CSCE 496/896-003: Real-Time Systems
Spring 2016
Dr. Justin
Computer Science and Engineering
email: justin [dot] bradley [at] unl [dot] edu
261 Avery Hall
Course Description
This course introduces students to the design of
real-time computing systems and corresponding theory. Real-time systems
applications typically involve safety or mission critical systems where
timing guarantees must be maintained. Real-time task design,
dependability, communication, power and energy awareness, scheduling, and
real-time control are some of the topics that will be covered. The course
will be biased toward real-time system design including the interactions
between the physical and real-time systems - dubbed “cyber-physical
systems.” The course will include homework and readings from the
literature, leading students toward the completion of a final project.
Students will be encouraged to apply concepts to their research (if
applicable) for their class project. Students should have a basic
understanding of programming, system design, robotics, or computer
Class: MWF 10:30 - 11:20 AVH 110
Final Exam Time: 7:30 - 9:30 Friday May 6, 2016
Book: Real-Time
Systems by Herman Kopetz (ISBN: 9781441982360)
Full Syllabus
HW 1
HW 2
HW 3
HW 4
HW 5