Investigating Controller Evolution and Divergence through Mining and Mutation

By Balaji Balasubramaniam , Hamid Bagheri , Sebastian Elbaum , and Justin Bradley
NIMBUS Lab, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Successful cyber-physical system controllers evolve as they are refined, extended, and adapted to new systems and contexts. This evolution occurs in the controller design and also in its software implementation. Model-based design and controller synthesis can help to synchronize this evolution of design and software, but such synchronization is rarely complete as software tends to also evolve in response to elements rarely present in a control model, leading to mismatches between the control design and the software. In this paper we perform a first-of-its-kind study on the evolution of two popular open-source safety- critical autopilot control software – ArduPilot, and Paparazzi, to better understand how controllers evolve and the space of potential mismatches between control design and their software implementation. We then use that understanding to prototype a technique that can generate mutated versions of code to mimic evolution to assess its impact on a controller’s behavior.

We find that 1) control software evolves quickly and controllers are rewritten in their entirety over their lifetime, implying that the design, synthesis, and implementation of controllers should also support incremental evolution, 2) many software changes stem from an inherent mismatch between continuous physical models and their corresponding discrete software implementa- tion, but also from the mishandling of exceptional conditions, and limitations and distinct data representation of the underlying computing architecture, 3) small code changes can have a dramatic effect in a controller’s behavior, implying that further support is needed to bridge these mismatches as carefully verified model properties may not necessarily translate to its software implementation.

Category definitions

These categories represent the primary mismatches resulting from the incongruences between control models of the physical system and the computational paradigm of software implementation.They capture the evolutionary changes resulting from inherent mismatches between system models and controllers, and their software implemented counterparts.

Resource Attributes

A software change resulting from features or limitations of the computing architecture, including software and hardware. In ArduPilot such changes are often intended to better fit or utilize existing resources such as memory, energy, or bandwith.

This change stores variables in flash memory instead of in static random access memory.
Commit id: 452749149fd4d3e910e6ed22a6f861d5862a4b0 Committers comment: convert AC_PID library to AP_Param
+const AP_Param::GroupInfo AC_PID::var_info[] PROGMEM={

Precision & Accuracy

A software change that modifies a measured value or a numerical calculation in order to more closely mimic continuous mathematics. In ArduPilot such changes often consist of utilizing improved functions in advanced math libraries or newer sensor devices, and simply using types with more bits for representation.

This change replaces fast_atan with atanf to improve accuracy and precision for calculating the target pitch angle. Commit id: 872583f4412ade16a31e8b7bd0363c294a20d301 Committers comment: AC_AttitudeControl: removed fast_atan
- _pitch_target = constrain_float(fast_atan(-accel_forward/(GRAVITY_MSS * 100))*(18000/M_PI_F),-lean_angle_max, lean_angle_max);
+ _pitch_target = constrain_float(atanf(-accel_ forward/(GRAVITY_MSS * 100))*(18000/M_PI_F),-lean_angle_max, lean_angle_max);

Time and Space Model

A software change resulting from the intrinsic discrete nature of the computing system in representing time and space. In ArduPilot such changes often consist of handling the inherent mismatch between continuous and discrete paradigms in representing and manipulating time in the calculations of derivatives and integrals, in the manipulation of variables associated with the vehicle location or motion, or in governing the periodic execution of certain pieces of code (e.g.tasks).

This change alters the time representation from seconds to milliseconds to more frequently check the position controller activity. Commit id: 88ec13b10d913d72cdb0b24ba2e1244e6ed37734 Committers comment: fix build
+ if (dt > POSCONTROL_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT_MS*1.0e-3f) {

Exception Handling

A software change resulting from the handling of anomalous conditions that would otherwise result in computational failures. In ArduPilot such changes often consist in additional support for conditions to adhere to either mathematical laws (e.g. dividing by zero), or computational laws (e.g. unexpected input, seg fault, etc.).

This change checks whether the input variable to the PID controller is infinite or undefined before using it to calculate the PID terms of the controller. Commit id: ae77c18a1933dcb00eb9fc838872119b2250915c Committers comment: Input to the PID controller is protect against NaN and INF.
+ // don’t pass in inf or NaN
+ if (isfinite(input)){


We required artifacts that included significant control software systems with many available versions reflecting their evolution. This choice was opportunistic in that Ardupilot and Paparazzi have been widely deployed, so findings in these code bases can still be valid for similar systems (e.g.,LibrePilot , PX4 ). The first artifact is the popular ArduPilot (The Ardupilot website reports that over one million vehicles use this code base, including companies like 3DR, PrecisionHawk, AgEagle, Intel and Insitu/Boeing, Kespry, branches of the US military, and NASA among others.), that provides a sophisticated control system for autopilot support that can operate on a variety of vehicles including airplanes, multirotors, helicopters, and boats. It has over nine years of well maintained history, and its code base is accessible through a git repository that stores the code changes committed by the developers since 2010. As of May 2019, the repository includes 448 contributors that have committed almost 38,000 changes. The latest version of ArduPilot contains approximately 250k lines of code (LOC) in C/C++. We focus our analysis on the evolution of the core control files that provide coverage of functionality associated with position and attitude control. We analyzed 585 commits (excluding the five first draft commits for the firve targeted files), where each commit included changes to at least one of the target files.

The second artifact is Paparazzi UAV , which has over 13 years of development history. Paparazzi UAV provides autopilot capabilities for fixed-wing, and rotorcraft vehicles. The code base is accessible through a git repository. As of May 2019 there are 99 contributors and ~15,400 changes. The latest version of Paparazzi UAV contains approximately 212k LOC in C/C++. We again selected control files central to position and attitude control, and analyzed 379 commits (excluding the five first draft commits for the firve targeted files), where each commit included changes to at least one of the target files.

About the below table:

The prefix "A" and "P" in "S.No" column represents the dataset artifacts ArduPilot and Paparazzi UAV respectively. The "S.No" column is a unique identifier assigned incrementally to each commits in the controller files, to uniquely identify it.

  • Filename column - contains the file name where the commit has occured.
  • Commit message column - contains the comment provided by the developer.
  • Category column - contains the category name to which a commit belongs to. Apart from the 5 categories mentioned in the above section, you will also find three other categories: (1) First draft - first implementation of the software, therefore we did not include this for our analysis. (2) Non-Control - commits that are not associated with control system. (3) Software maintenance - commits that are semantically equivalent to those caused by documentation, refactoring, or abstraction that is meant to ease the maintenance of the software without directly impacting the functionality.
  • Example column - contains the code snippet for a particular category and the exact location where the change is appearing in the source code.
  • Justification column - contains a brief description statement from the authors about the change.
  • Link column - includes a link to access the actual commit that is present in version control system git.
  • Use search for seeing all the commits belonging to a particular category. The search functionality searches the given text in all columns, however since the category name is unique you can view all the commits belonging to a particular category by entering thea name of category. For example, enter "Time and Space Model" to view all the commits belonging to Time and Space model category.

S.No Filename Commit message Category Example Justification Link
Filename Commit message Category Example Justification Link
A1 AC_PID.cpp Added D term to APM_PI - need to refactor this as a parent class and two child classes to save code space, remove dupes First draft

A2 AC_PID.cpp fixed missing return in D value Non-Control

A3 AC_PID.cpp convert AC_PID library to AP_Param Resource Attributes Resource Attributes: line 9: +const AP_Param::GroupInfo AC_PID::var_info[] PROGMEM = { Resource Attributes: This change stores variable in the flash memory instead of storing in static random access memory (RAM) to permanently store the PID controller gain variables. 452749149f
A4 AC_PID.cpp added indexes to group info structures Non-Control

A5 AC_PID.cpp made I term return in same pattern as D term Software Maintenance

A6 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID - added more paranoid checking that imax is positive in constructor, operator() and load_gains methods Cyber-Physical matches

A7 AC_PID.cpp AP_Param: update PID libraries for new constructor syntax Cyber-Physical matches

A8 AC_PID.cpp uncrustify libraries/AC_PID/AC_PID.cpp Software Maintenance

A9 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: Create Leaky Integrator Function. Cyber-Physical matches

A10 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: save 8 bytes per AC_PID object Software Maintenance

A11 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: suppress the derivative immediately after reset Time and Space Model, Exception Handling, Initialization of Computing Type Time and Space Model: line 63: + derivative = 0; ,Exception Handling: line 59: + if (isnan(_last_derivative)) { ,Initialization of Computing Type: line 101: + _last_derivative = NAN; Time and Space Model: This change modifies the derivative variable which is a instantenous time discretized low pass filter, Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition to check if the waypoint acceleration variable is equal to zero to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure, Initialization of Computing Type: This change keeps track of the destination reached state using a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. 5e7ca5b0f8
A12 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID, AP_AHRS: added descriptions to some parameters Software Maintenance

A13 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: fixed build on ARM Cyber-Physical matches

