CSCE475/875 Multiagent
Handout 14: The
Coalitional Core and The Shapley Value
November 3, 2011
(Based on Shoham
and Leyton-Brown 2011)
The Core
First, let
The Shapley value defined a fair way
of dividing the grand coalition’s payment among its members. However, this analysis ignored questions of
stability. We can also ask:
Would the
agents be willing to form the grand coalition given the way it will
divide payments, or would some of them prefer to form smaller coalitions?
Unfortunately, sometimes smaller coalitions can be more attractive for subsets of the
agents, even if they lead to lower value overall. Considering the majority
voting example in Handout 13, while
This leads to the question of what
payment divisions would make the agents want to form the grand coalition. The
answer is that they would want to do so
if and only if the payment profile is drawn from a set called the core,
defined as follows.
12.2.9 (Core) A payoff
Thus, a payoff is in the core if and
only if no sub-coalition has an incentive to break away from the grand
coalition and share the payoff it is able to obtain independently.
That is, it requires that the sum of
payoffs to any group of agents
Questions about the Core
As a notion of stability for coalitional games, the core is appealing. However,
there are two important questions: 1. Is the core
always nonempty? 2. Is the core always unique? Unfortunately, the answer to both questions
is no.
Example. Let us
consider again the Parliament example with the four political parties. The set
of minimal coalitions that meet the
required 51 votes is
These examples call into question the
universality of the core as a solution concept for coalitional games. We
already saw in the context of noncooperative game
theory that solution concepts—notably, the Nash equilibrium—do not yield unique
solutions in general. Here we are in an
arguably worse situation, in that the solution concept may yield no solution at all.
Can we characterize when a coalitional game has a nonempty core? Yes! To do so, we first need to define a concept
known as balancedness.
12.2.10 (Balanced weights) A set of nonnegative weights (over
Intuitively, the weights on the coalitions involving any given agent
12.2.11 (Bondereva–Shapley) A coalitional game
12.2.12 Every
constant-sum game that is not additive has an empty core.
We say that a player
12.2.13 In a simple game the core is empty iff there is no veto player. If there are veto players, the
core consists of all payoff vectors in which the nonveto
players get zero.
12.2.14 Every convex game
has a nonempty core.
Core and the Shapley Value
the core is not empty, is the Shapley value guaranteed to lie in the core? The
answer in general is no, but the
following theorem gives us a sufficient condition for this property to hold.
Theorem 12.2.15 In every
convex game, the Shapley value is in the core.