CSCE 475/875

Handout 5: From Optimality to Equilibrium

September 8, 2011

(Based on Shoham and Leyton-Brown 2011)




In single-agent decision theory the key notion is that of an optimal strategy, that is, a strategy that maximizes the agent’s expected payoff for a given environment in which the agent operates. The situation in the single-agent case can be fraught with uncertainty, since the environment might be stochastic, partially observable, and spring all kinds of surprises on the agent. However, the situation is even more complex in a multiagent setting. 


Important.  Thus the notion of an optimal strategy for a given agent is not meaningful; the best strategy depends on the choices of others.


Game theorists deal with this problem by identifying certain subsets of outcomes, called solution concepts, that are interesting in one sense or another.  Here we describe two of the most fundamental solution concepts: Pareto optimality and Nash equilibrium.


Pareto Optimality


Definition 3.3.1 (Pareto domination) Strategy profile  Pareto dominates strategy profile   if for , and there exists some  for which .


In other words, in a Pareto-dominated strategy profile some player can be made better off without making any other player worse off.


Pareto domination gives us a partial ordering over strategy profiles. Thus, in answer to our question before, we cannot generally identify a single “best” outcome; instead, we may have a set of noncomparable optima.


Definition 3.3.2 (Pareto optimality) Strategy profile  is Pareto optimal, or strictly Pareto efficient, if there does not exist another strategy profile  that Pareto dominates .


We can easily draw several conclusions about Pareto optimal strategy profiles.

·         First, every game must have at least one such optimum, and there must always exist at least one such optimum in which all players adopt pure strategies.

·         Second, some games will have multiple optima. For example, in zero-sum games, all strategy profiles are strictly Pareto efficient.

·         Finally, in common-payoff games, all Pareto optimal strategy profiles have the same payoffs.



Best Response and Nash Equilibrium


Now we will look at games from an individual agent’s point of view, rather than from the vantage point of an outside observer.


Intuition:  Our first observation is that if an agent knew how the others were going to play, his or her strategic problem would become simple. Specifically, he or she would be left with the single-agent problem of choosing a utility-maximizing action!


Formally, define , a strategy profile  without agent ’s strategy. Thus we can write . If the agents other than  (whom we denote ) were to commit to play , a utility- maximizing agent  would face the problem of determining his best response.


Definition 3.3.3 (Best response) Player ’s best response to the strategy profile   is a mixed strategy such that  for all strategies .


The best response is not necessarily unique.  Further, when the support of a best response  includes two or more actions, the agent must be indifferent among them—otherwise, the agent would prefer to reduce the probability of playing at least one of the actions to zero.  Thus, similarly, if there are two pure strategies that are individually best responses, any mixture of the two is necessarily also a best response.


Important:  Of course, in general an agent will not know what strategies the other players plan to adopt. Thus, the notion of best response is not a solution concept—it does not identify an interesting set of outcomes in this general case.  


However, we can leverage the idea of best response to define what is arguably the most central notion in noncooperative game theory, the Nash equilibrium.


Definition 3.3.4 (Nash equilibrium) A strategy profile  is a Nash equilibrium if, for all agents ,  is a best response to .


Intuitively, a Nash equilibrium is a stable strategy profile: no agent would want to change his strategy if he knew what strategies the other agents were following.  We can divide Nash equilibria into two categories, strict and weak, depending on whether or not every agent’s strategy constitutes a unique best response to the other agents’ strategies.


Definition 3.3.5 (Strict Nash) A strategy profile is a strict Nash equilibrium if, for all agents  and for all strategies


Definition 3.3.6 (Weak Nash) A strategy profile is a weak Nash equilibrium if, for all agents  and for all strategies