A14 AC_PID.cpp Add AVR compatibility header for missing math.h definitions. Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 6: +#include Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. 4fa7bb1486
A15 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: fixed indent-tabs-mode Non-Control

A16 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: results returned as float Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 29: +float AC_PID::get_p(float error) const Precision & Accuracy: This change converts error variable from int32 to float for better numerical representation. fbc5af2705
A17 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: Remove get_leaky_i function which is now found in AC_HELI_PID. Software Maintenance

A18 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: Add method to set the D-term Filter Rate from main code. Cyber-Physical matches

A19 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: add input filtering and restructure Initialization of Computing Type, Time and Space Model Initialization of Computing Type: line 59: + _flags._reset_filter = true;,Time and Space Model: line 66: +void AC_PID::set_dt(float dt) Initialization of Computing Type: This change sets the input filter variable to a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states, Time and Space Model: This change adds a function that sets the time step in seconds
A20 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: replace set_filt_hz method with filt_hz Software Maintenance Precision & Accuracy: line 74: + _filt_hz.set(fabs(hz));
A21 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: remove include of stdio.h Non-Control

A22 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: Protect against NaN and INF Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 88: + if (isfinite(input)){ Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate that checks whether the input variable is infinite or undefined before resetting the input fiter ae77c18a19
A23 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: more protection against NaN and Inf Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 113: + if (!isfinite(input)) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate that checks whether the input variable is infinite or undefined before resetting the input fiter a095a8c3a1
A24 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: calculate filt_alpha every time the filter is run Cyber-Physical matches

A25 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: replace floating point '==' with is_equal Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 135: + if(!is_equal(_ki, 0.0f) && !is_equal(_dt, 0.0f)) { Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations, and integer zero in predicate condition is represented as floating point for better numerical representation and comparison. 303cfd683a
A26 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: replace is_equal with is_zero Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 135: + if(!is_zero(_ki) && !is_zero(_dt)) { Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. 67b0c6f5c4
A27 AC_PID.cpp AP_PID: compiler warnings: apply is_zero(float) Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 135: + if(!AP_Math::is_zero(_ki) && !AP_Math::is_zero(_dt)) { Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. 01180d52c4
A28 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: revert AP_Math class change Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 202: + if (is_zero(_filt_hz)) { Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. 33555b7f12
A29 AC_PID.cpp AP_PID: replace fabs() with fabsf() Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 55: + _imax = fabsf(initial_imax); Precision & Accuracy: This change returns the absolute value in float instead of double for better numerical representation 9d74f57ed3
A30 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: Integrate PID Logging functionality. Non-Control

A31 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: standardize inclusion of libaries headers Non-Control

A32 AC_PID.cpp Remove use of PROGMEM Non-Control

A33 AC_PID.cpp Global: rename min and max macros to uppercase Non-Control

A34 AC_PID.cpp AP_Math: Cleaned macro definitions Non-Control

A35 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: shorten FILT_HZ to FILT Software Maintenance

A36 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: fix parameter description Non-Control

A37 AC_PID.cpp Global: remove mode line from headers Non-Control

A38 AC_PID.cpp AC_PID: added feed-forward to AC_PID Cyber-Physical matches

A39 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttControl: first draft of PosControl class First draft

A40 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add throttle controller Precision & Accuracy, Time and Space Model, Exception Handling, Initialization of Computing Type Precision & Accuracy: line 80: + linear_distance = POSCONTROL_ALT_HOLD_ACCEL_MAX/(2.0f*_pi_alt_pos.kP()*_pi_alt_pos.kP());, Exception Handling: line 559: - if (_track_length == 0.0f) {, Time and Space Model: line 165: + uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis();, Initialization of Computing Type: line 103: + _limit.pos_up = false; Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of calculating the desired acceleration and then calling the acceleration based throttle controller, Exception Handling: This change removes a divide-by-zero predicate when calculating total distance to the destination, Precision & Accuracy: This change converts the integer value 2 to floating point for better numerical representation and calculation of linear distance, Initialization of Computing Type: This change clears the
position limit flag variable using a
special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states.
A41 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add init take-off Cyber-Physical matches

A42 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add get_alt_error method Non-Control

A43 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add horizontal pos control Time and Space Model, Exception Handling, Initialization of Computing Type Time and Space Model: line 404: + uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis();, Exception Handling: line 632: + if (kP <= 0.0f) {, Initialization of Computing Type: line 63: + _flags.force_recalc_xy = false; Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of updating the horizontal position controller that is called at 100hz or higher, Exception Handling: This change adds a predicate condition to ensure proportional gain is greater than zero to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure, Initialization of Computing Type: This change sets the recalculation of position in horizontal position controller using a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. bbcf8cc84c
A44 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove debug Software Maintenance

A45 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: recalculate leash when speed or accel modified Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 69: + _flags.recalc_leash_xy = true; Initialization of Computing Type: This change sets the recalculation of leash lengths using a
special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states
A46 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove debug Software Maintenance

A47 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttControl: alternative get_stopping_point_z Cyber-Physical matches

A48 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: make some methods const Cyber-Physical matches

A49 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: use trig values from ahrs Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 639: + accel_forward = _accel_target.x*_ahrs.cos_yaw() + _accel_target.y*_ahrs.sin_yaw(); Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations and numerical representation. 8b8d6a8e01
A50 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: replace APM_PI with AC_P Cyber-Physical matches

A51 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: throttle rate to simple P controller Cyber-Physical matches

A52 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: update _pos_error if it is being limited Cyber-Physical matches

A53 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: fixed leash length calc for descent speed Cyber-Physical matches

A54 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: update some comments re leash lengths Software Maintenance

A55 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: replace safe_sqrt with pythagorous2 Cyber-Physical matches

A56 AC_PosControl.cpp PosControl: update_pos_controller renamed to update_xy_controller Software Maintenance

A57 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: bug fix to vertical speed limit Cyber-Physical matches

A58 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: stop I term build-up when motors at max Cyber-Physical matches

A59 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: bugfix for freezing I-term build-up Cyber-Physical matches

A60 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: update_xy_controller allows not resetting I term Cyber-Physical matches

A61 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add keep_xy_I_terms method Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 67: + _flags.keep_xy_I_terms = false; Initialization of Computing Type: This change ensures horizontal position controller's PID's I terms are not cleared using a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states 098f8169b0
A62 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: set_speed_z accepts positive descent speeds Cyber-Physical matches

A63 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add set_target_to_stopping_point_xy method Cyber-Physical matches

A64 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add is_active_z method Resource Attributes, Time and Space Model, Initialization of Computing Type Resource Attributes: Consolidated z-axis timeout checks to save 4bytes of RAM, Time and Space Model: line 195: + uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis();, Initialization of Computing Type: line 67: + _flags.reset_accel_to_throttle = true; Resource Attributes: This change is specifically intended to saves 4 bytes of RAM memory by consolidating different control logics of z-axis timeout checks, Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of z-axis update position controller, Initialization of Computing Type: This change resets the acceleration to throttle of the z-axis position controller a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states a1f1dd8059
A65 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: include vel error when get_stopping_point_z Cyber-Physical matches

A66 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: lean_angles_to_accel added for smooth initialisation Time and Space Model, Initialization of Computing Type Time and Space Model: line 514: + _last_update_xy_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();, Initialization of Computing Type: line 67: + _flags.reset_desired_vel_to_pos = true; Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of initializing position controller, Initialization of Computing Type: This change resets the acceleration carried out by rate based throttle controller using a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states 0819e05896
A67 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove unused _cos_yaw variable Resource Attributes Resource Attributes: Also removed _sin_yaw, _cos_pitch, _step saving a total of 17bytes of RAM
Resource Attributes: This change saves 17 bytes of RAM memory by removing unused variables cd8b1f278c
A68 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove reset_I_xy Cyber-Physical matches

A69 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: set alt hold accel control D term filter Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 78: +void AC_PosControl::set_dt(float delta_sec) Time and Space Model: This change adds a function that sets the time step in seconds 29ca7a10df
A70 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: fix typo in D-filter definition Non-Control

A71 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: freeze feed forward and vector fixes Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 310: + _flags.reset_rate_to_accel_z = false; Initialization of Computing Type: This change reset last velocity target to current target using a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states 0d87298221
A72 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: freeze feed forward for alt control in Auto Software Maintenance

A73 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttControl: move freeze_ff to flags structure Software Maintenance

A74 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add xyz velocity controller Time and Space Model, Initialization of Computing Type Time and Space Model: line 623: + uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis();, Initialization of Computing Type: line 601: + _flags.reset_desired_vel_to_pos = true; Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of initializing position controller, Initialization of Computing Type: This change resets the acceleration carried out by rate based throttle controller using a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states 82ed70b25e
A75 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Fixup some minor mistakes in AC_PosControl Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 47: + _roll_target(0.0f) Precision & Accuracy: This change converts target roll variable in to float for better numerical representation. 5f66027ba3
A76 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Limit _pos_target.z to below alt_max before computing error Cyber-Physical matches

