CSCE475/875 Multiagent
Handout 15: Topics
November 8, 2011
1. Agents
· Agent
· Intelligent Agent
· The five characteristics of environments for agent-based solutions
o Complete vs. incomplete (fully vs. partially observable)
o Certain vs. uncertain (deterministic vs. stochastic)
o Episodic vs. non-episodic
o Static vs. dynamic
o Discrete vs. continuous
2. Chapter
1: Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
· Constraint satisfaction problems
· Solution approaches
o Least-commitment approach
o Backtracking approach
· Filtering algorithms
· Variable and value ordering, minimum remaining values heuristic, degree heuristic, least-constraining-value heuristic
· Min-conflicts algorithm
· Relation to multiagent systems
3. Chapter
2: Distributed Optimization
· Different from constraint satisfaction – now looking for optimal solutions
· Four general family of approaches:
o Distributed dynamic programming
§ Asyncronous Dynamic Programming
Learning Real-Time A*
o Distributed solutions to Markov Decision Problems (MDPs)
§ Action selection in MDP, using a value iteration algorithm
o Optimization algorithms with an economic flavor (as applied to matching nad scheduling problems)
§ Contract net and auction – See later Chapter on Auctions
o Coordination via social laws and conventions
§ Voting, social preferences
4. Chapter
3: Noncooperative Game Theory
· Self-interested agents
o Axioms on Completeness, Transitivity, Substitutability, Decomposability, Monotonicity, Continuity, and the von Neumann and Morgenstern Theorem.
· Games in normal form
o Prisoner’s dilemma
o Common-payoff games
o Constant-sum games
· Strategies in normal-form games
o Pure strategy vs. mixed strategy profiles
o Definitions for Support and Expected utility of a mixed strategy
· Analyzing games: from optimality to equilibrium
o The notion of an optimal strategy for a given agent is not meaningful; the best strategy depends on the choices of others
o Pareto domination
o Pareto optimality
o Best response
o Nash equilibrium
o Strict Nash
Weak Nash
5. Chapter
7: Learning and Teaching
· The interaction between learning and teaching
o Stackelberg game
· What constitutes learning?
· Two categories of theories of learning in MAS: Descriptive and Prescriptive
· Descriptive
o Realism, Convergence
o Convergence properties
§ Show convergence to stationary strategies which form a Nash equilibrium of the stage game
§ Require that the empirical frequency of play converge to a Nash equilibrium
§ Seek convergence to a correlated equilibrium of the stage game
§ Require that the non-stationary policies converge to an interesting state
· Prescriptive
o Strategic normative games – where agents are self-motivated
o Notion of self-play
o Safety, Rationality, and No-Regret, informal
· Fictitious play – an instance of model-=based learning, in which the learner explicitly maintains beliefs about the opponent’s strategy
· Rational learning
· Reinforcement learning
o Q-learning
§ Alpha, beta,
o Belief-based reinforcement learning
Targeted learning, no-regret learning
6. Chapter
9: Aggregating Preferences: Social Choice
· Plurality voting
o Condorcet condition
· Social choice function, Social choice correspondence, Condorcet winner, Smith set, Social welfare function
· Voting
o Plurality voting, cumulative voting, approval voting, plurality with elimination, Borda voting, pairwise elimination
o Voting paradoxes: Condorcet condition not met, sensitivity to a losing candidate, sensitivity to the agenda setter
· Social welfare functions (ordering!)
o Pareto efficiency (PE), Independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA), Nondictatorship
o Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
· Social choice functions (top-ranked outcome!)
o Weak Pareto efficiency, Monotonicity, Nondictatorship
o Muller-Satterhwaite’s Impossibility Theorem
· Ranking system
o Agents are asked to vote to express their opinions about each other, with the goal of determining a social ranking
§ Agents who are ranked higher by others have more weighted votes.
o Approval voting satisfies IIA, PE, and nondictatorship
Approval voting satisfies Ranked IIA, positive
response and anonymity
7. Chapter
10: Protocols for Strategic Agents: Mechanism Design
· Strategic! Assume that agents will behave so as to maximize their individual payoffs
· Why is mechanism design so important to MAS designers?
· Local decision making vs. global, emergent coherence
o Autonomy vs. social chaos
· Bayesian game setting and mechanism
o Implementation in dominant strategies
o Implementation in Bayes-Nash equilibrium
· The truthfulness property
o The revelation principle
· Gibbard-Satterthwaite’s Impossibility Theorem
· A way to get around the impossibility: Quasinlinear Preferences
o Rewards and payments
o Risk attitudes: neutral, averse, and seeking
o Conditional utility independence, valuation, payment
o Basic constraints: Truthfulness, Efficiency, Budget Balance, Ex interim Individual Rationality, Ex post Individual Rationality, Tractability
o Optimization properties: Revenue Maximization, Revenue minimization, Maxmin Fairness, and Price-Of-Anarchy Minimization
· Groves Mechanism
o Truth telling is a dominant strategy under any Groves mechanism
· The Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) Mechanism
o a.k.a. Pivot Mechanism
o Clarke tax
o How does the mechanism work?
Drawbacks of VCG
8. Chapter
11: Protocols for Multiagent Resource Allocation: Auction
· How can auctions be used to allocate task or resources?
· Single-good auctions
o English, Japanese, Dutch, and sealed-bid auctions
§ Open-cry, Open-exit, First price vs. second price, Vickrey
· Auctions as negotiations
· Auctions as Bayesian mechanisms
o Independent private value (IPV) setting (as opposed to common value or interdependent value settings)
· In a second-price auction where bidders have independent private values, truth telling is a dominant strategy
· Strategically equivalence, time complexity, communication complexity.
· Revenue equivalence theorem
o Risk attitudes
o Relationships between revenues of various single-good auction protocols
· Other auctions: Reverse auctions, Double auctions, All-pay (with entry costs) auctions
· Collusions
o How does a bidding ring survive?
o How does revenue equivalence theorem factor into a bidder’s decision to join a ring?
· Contract net protocol (CNP)
Task announcement, Task announcement processing,
Bidding, Bid processing, Contract processing, reporting results, and
termination, and Negotiation tradeoffs
9. Chapter
12: Teams of Selfish Agents: An Introduction to Coalitional Game Theory
· How self-interested agents can combine to form effective teams
o Which coalitions to form?
o How to distribute payoffs?
· Coalitional game with transferability utility
o The payoffs to a coalition may be freely redistributed among its members
· Examples: voting game, airport game
· Supperadditive game, Additive game, Constant-Sum game, Convex game, Simple game
· Analyzing coalitional games in terms of payoffs to members
o Feasibly payoff, Pre-imputation, Imputation, Individual rationality
· Payoffs should be divided fairly
o Axioms: Symmetry, Dummy player, Additivity
o Given a coalitional game, there is a unique pre-imputation that satisfies the symmetry, dummy player, additivity axioms
o Shapley value!
§ Average marginal contribution
§ Why is it fair?
o The Core
§ The stability issue
§ A payoff vector is in the core of a coalitional game iff for each coalition, the sum of all agents’ rewards is greater than the valuation of the coalition.
§ Is the core always nonempty?
§ Characterizing when a coalition game has a nonempty core
· Balanced Weights and Bondereva-Shapley
· Veto player’s role in simple game – core?
Every convex game has a nonempty core. The Shapley value is in the core.