contact with the local community
- Recruit first and second year students from within your institution
- Consider the impact that selection criteria for program admission can
have on women's enrollment
- Offer multiple points of entry
- Review public information for the image it projects
Recommendations for retaining women:
- Maintain a stable faculty
- Provide female role models
- Employ faculty who enjoy teaching undergraduates
- Promote interaction among classmates, and develop learning communities
and other forms of peer support
- Communicative positive opinions of female students' strengths
- Involve women in research
- Build institutional support so the program will have adequate resources
- Use the local job market to provide students with work experience
- Provide students with opportunities to volunteer their computing skills
in service to the community