A77 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: cast fabs to float to resolve compiler warnings Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 94: +speed_down = (float)-fabs(speed_down); Precision & Accuracy: This change converts speed variable in to float for better numerical representation. 9233bbab14
A78 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: init members to resolve compiler warnings Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 51: +_alt_max(0.0f) Precision & Accuracy: This change converts maximum altitude variable in to float for better numerical representation. 70568225a6
A79 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: smooth take-off with accel PID's I term Cyber-Physical matches

A80 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: 2hz filter on accel error Cyber-Physical matches

A81 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: 4hz filter on z-axis velocity error Cyber-Physical matches

A82 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove completed to-do comments Non-Control

A83 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: Protect from divide-by-zero in get_stopping_point_xy Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 475: + if (kP <= 0.0f || _accel_cms <= 0.0f || vel_total == 0.0f) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition to check if the total velocity variable is equal to zero to avoid computational failure of divide-by-zero 4a397a8d67
A84 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: bug fix dt calculation Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 551: + now = _last_update_xy_ms; Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of horizontal position controller a1cfd03c9b
A85 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: Use sqrt_controller function Cyber-Physical matches

A86 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: use AttControl's sqrt_controller Cyber-Physical matches

A87 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add force_descend option to set_alt_target_from_climb_rate Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 140: + void set_alt_target_from_climb_rate(float climb_rate_cms, float dt, bool force_descend = true); Initialization of Computing Type: This change introduces a boolean variable called force descend that keeps track of state during landing to allow target to move low enough to slow the motors. e81c1dd5a1
A88 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: Use blended accelerometer measurement in altitude control Cyber-Physical matches

A89 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: Add spike and noise filter to demanded angles Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 827: + uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis(); Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of desired acceleration converter 2dff76394d
A90 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Add EKF optical flow noise gain scaler Cyber-Physical matches

A91 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Scale angle demand noise filter Cyber-Physical matches

A92 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: change keep_xy_I_terms to a parameter of init_xy_controller Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 503: +void AC_PosControl::init_xy_controller(bool reset_I) Initialization of Computing Type: This change introduces a resetting boolean variable for position controller's PID's I terms to ensure the state of automatically resetting to zero during the next run. d6e455417f
A93 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove various unnecessary timing hacks Time and Space Model, Initialization of Computing Type Time and Space Model: line 524: + float dt = (now - _last_update_xy_ms) / 1000.0f;, Initialization of Computing Type: line 543: - _flags.force_recalc_xy = false; Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of velocity controller, Initialization of Computing Type: This change removes setting the recalculation of position in horizontal position controller using a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states 557d339cf1
A94 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttControl: remove deprecated trigger_xy method Non-Control

A95 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: Fill _vel_desired.z for reporting Non-Control

A96 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: reincarnate dead block of code Non-Control

A97 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove unnecessary set of desired_accel Software Maintenance

A98 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: Enable altitude limit checking. Cyber-Physical matches

A99 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: move alt limit to set_alt_target_from_climb_rate Cyber-Physical matches

A100 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Correct comment. Non-Control

A101 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: allow control of xy rate constraint behavior Cyber-Physical matches

A102 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: rename xy_mode enum values Software Maintenance

A103 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: modify accel_to_lean_angles to apply filters before yaw rotation Cyber-Physical matches

A104 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: integrate PID input filter Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 89: +void AC_PosControl::set_dt_xy(float dt_xy) Time and Space Model: This change adds a function that sets time delta in seconds for horizontal controller 8d4f0ec80c
A105 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: use 2-axis PI controller Cyber-Physical matches

A106 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: rename p_alt_pos to p_pos_z Software Maintenance

A107 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove THR_HOVER parameter Software Maintenance

A108 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: fix dt sanity checking Precision & Accuracy, Time and Space Model Precision & Accuracy: line 531: +#define POSCONTROL_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC 0.2f, Time and Space Model: line 531: + if (dt > POSCONTROL_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC) { Precision & Accuracy: This change converts time representation to float for better numerical representation (actual value present in header file), Time and Space Model: This change alters the time representation from seconds to milliseconds to more accurately estimate the horizontal position controller activity. 9871b95586
A109 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: 2d jerk constraint in accel_to_lean_angles Cyber-Physical matches

A110 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add comments and defines for jerk limits Software Maintenance

A111 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttControl: init throttle_hover in constructor Cyber-Physical matches

A112 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: fix build Precision & Accuracy, Time and Space Model Precision & Accuracy: line 534: + if (dt > POSCONTROL_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT_MS*1.0e-3f) {, Time and Space Model: line 534: + if (dt > POSCONTROL_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT_MS*1.0e-3f) { Precision & Accuracy: This change converts time representation to float for better numerical representation, Time and Space Model: This change alters the time representation from seconds to milliseconds to more accurately estimate the horizontal position controller activity. 88ec13b10d
A113 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: fix twitch when entering RTL Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 57: + _flags.reset_accel_to_lean_xy = true; Initialization of Computing Type: This change resets accel to lean angle step using a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states bb74b8dec8
A114 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: ensure throttle output above zero Cyber-Physical matches

A115 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Formatting fix Non-Control

A116 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: don't limit throttle any more Cyber-Physical matches

A117 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: change int32/int16 to float in accel_to_throttle Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 382: + float thr_out = p+i+d+_throttle_hover; Precision & Accuracy: This change converts throttle output variable from int32 to float for better numerical representation. 7abd02baf2
A118 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove accel error filter and set throttle output filter instead Cyber-Physical matches

A119 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add feed forward to Alt Hold Cyber-Physical matches

A120 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add relax Alt Hold controllers Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 173: + _flags.reset_accel_to_throttle = true; Initialization of Computing Type: This change resets the throttle acceleration using a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states 0aca3c4be6
A121 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: accessors to log z-axis vel and accel Non-Control

A122 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add accel filter parameter Cyber-Physical matches

A123 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: use new lowpass filter Cyber-Physical matches

A124 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: use LowPassFilterVector2f Cyber-Physical matches

A125 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: fix thr twitch when changing modes Cyber-Physical matches

A126 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add_takeoff_climb_rate method Cyber-Physical matches

A127 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: compiler warnings: apply is_zero(float) or is_equal(float) and float to doubles Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 5: +#include Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. 1bca81eaed
A128 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: revert AP_Math class change Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 437: + if (is_zero(_ahrs.cos_pitch())) { Precision & Accuracy: This change modifies a different math library for performing math related operations. 326b0b33ea
A129 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: use M_PI_F instead of (float)M_PI Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 879: + float cos_pitch_target = cosf(_pitch_target*M_PI_F/18000); Precision & Accuracy: This change modifies a different math library for performing math related operations. 84ac721340
A130 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: removed fast_atan Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 879: + _pitch_target = constrain_float(atanf(-accel_forward/(GRAVITY_MSS * 100))*(18000/M_PI_F),-lean_angle_max, lean_angle_max); Precision & Accuracy: This change better represents the arctangent value (in radians) by replacing the fast_atan into atanf used for calculating the target pitch angle. 872583f441
A131 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: recalc leash length on speed or accel change Cyber-Physical matches

A132 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: Change motors.get_throttle_out Software Maintenance

A133 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: use set_desired_rate() on PID controllers Cyber-Physical matches

A134 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: init accel_last_z_cms Cyber-Physical matches

A135 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: explicitly set set_alt_target_from_climb_rate params Cyber-Physical matches

A136 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: init flags Cyber-Physical matches

A137 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Remove unused takeoff jump #define Software Maintenance

A138 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: standardize inclusion of libaries headers Non-Control

A139 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: move accel constraint to accel_to_lean_angles Cyber-Physical matches

A140 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: allow limiting lean angle to avoid alt loss Cyber-Physical matches

A141 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add alt hold without feed forward Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 167: + _limit.pos_up = true; Initialization of Computing Type: This change sets the state of vertical position leash limit reached while going up to avoid any inconsistencies. f55c31a157
A142 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: allow desired vel z to be above speed limit Cyber-Physical matches

A143 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: faster z-axis slowdown when over speed Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 186: + if (_vel_desired.z < _speed_down_cms && !is_zero(_speed_down_cms)) { Exception Handling: This change introduces predicate condition to check whether the maximum descent rate is not equal to zero to avoid computational failures. aec66c5db6
A144 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: use_desvel_ff flag added Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 73: + _flags.use_desvel_ff_z = true; Initialization of Computing Type: This change initialise the z-axis desired velocity as feed forward to avoid any inconsistencies. 895a40893d
A145 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add set_jerk_xy Software Maintenance

A146 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add shift_pos_xy_target Cyber-Physical matches

A147 AC_PosControl.cpp Remove use of PROGMEM Non-Control

A148 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: velocity controller uses feed-forward althold Cyber-Physical matches

A149 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: default z-axis controller to 400hz Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 40: + #define POSCONTROL_DT_400HZ 0.0025f Time and Space Model: This change modifies the frequency of update rate from 10hz to 400hz in position controller dbc8ce1d69
A150 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: run velocity controller z-axis at 400hz Precision & Accuracy, Time and Space Model Precision & Accuracy: line 710: + float dt = (now - _last_update_xy_ms)*0.001f;, Time and Space Model: line 710: + float dt = (now - _last_update_xy_ms)*0.001f; Precision & Accuracy: This change modifies the time delta variable calculation that increase the speed of calculation, but it would sacricifice precision, Time and Space Model: This change modifies the time delta variable calculation that governs the execution of updating velocity controller. c9340dbeb6
A151 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttControl: use millis/micros/panic functions Precision & Accuracy, Time and Space Model Precision & Accuracy: line 320: + uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();, Time and Space Model: line 320: + uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations, Time and Space Model: This change introduces different library that modifies the time estimation. ea08b6115d
A152 AC_PosControl.cpp Global: rename min and max macros to uppercase Non-Control

A153 AC_PosControl.cpp AP_Math: Cleaned macro definitions Non-Control

A154 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: accel_to_throttle outputs 0 to 1 Cyber-Physical matches

A155 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: relax_alt_hold_controllers accepts throttle in 0 to 1 range Cyber-Physical matches

A156 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: fixed accel limit trigonometry Cyber-Physical matches

A157 AC_PosControl.cpp AP_Math: Replace the pythagorous Cyber-Physical matches

A158 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: set desired_vel for reporting purposes even when not used Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 146: + if (!is_zero(dt)) { Exception Handling: This change introduces predicate condition to check whether the time delta variable is not equal to zero to avoid computational failures. 1639e22b74
A159 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: Move hover throttle calculation to AP_Motors Software Maintenance

A160 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: fixed factor of 1000 error in init_takeoff Cyber-Physical matches

A161 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add get_horizontal_error Non-Control

A162 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: fix relax_alt_hold_controllers Cyber-Physical matches

A163 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: check Z-axis accel imax can always overpower hover throttle Cyber-Physical matches

A164 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: fix bug related to ekfNavVelGainScaler Cyber-Physical matches

A165 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add interface to override horizontal velocity process variable Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: + _flags.vehicle_horiz_vel_override = false; Initialization of Computing Type: This change tracks of whether the state of horizontal velocity process variable is overridden or not. 5a8db4f271
A166 AC_PosControl.cpp Global: remove mode line from headers Non-Control

A167 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: set Alt_Hold filter for PID not just D Cyber-Physical matches

A168 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: add ekf position reset handling Cyber-Physical matches

A169 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove unnecessary parentheses Non-Control

A170 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: remove alt_max Non-Control

A171 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: added support for AP_AHRS_View Non-Control

A172 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: protect against POS_Z_P, ACCEL_Z_P divide-by-zero Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 277: + if (_p_pos_z.kP() <= 0.0f || _accel_z_cms <= 0.0f) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate to avoid computational failure of divide-by-zero by using current position if proportional gain is very low or acceleration is zero 132979b12f
A173 AC_PosControl.cpp AC_PosControl: z-axis stopping point up to 3m above vehicle Cyber-Physical matches

A174 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: first draft of library First draft

A175 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: implement angle_boost Cyber-Physical matches

A176 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add high level angle controllers Cyber-Physical matches

A177 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: accessor for lean angle max Software Maintenance

A178 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: bug fix for yaw target handling Software Maintenance

A179 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: leonard's body frame rate controller Cyber-Physical matches

A180 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: make ahrs, ins objects const Cyber-Physical matches

A181 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add rateef_rpy Cyber-Physical matches

A182 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add RATE_RP_MAX, RATE_Y_MAX params Cyber-Physical matches

A183 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add slew_yaw Cyber-Physical matches

A184 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: init_targets() clears body frame angle errors Cyber-Physical matches

A185 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: use trig values from ahrs Software Maintenance

A186 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: bug fix to yaw rate limit Software Maintenance

A187 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: Leaonard's rate feedforward Cyber-Physical matches

A188 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: use motor accessors to set roll, pitch, yaw, thr Software Maintenance

A189 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: ACRO fixes Cyber-Physical matches

A190 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: rename most methods Non-Control

A191 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: replace APM_PI with AC_P Cyber-Physical matches

A192 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: accel limit for roll, pitch yaw rates Cyber-Physical matches

A193 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: fix @Units parameter descriptions Software Maintenance

A194 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: Stabilize input shaping Cyber-Physical matches

A195 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: smoothing_gain to angle_ef_roll_pitch_rate_ef_yaw_smooth Cyber-Physical matches

A196 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: constrain earth frame yaw angle error Cyber-Physical matches

A197 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: increase default rp accel to 900deg/s/s Software Maintenance

A198 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: set roll, pitch, yaw rate control D term filters Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 62: +void AC_AttitudeControl::set_dt(float delta_sec) Time and Space Model: This change adds a function that sets time delta in seconds for attitude controller 0969e464fb
A199 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp Copter: Fix zero throttle flip issue Stabilize Cyber-Physical matches

A200 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: rename init_targets to relax_bf_rate_controller Software Maintenance

A201 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: rate compensation for yaw Cyber-Physical matches

A202 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: zero _accel_xyz_max stops feed forward Cyber-Physical matches

A203 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: clean up stabilize Software Maintenance

A204 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: formatting fixes Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 314: + if (_angle_ef_target.y > 9000.0f) { Precision & Accuracy: This change converts numerical number 9000 to float for better numerical operation and representation. 698cf934b8
A205 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add earth frame angle constraints Cyber-Physical matches

A206 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: remove resolved To-Do Non-Control

A207 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: RATE_FF_ENAB param to disable rate feed forward Cyber-Physical matches

A208 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: check accel_rp_max instead of rate_bff_ff_enabled Software Maintenance

A209 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: angle_ef_roll_pitch_rate_ef_yaw supports zero yaw accel Cyber-Physical matches

A210 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: allow enabling/disabling feedforward and accel limiting Cyber-Physical matches

A211 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: fixed typo in parameter description Non-Control

A212 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: cast fabs to float to resolve compiler warning Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 111: + rate_ef_desired = safe_sqrt(2.0f*_accel_rp_max*((float)fabs(angle_to_target)-(linear_angle/2.0f))); Precision & Accuracy: This change converts the an angle variable in desired rate calculation into float for better numerical representation. 0f7178e447
A213 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Use bias-corrected angular rates instead of raw gyro measurements Cyber-Physical matches

A214 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: Fix feedforward behavior Cyber-Physical matches

A215 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp Copter: Acro use same error limit in all three axis Cyber-Physical matches

A216 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: remove duplicate rate_ef_desired to resolve compiler warning Software Maintenance

A217 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: FF and accel limiting off by default Software Maintenance

A218 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp Copter: ACRO Error calculation fix Cyber-Physical matches

A219 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp Copter: AC_ATT correct yaw error calculation Cyber-Physical matches

A220 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: set rate D term filter from ins filter Cyber-Physical matches

A221 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: div-by-zero check for bf-to-ef conversion Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 439: + if (_ahrs.cos_pitch() == 0.0f) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate that checks whether the pitch variable is zero to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure. c45338f080
A222 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: remove debug message Non-Control

A223 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: bug fix for ef target during acro Cyber-Physical matches

A224 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: remove some old comments Non-Control

A225 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add sqrt_controller Cyber-Physical matches

A226 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: use sqrt_controller function Cyber-Physical matches

A227 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: cleanup angle_ef_roll_pitch_rate_ef_yaw_smooth Cyber-Physical matches

A228 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: bf yaw control uses input filtered PID Cyber-Physical matches

A229 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: get_max_rate_step_bf_roll, pitch and yaw Cyber-Physical matches

A230 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: separate accel max for roll, pitch, yaw Cyber-Physical matches

A231 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: accel limiting for angular control only if feed forward enabled Cyber-Physical matches

A232 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: relax_bf_rate_controller resets rate integrators Cyber-Physical matches

A233 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: sqrt controller on Stab Cyber-Physical matches

A234 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: throttle is a float Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 713: + float throttle_out; Precision & Accuracy: This change converts the throttle output variable from int16 to float for better numerical representation. 5c2341009a
A235 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: modify throttle interface to specify stabilization Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 699: + _motors.set_stabilizing(true); Initialization of Computing Type: This change introduces motor stabilizing state using a special boolean computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states f3555d0d43
A236 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: rework angle_boost Cyber-Physical matches

A237 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: add throttle filter cutoff parameter to set_throttle_out functions Cyber-Physical matches

A238 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: add comment Non-Control

A239 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: constrain _angle_boost to avoid overflow Cyber-Physical matches

A240 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: compiler warnings: apply is_zero(float) or is_equal(float) and float to doubles Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 437: + if (AP_Math::is_zero(_ahrs.cos_pitch())) { Precision & Accuracy: This change modifies a different math library for performing math related operations. 1bca81eaed
A241 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: revert AP_Math class change Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 675: + if (is_zero(_accel_roll_max)) { Precision & Accuracy: This change modifies a different math library for performing math related operations. 326b0b33ea
A242 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Non-functional comment change Non-Control

A243 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Remove To-Do comments for Attitude Rate logging. Non-Control

A244 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: use set_desired_rate() on PID controllers Cyber-Physical matches

A245 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add shift_ef_yaw_target Cyber-Physical matches

A246 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: get_boosted_throttle purely virtual Software Maintenance

A247 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: relax earth frame rate targets along with bf Cyber-Physical matches

A248 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: standardize inclusion of libaries headers Non-Control

A249 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: limit lean angle from throttle Cyber-Physical matches

A250 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: rename set_throttle_out parameter Software Maintenance

A251 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp Remove use of PROGMEM Non-Control

A252 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: reserve parameter IDs Software Maintenance

A253 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Add Hover Roll Trim functionality for helicopters. Cyber-Physical matches

A254 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: minor comment fix Software Maintenance

A255 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: fixed one usage of zero accel limits Cyber-Physical matches

A256 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: change internals to use radians instead of centidegrees Cyber-Physical matches

A257 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: rename and modify frame_conversion functions to follow conventions Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 508: + if (is_zero(cos_theta)) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate that checks whether the cosine theta value is zero to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure. 06c8457efd
A258 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: extensive renaming and recommenting Cyber-Physical matches

A259 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: keep _att_target_euler_deriv_rads updated in euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw Cyber-Physical matches

A260 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: minor comment changes and reorganization Software Maintenance

A261 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: quaternion acro controller Cyber-Physical matches

A262 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: correct bugs found in review Software Maintenance

A263 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: add input_ prefix to input shaper functions Software Maintenance

A264 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: add input_att_quat_bf_ang_vel and use for ACRO Software Maintenance

A265 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: fixup more names Software Maintenance

A266 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: naming changes in response to Leonard's review Software Maintenance

A267 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: properly protect sqrt_controller from nonpositive acceleration limits Cyber-Physical matches

A268 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: fix regression in angular velocity controller Software Maintenance

A269 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: rename local variable to match naming convention Software Maintenance

A270 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: remove comment, fix formatting Non-Control

A271 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: reflect renamed function in AP_AHRS Software Maintenance

A272 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: add helper functions to retrieve rotation matrices Non-Control

A273 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: rotate angular velocity feedforward into vehicle frame Cyber-Physical matches

A274 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: convert euler rates to angular velocity using the correct attitude Cyber-Physical matches

A275 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: modify comment on kinematic correction feedforward Software Maintenance

A276 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: use ahrs get_rotation_body_to_ned Non-Control

A277 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add ANGLE_BOOST param Cyber-Physical matches

A278 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: add attitude_controller_run functions, call from input functions Cyber-Physical matches

A279 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: angle_boost to float Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 613: + _angle_boost = 0.0f; Precision & Accuracy: This change converts the boosting throttle variable into floating point for better numerical representation. c0f209fa42
A280 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add get_throttle_in accessor Non-Control

A281 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: roll, pitch, yaw output to motors in -1 to +1 range Cyber-Physical matches

A282 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add angle and rate PIDs Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 72: -void AC_AttitudeControl::set_dt(float delta_sec) Time and Space Model: This change removes a function that sets time delta in seconds for attitude controller 17c9db08f3
A283 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: remove scaling for centi-degrees and legacy motor input Non-Control

A284 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: remove unused call to motors.set_stabilizing Non-Control

A285 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: added monitoring of controller error Non-Control

A286 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Move set_throttle_out to _Multi and _Heli Software Maintenance

A287 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: update throttle rpy mix on every iteration Cyber-Physical matches

A288 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: multicopter specific rate_controller_run Non-Control

A289 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: add TC for Alt_Hold angle limit Cyber-Physical matches

A290 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: move get_althold_lean_angle_max to parent class Software Maintenance

A291 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: add ATC_ANG_LIM_TC parameter Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: + AP_GROUPINFO("ANG_LIM_TC", 16, AC_AttitudeControl, _angle_limit_tc, AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ANGLE_LIMIT_TC_DEFAULT), Time and Space Model: This change introduces a time variable called angle limit time constant to maintain altitude. 096bdd67f8
A292 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: enhanced quaternion attitude controller Cyber-Physical matches

A293 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttutudeControl: Yaw shift fix Cyber-Physical matches

A294 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add reset_rate_controller_I_terms() Cyber-Physical matches

A295 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: reduce max_rate_step based on hover throttle Cyber-Physical matches

A296 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp Global: remove mode line from headers Non-Control

A297 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: do not limit rate if ATC_ACCEL_MAX param is zero Cyber-Physical matches

A298 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: use FF from AC_PID Cyber-Physical matches

A299 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: use gyro_latest Cyber-Physical matches

A300 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttitudeControl: Use SI units conventions in parameter units Software Maintenance

A301 AC_AttitudeControl.cpp AC_AttControl: add step input for autotune Cyber-Physical matches

A302 AP_Baro.cpp Baro: added get_altitude() and get_climb_rate() interfaces First draft

A303 AP_Baro.cpp Barometer: fixed airstart for APM Cyber-Physical matches

A304 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: use DerivativeFilter in barometer climb rate Cyber-Physical matches

A305 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: change to a 7 point DerivativeFilter for climb rate Cyber-Physical matches

A306 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: improved barometer averaging Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 38: + float ground_pressure = 0; Precision & Accuracy: This change converts the ground pressure variable from int32 to float for better numerical representation. f501503eb0
A307 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: the DerivativeFilter now handles duplicate data Non-Control

A308 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Param: update remaining libraries for new constructor syntax Non-Control

A309 AP_Baro.cpp uncrustify libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro.cpp Software Maintenance

A310 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: port to AP_HAL Non-Control

A311 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: robust calibration Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 45: + uint32_t tstart = hal.scheduler->millis(); Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of claiberating the barometer 60f7788be4
A312 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: uses scheduler panic Non-Control

A313 AP_Baro.cpp Update floating point calculations to use floats instead of doubles. Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 26: + float temp = g.throttle_slewrate * G_Dt * 0.01f * fabsf(g.channel_throttle.radio_max - g.channel_throttle.radio_min); Precision & Accuracy: This change returns the absolute value from double to float for better numerical representation. 5631f865b2
A314 AP_Baro.cpp Add AVR compatibility header for missing math.h definitions. Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 6: +#include Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. 4fa7bb1486
A315 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: TEMP parameter comment fix Non-Control

A316 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: more precise altitude calculation on PX4 Cyber-Physical matches

A317 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added units to baro documentation Software Maintenance

A318 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added get_EAS2TAS() Cyber-Physical matches

A319 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added GND_ALT_OFFSET parameter Cyber-Physical matches

A320 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: use fabs() not abs() Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 151: + if ((fabs(_altitude - _last_altitude_EAS2TAS) < 100.0f) && (_EAS2TAS != 0.0f)) { Precision & Accuracy: This change returns the absolute value in double integer representation for better numerical representation. 5607c89df0
A321 AP_Baro.cpp libraries: update license header to GPLv3 Software Maintenance

A322 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: cleaned up temperature and pressure units Cyber-Physical matches

A323 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added update_calibration() method Cyber-Physical matches

A324 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: use HAL_CPU_CLASS in baro driver Cyber-Physical matches

A325 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: changed HIL driver to use floats and better handle starup Cyber-Physical matches

A326 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: expose get_altitude_difference() Cyber-Physical matches

A327 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: avoid some float conversion warnings Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 184: + if ((fabsf(_altitude - _last_altitude_EAS2TAS) < 100.0f) && (_EAS2TAS != 0.0f)) { Precision & Accuracy: This change returns the absolute value in floating point representation for better numerical representation. 74c3b404ee
A328 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: minor improvements to Baro HIL code health check Software Maintenance

A329 AP_Baro.cpp Baro: make get_altitude_difference const Software Maintenance

A330 AP_Baro.cpp Baro: add altitude sanity check Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 177: + if (isnan(alt) || isinf(alt)) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate that checks whether the altitude variable is infinite or undefined to avoid computational failures. 330d883f97
A331 AP_Baro.cpp Baro: minor param description updates Software Maintenance

A332 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: add set_external_temperature() Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 240: + if (_last_external_temperature_ms != 0 && hal.scheduler->millis() - _last_external_temperature_ms < 10000) { Time and Space Model: This change monitors the frequency of external temperature measurements d404cc6542
A333 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: split into frontend/backend Time and Space Model, Exception Handling Time and Space Model: line 274: +

uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis();, Exception Handling:
line 257: +

if (_num_drivers == 0 || _num_sensors == 0 || drivers[0] == NULL) {
Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of barometer driver updates, Exception Handling: This change introduces predicate conditions to avoid computational failures when initializing the barometer driver. 5bb57a31f7
A334 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: BMP085 driver done, but untested Cyber-Physical matches

A335 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: fixed baro on NavIO Non-Control

A336 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added all_healthy() method Cyber-Physical matches

A337 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: fixed build after rebase with all_healthy() Software Maintenance

A338 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: only allow calibrated sensors to be used Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 83: + sensors[i].calibrated = true; Initialization of Computing Type: This change sets a sensor calibration variable to a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states b1d8df3d54
A339 AP_Baro.cpp Baro: init external_temperature in constructor Cyber-Physical matches

A340 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added hil_mode support Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 70: + _hil_mode(FALSE) Initialization of Computing Type: This change sets the hardware in the loop variable mode to a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. ac3dd87790
A341 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: fixed baro startup on PXF cape Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 102: + hal.scheduler->delay(10); Time and Space Model: This change delays the periodic execution of barometer calibration. 1f70b34cbc
A342 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: load only HIL backend for hil_mode Non-Control

A343 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: add get_air_density_ratio Non-Control

A344 AP_Baro.cpp Baro: get_air_density_ratio gets div-by-zero check Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 215: + if (eas2tas > 0.0f) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition to check if the true airspeed ratio is greater than zero to avoid computational failure of divide-by-zero and square of negative number. 1b381b5675
A345 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: compiler warnings: apply is_zero(float) or is_equal(float) Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 200: + if ((fabsf(altitude - _last_altitude_EAS2TAS) < 100.0f) && !AP_Math::is_zero(_EAS2TAS)) { Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. 0b29848277
A346 AP_Baro.cpp AP_BARO: revert AP_Math class change Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 321: + sensors[i].healthy = (now - sensors[i].last_update_ms < 500) && !is_zero(sensors[i].pressure); Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. 48fb7f8159
A347 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: use ground_temperature instead of calibration_temperature for alt calculation Cyber-Physical matches

A348 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added MS5607 support Cyber-Physical matches

A349 AP_Baro.cpp Baro: update climb rate only if healthy Cyber-Physical matches

A350 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: standardize inclusion of libaries headers Non-Control

A351 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro - fix BARO_ALT_OFFSET param Cyber-Physical matches

A352 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: allow selection of primary barometer and add 3rd baro Cyber-Physical matches

A353 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: Add MS5637 over I2C to init() Cyber-Physical matches

A354 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: Fix typo Non-Control

A355 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: support MS5611 on second i2c bus Cyber-Physical matches

A356 AP_Baro.cpp Remove use of PSTR Software Maintenance

A357 AP_Baro.cpp Remove use of PROGMEM Non-Control

A358 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: remove check for AVR CPUs Cyber-Physical matches

A359 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: notify GCS of calibration Software Maintenance

A360 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: don't notify the GCS of new pressure reference too often Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 173: + uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis(); Time and Space Model: This change monitors the periodic execution to avoid very frequent reading of barometer sensor value. 840c9e65bb
A361 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: use millis/micros/panic functions Precision & Accuracy, Time and Space Model Precision & Accuracy: line 106: + if (AP_HAL::millis() - tstart > 500) {, Time and Space Model: line 103: + uint32_t tstart = AP_HAL::millis(); Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations, Time and Space Model: This change introduces different library that modifies the time estimation. 5a280838f8
A362 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: reduce header scope Software Maintenance

A363 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added qflight driver Cyber-Physical matches

A364 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added QURT driver Cyber-Physical matches

A365 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: tolerate GND_ALT_OFFSET step inputs Cyber-Physical matches

A366 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: BMP085: use I2CDevice interface Cyber-Physical matches

A367 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: MS5611: Use AP_HAL::Device abstraction Cyber-Physical matches

A368 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: prevent bad ground pressure from making a board unbootable Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 367: + if (is_zero(ground_pressure) || isnan(ground_pressure) || isinf(ground_pressure)) { Exception Handling: This change adds predicate conditions that checks whether the ground pressure variable is infinite or undefined. 0a72c2bbd5
A369 AP_Baro.cpp Add @Volatile, @ReadOnly support Software Maintenance

A370 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro; allow for exact replay of baro data Non-Control

A371 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: allow setHIL to set last update time Cyber-Physical matches

A372 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: slow down the LPF for slewing to a new GND_ALT_OFFSET. Instead of a couple seconds, make it about 15sec. This makes TECS happy by not glitching the height demand as much. When applied too fast the TECS height demand causes a large single oscillation as it chases the filter lag. Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 352: + _alt_offset_active = (0.95f*_alt_offset_active) + (0.05f*_alt_offset); Time and Space Model: This change deals with slowing down the response time of low pass filter from couple of seconds to 15sec. d55050e5e3
A373 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: coverity scan - variables not initialized in constructor Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 91: - _hil_mode(FALSE) Initialization of Computing Type: This change removes the hardware in the loop variable mode to a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. 8d2872d3ab
A374 AP_Baro.cpp Revert "AP_Baro: coverity scan - variables not initialized in constructor" Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 91: + _hil_mode(false) Initialization of Computing Type: This change sets the hardware in the loop variable mode to a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. 1d81df8144
A375 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: remove zero-init in constructor Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 91: - _hil_mode(FALSE) Initialization of Computing Type: This change removes the hardware in the loop variable mode to a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. 84ce499a0d
A376 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: MS5611: always use timer thread Cyber-Physical matches

A377 AP_Baro.cpp Global: remove mode line from headers Non-Control

A378 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: add missing parameter metadata Software Maintenance

A379 AP_Baro.cpp Global: To nullptr from NULL. Cyber-Physical matches

A380 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: select in-tree vs PX4 drivers at runtime Cyber-Physical matches

A381 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: enable dual baro on PH2 Cyber-Physical matches

A382 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: fixed FMUv1 baro and enable in-tree driver for PHMINI Cyber-Physical matches

A383 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: switch pixracer to always use in-tree drivers Cyber-Physical matches

A384 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: use in-tree drivers for PH2SLIM Cyber-Physical matches

A385 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: setup for new board PX4 IDs Cyber-Physical matches

A386 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added MS5611 probing, and support 3 baros on Pixhawk2 Cyber-Physical matches

A387 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added GND_EXT_BUS option Cyber-Physical matches

A388 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: Changed if statements to switch statement. Non-Control

A389 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: Add Bosch BMP280 driver Cyber-Physical matches

A390 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: Add support for water pressure and Sub Cyber-Physical matches

A391 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: fixed spelling in comment Non-Control

A392 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: support AUAV21 board Cyber-Physical matches

A393 AP_Baro.cpp Add support for baro on aerofc Cyber-Physical matches

A394 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: don't compile drivers for devices that don't use them Cyber-Physical matches

A395 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: Limit ground temperature used for the altitude Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 310: + if (is_zero(_user_ground_temperature)) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition that checks whether the ground temperature variable is zero to avoid inconsistent input. c37209a8d5
A396 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: support for UAVCAN connected barometers Cyber-Physical matches

A397 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: removal of legacy UAVCAN support Cyber-Physical matches

A398 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: Fix GND_EXT_BUS @Values formatting Software Maintenance

A399 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: use sensor_config_error() Software Maintenance

A400 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: moved SITL baro to standard sensor backend model Non-Control

A401 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: added set_pressure_correction() Non-Control

A402 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: Use SI units conventions in parameter units Software Maintenance

A403 AP_Baro.cpp AP_Baro: enumeration and multiple interfaces support Cyber-Physical matches

A404 AP_Baro.cpp Baro: health check that values are changing Cyber-Physical matches

A405 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: first implementation First draft

A406 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add distance and bearing to target methods Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 75: + uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis(); Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of loiter controller. 39bc3800c9
A407 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: bug fix to dt calculation Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 189: + float dt = (now - _last_update) / 1000.0f; Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of loiter controller. 0d70ba1030
A408 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add get_target_alt Non-Control

A409 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add set_loiter_target to use velocity Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 47: + if( _pid_pos_lat->kP() <= 0.1 ) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition to avoid proportional gain of PID from computational failure of divide-by-zero. 8ec7fd1c9c
A410 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: bug fix for track covered being 2D Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 161: + cross_track_dist = fabsf(curr.x - _destination.x); Precision & Accuracy: This change returns the absolute value of floating point values for better numerical representation. afd2f82768
A411 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add angle limits and set from AC's throttle controller Cyber-Physical matches

A412 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Leonard's loiter target smoothing Cyber-Physical matches

A413 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Leonard's ff loiter and 3d wp nav Cyber-Physical matches

A414 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNAV: change loiter controllers to use floats Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: + float linear_distance; // the distace we swap between linear and sqrt. Precision & Accuracy: This change converts distance variable from int16 to float for better numerical representation. 31838b2865
A415 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: limit max loiter position error Cyber-Physical matches

A416 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: advance track fixes Cyber-Physical matches

A417 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Leonard's 3d leash calculator Cyber-Physical matches

A418 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: stop track_desired from moving backwards Non-Control

A419 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNAV: check distance to waypoint within library Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 198: + _reached_destination = true; Initialization of Computing Type: This change keeps track of the destination reached state using a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. 9d7d174995
A420 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: use global gravity constant Software Maintenance

A421 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: allow setting of horizontal velocity Software Maintenance

A422 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: use prev wp as origin for next wp Cyber-Physical matches

A423 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: add WPNAV log message Non-Control

A424 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: improved comments Cyber-Physical matches

A425 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add climb and descent params, dynamic leash length Cyber-Physical matches

A426 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove unnecessary limit in leash calc Software Maintenance

A427 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: Leonard's fix for get_loiter_accel_to_lean_angle Cyber-Physical matches

A428 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: optimise to reduce memory copies Cyber-Physical matches

A429 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: slow acceleration of intermediate point Cyber-Physical matches

A430 AC_WPNav.cpp libraries: replace constrain() with constrain_float() Software Maintenance

A431 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: remove jerk when entering RTL or AUTO Cyber-Physical matches

A432 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove unnecessary speed constraint Software Maintenance

A433 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: flexible loiter speed Cyber-Physical matches

A434 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: reduce max acceleration to 2.5m/s Cyber-Physical matches

A435 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: add fast waypoints flag Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 351: + _flags.reached_destination = false; Initialization of Computing Type: This change keeps track of the destination reached state using a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. 9f735c8d03
A436 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: initialise desired roll, pitch Cyber-Physical matches

A437 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: make get_stopping_point method public Non-Control

A438 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: bug fix for slow loiter repositioning Cyber-Physical matches

A439 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: divide by zero checks Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 175: + if (vel_delta_total > vel_max && vel_delta_total > 0.0f) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition to check if the total velocity variable is greater than zero to avoid computational failure of divide-by-zero. cb795ea536
A440 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: smooth waypoint transitions Cyber-Physical matches

A441 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: lengthen loiter stopping point Cyber-Physical matches

A442 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: Leonard's improved Loiter Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 169: + if( _loiter_speed_cms < 100.0f) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition for loiter speed variable to avoid computational failure of divide-by-zero. 916f241fff
A443 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: resolve compiler warning re unused vars Non-Control

A444 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: initialise target vel in loiter Cyber-Physical matches

A445 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: WPNav consolidate acceleration #defines Non-Control

A446 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: bug fix for vertical speed during missions Cyber-Physical matches

A447 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: use fast tan for accel to lean angle calcs Cyber-Physical matches

A448 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter WPNav: Leonard's improved speed fix Cyber-Physical matches

A449 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter WPNav: remove unused variable Non-Control

A450 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: reduce twitch when entering CIRCLE mode Cyber-Physical matches

A451 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: add acceleration parameter Precision & Accuracy, Exception Handling Precision & Accuracy: line 138: + linear_distance = _wp_accel_cms/(2.0f*kP*kP);, Exception Handling: line 126: + if (vel_total < 10.0f || kP <= 0.0f || _wp_accel_cms <= 0.0f) { Precision & Accuracy: This change the variable integer 2 to floating point value for better numerical representation and calculation of linear distance, Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition to check if the waypoint acceleration variable is equal to zero to avoid computational failure of divide-by-zero. dde19c9585
A452 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: reduce loiter speed used to correct pos error Cyber-Physical matches

A453 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: rounding error fix in loiter Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 538: + desired_vel.y = _pid_pos_lon->kP() * dist_error.y; Precision & Accuracy: This change cirrects the rounding error issue in loiter mode calculaton. c4f17b3235
A454 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: bug fix to loiter accel calculation Cyber-Physical matches

A455 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: bug fix to reported distance to target Non-Control

A456 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: replace LOITER_ACCEL_MAX with parameter Software Maintenance

A457 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: stopping point projection uses wp_leash Non-Control

A458 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: configurable max lean angle Cyber-Physical matches

A459 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: split up loiter into 4 steps Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 281: + _loiter_last_update = now; Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of loiter controller 45aeb1a921
A460 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: replace unnecessary objects with const refs Non-Control

A461 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: make member pointer to AP_InertialNav object const since it's never modified Software Maintenance

A462 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: make more member pointers const Non-Control

A463 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: fixed some build warnings Precision & Accuracy, Time and Space Model Precision & Accuracy: line 266: + dt = 0.0f;, Time and Space Model: line 265: + if( dt >= 1.0f ) { Precision & Accuracy: This change sets the time delta variable into floating point value for better numerical representation, Time and Space Model: This change modifies the resetting of time delta variable when updating the loiter controller 30fffa5854
A464 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: initialise waypoint leash length Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 106: + calculate_wp_leash_length(true); Initialization of Computing Type: This change is part of initialising the horizontal and vertical leash lengths for waypoint controller using a special boolean type to avoid inconsistent initial states. 952afd296e
A465 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: reduce leash length for stopping Cyber-Physical matches

A466 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: use ahrs trig values Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 201: + target_vel_adj.x = (_pilot_vel_forward_cms*_ahrs->cos_yaw() - _pilot_vel_right_cms*_ahrs->sin_yaw()); Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations and numerical representation. c9415a08f1
A467 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add reference to AC_PosControl Cyber-Physical matches

A468 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove xy pos controller Time and Space Model, Exception Handling, Initialization of Computing Type Time and Space Model: line 226: +/// update_loiter - run the loiter controller - should be called at 100hz, Exception Handling: line 322: - if (kP <= 0.0f || _wp_accel_cms <= 0.0f) {, Initialization of Computing Type: line 299: + _flags.fast_waypoint = false; Time and Space Model: This change modifies the update loiter controller to be executed at 100hz, instead of previous 10hz, Exception Handling: This change removes the check of ensuring proportional gain greater than zero to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure, Initialization of Computing Type: This change modifies the state of ignoring the waypoint radius and consider the waypoint complete once the intermediate target has reached the waypoint. 0c8cbba644
A469 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: move leashes to AC_PosControl Cyber-Physical matches

A470 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove debug Software Maintenance

A471 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: set wp origin to horiz and vert stopping point Cyber-Physical matches

A472 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove unused PID references Software Maintenance

A473 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: use PosControl accessor,
Saves 2bytes of RAM
Resource Attributes Resource Attributes: Saves 2bytes of RAM Resource Attributes: This change is specifically intended to saves 2 bytes of RAM memory by using different accessor. 9e31f0b985
A474 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: set loiter accel to 1/2 of speed Cyber-Physical matches

A475 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: add spline support Time and Space Model, Initialization of Computing Type Time and Space Model: line 636: + uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis();, Initialization of Computing Type: line 653: + _pos_control.update_pos_controller(false); Time and Space Model: This change governs the periodic execution of updating spline controller, Initialization of Computing Type: This change runs the horizontal position controller using a special boolean type to avoid inconsistent initial states. e5e71ce371
A476 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add get_spline_yaw Cyber-Physical matches

A477 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: add yaw control for straight line wp nav Cyber-Physical matches

A478 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: clean up spline comments Non-Control

A479 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: rounder corners for short spline segments Cyber-Physical matches

A480 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: check acceleration is non zero Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 535: + if (_wp_accel_cms <= 0) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition to check if the waypoint acceleration variable is equal to zero to avoid computational failure of divide-by-zero c0458b786a
A481 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: advance_spline to use dt Non-Control

A482 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: spline sets origin vel to zero when no prev segment Cyber-Physical matches + _spline_time = 0.0f;
A483 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: use atan2f, make methods const Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 712: + _yaw = RadiansToCentiDegrees(atan2f(target_vel.y,target_vel.x)); Precision & Accuracy: This change converts the target velocity variable from atan2 to atan2f for better numerical representation. b15d4379d8
A484 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: replace safe_sqrt with pythagorous2 Cyber-Physical matches

A485 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: set_wp_destination to use current target Cyber-Physical matches

A486 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: integrate update_xy_controller name change Software Maintenance

A487 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: run loiter and wp nav at 50hz on Pixhawk Cyber-Physical matches

A488 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: update target speed immediately Cyber-Physical matches

A489 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: rename some definitions Non-Control

A490 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: bug fix to limit target point from moving beyond leash Cyber-Physical matches

A491 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add reset_I to init_loiter_target Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 121: +void AC_WPNav::init_loiter_target(bool reset_I) Initialization of Computing Type: This change introduces a resetting boolean variable as part of initializing target loiter position state. 5d0476e522
A492 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add reset_I to set_loiter_target Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 100: +void AC_WPNav::init_loiter_target(bool reset_I) Initialization of Computing Type: This change introduces a resetting boolean variable as part of setting loiter target position state. 4d5b73b968
A493 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: reset_I flag moved to position controller Non-Control

A494 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: slow target point's speed near destination Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 340: + _flags.slowing_down = false; Initialization of Computing Type: This change add a slow down boolean variable to avoid inconsistent state of slowing down calculation (the distance from the destination when the target point should begin slow down). 46fba47c8e
A495 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: recalc leash lengths if set_horizontal_velocity is called Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 275: + _flags.recalc_wp_leash = true; Initialization of Computing Type: This change add a waypoint recalculation boolean variable to avoid inconsistent state of calculating the leash length when setting the horizontal velocity. ad99918fee
A496 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: rename get_horizontal_velocity to get_speed_xy Software Maintenance

A497 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add WPNAV_ACCEL_Z Cyber-Physical matches

A498 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: init_loiter sets speed, accel before calcing stopping distance Cyber-Physical matches

A499 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: replace inav, ahrs pointers with references Cyber-Physical matches

A500 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add LOIT_JERK parameter Cyber-Physical matches

A501 AC_WPNav.cpp WPNav: add wp_and_spline_init to set speeds an init pos controller Cyber-Physical matches

A502 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: bug fix for loiter init in Hybrid Cyber-Physical matches

A503 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: set_loiter_target uses set_xy_target Cyber-Physical matches

A504 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: rename set_loiter_target to init_loiter_target Software Maintenance

A505 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: fix divide by zero when origin and dest are same location Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 866: + if (accel_cmss <= 0.0f) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate that checks whether the acceleration value is zero to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure. cde7d31dad
A506 AC_WPNav.cpp Spline div zero and leash limit fix Cyber-Physical matches

A507 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: spline div by zero fix Time and Space Model, Exception Handling Time and Space Model: line 107: + _spline_time_scale(0.0), Exception Handling: line 817: + if (target_vel_length != 0.0f) { Time and Space Model: This change sets the default current spline time between origin and destination, Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition that ensure target velocity variable is not equal to zero to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure. efd6d6dc70
A508 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: use fast_atan2 for bearing calcs Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 825: + _yaw = RadiansToCentiDegrees(fast_atan2(target_vel.y,target_vel.x)); Precision & Accuracy: This change converts the target velocity variable from atan2f to fast_atan2 for better numerical calculation. f23e94707c
A509 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_PosControl: freeze feed forward for alt control in Auto Cyber-Physical matches

A510 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: use curr pos target as spline origin Cyber-Physical matches

A511 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: smooth waypoint by freezing feed-forward and allowing overshoot Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 391: + _flags.new_wp_destination = true; Initialization of Computing Type: This change introduces a waypoint flag of boolean type to freeze the position controller's feed forward and smooth the state transition. a2f54fdf2c
A512 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: integrate set_desired_velocity_xy function name change Non-Control

A513 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: update yaw only when track is at least 2m Cyber-Physical matches

A514 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: init members to resolve compiler warnings Cyber-Physical matches

A515 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: resolve twitch when passing spline waypoints Cyber-Physical matches

A516 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: WP_SPEED_DN parameter range to 0~500 Software Maintenance

A517 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add loiter_soften_for_landing method Cyber-Physical matches

A518 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add shift_wp_origin_to_current_pos for takeoff Cyber-Physical matches

A519 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: bug fix sanity check of set_speed_xy Software Maintenance

A520 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Use target yaw instead of current yaw for close waypoints Cyber-Physical matches

A521 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: minor fix to comments Non-Control

A522 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add set_spline_dest_and_vel function Time and Space Model, Exception Handling, Initialization of Computing Type Time and Space Model: line 812: + _spline_time = 0.0f; Exception Handling: line 808: + if (_wp_accel_cms <= 0) {, Initialization of Computing Type: line 849: + _flags.reached_destination = false; Time and Space Model: This change sets the current spline time between origin and destination, Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition to check if the waypoint acceleration variable is equal to zero to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure, Initialization of Computing Type: This change keeps track of the destination reached state using a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. 2cc65dffe0
A523 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Add EKF ground speed limit to loiter speed control Cyber-Physical matches

A524 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Add nav velocity gain scaler to interfaces Non-Control

A525 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: minor const fix Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 656: + if (_pos_delta_unit.z >= 0.0f) { Precision & Accuracy: This change compares the predicate variables with floating point zero for better numerical comparison. 4a1ba9b186
A526 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: provide reset_I to init_xy_controller Cyber-Physical matches

A527 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove various timing hacks Precision & Accuracy, Time and Space Model Precision & Accuracy: line 304: + dt = 0.0f;, Time and Space Model: line 303: + if (dt >= 0.2f) { Precision & Accuracy: This change sets the time delta variable into floating point value for better numerical representation, Time and Space Model: This change modifies the resetting of time delta variable when updating the loiter controller and it used to update the desired velocity based on pilot input. 6eab698e85
A528 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: update usage of update_xy_controller Software Maintenance

A529 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: rename xy_mode Software Maintenance

A530 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: allow user to tune loiter Cyber-Physical matches

A531 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: fix double-twitch on stop in loiter Cyber-Physical matches

A532 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: minor comment and formatting changes Non-Control

A533 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Create Stop Mode functions Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 239: + float dt = _pos_control.time_since_last_xy_update(); Time and Space Model: This change adds a time delta variable that governs the execution of stop controller. 4a7fe83b0f
A534 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: move stop below all loiter methods Non-Control

A535 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Improve application of EKF optical flow speed limit Cyber-Physical matches

A536 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: protect against div-by-zero related to gnd_speed_limit Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 236: + gnd_speed_limit_cms = max(gnd_speed_limit_cms, 10.0f); Exception Handling: This change introduces a range condition that checks whether the loiter speed limit to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure. 33431acaa4
A537 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove unused set_loiter_velocity Software Maintenance

A538 AC_WPNav.cpp AP_WPNav: compiler warnings: apply is_zero(float) or is_equal(float) Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 4: +#include Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. 913d00f525
A539 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Compiler warnings: add in the appropriate whitrespace Non-Control

A540 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Compiler warnings: nuke fast_atan2() Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 250: + float bearing_rad = atan2f(curr_pos.y-_center.y,curr_pos.x-_center.x); Precision & Accuracy: This change converts the target velocity variable from fast_atan2 to atan2f for better numerical calculation. 7fd285f483
A541 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNAV: revert AP_Math class change Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 128: + if (!is_zero(_radius)) { Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations. c08b62f9e4
A542 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: fix spline overshoot Cyber-Physical matches

A543 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove unused set_spline_dest_and_vel Software Maintenance

A544 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: rename stop to brake Software Maintenance

A545 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: init flags Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 132: + _flags.reached_destination = false; Initialization of Computing Type: This change keeps track of the destination reached state using a special computational type to avoid inconsistent initial states. aa7a151fe5
A546 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: fix spline height loss Cyber-Physical matches

A547 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: replace hardcoded 0.02 with pos_control dt Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 929: + if (!is_zero(dt)) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate that checks whether the time interval is not equal to zero to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure. fb9cc124c8
A548 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: standardize inclusion of libaries headers Non-Control

A549 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: make changes in WPNAV_ACCEL take effect immediately Cyber-Physical matches

A550 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add shift_loiter_target method Cyber-Physical matches

A551 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: loiter limits lean angle for alt loss Cyber-Physical matches

A552 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: stop gradually in loiter Cyber-Physical matches

A553 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: set jerk separately for wpnav and loiter Cyber-Physical matches

A554 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: increase param description max for LOIT_JERK Software Maintenance

A555 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: loiter uses pos_control.shift_pos_xy_target Cyber-Physical matches

A556 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: handle ekf position reset in Loiter and Brake Cyber-Physical matches

A557 AC_WPNav.cpp Remove use of PROGMEM Non-Control

A558 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: WPNAV_LOIT_SPEED WPNAV_LOIT_MAXA take effect immediately Cyber-Physical matches

A559 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: use millis/micros/panic functions Precision & Accuracy, Time and Space Model Precision & Accuracy: + if ((AP_HAL::millis() - _wp_last_update) < 1000) {, Time and Space Model: + if ((AP_HAL::millis() - _wp_last_update) < 1000) { Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library for performing math related operations, Time and Space Model: This change introduces different library that modifies the time estimation. e867a06383
A560 AC_WPNav.cpp Global: rename min and max macros to uppercase Non-Control

A561 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: call renamed functions in AC_AttitudeControl Software Maintenance

A562 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: limit WPNAV_ACCEL to that implied by ANGLE_MAX Cyber-Physical matches

A563 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: straight line waypoints accept terrain Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 1130: +

terrain_alt = true;
Initialization of Computing Type: This change adds a boolean variable to keep track of whether z-axis destination has to be treated as altitude above terrain or not. 8b2c479d62
A564 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: spline handles terrain altitudes Cyber-Physical matches

A565 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: fix reporting of set_wp_destination failure Software Maintenance

A566 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: simplify use of terrain to just current location Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 1158: + if (_terrain != NULL && _terrain->height_above_terrain(terr_alt, true)) { Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate that checks whether the terrain variable has unintended data value NULL to avoid computational failure during the mission of terrain following waypoints. 1c4b2be16a
A567 AC_WPNav.cpp AP_Math: Replace the pythagorous Cyber-Physical matches

A568 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: fix compile when using AP_TERRAIN_AVAILABLE 0 Non-Control

A569 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: support rangefinder for terrain following Cyber-Physical matches

A570 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: use AC_Avoidance to stop at fence during Loiter Cyber-Physical matches

A571 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove shift_loiter_target Non-Control

A572 AC_WPNav.cpp Copter: reduce WPNAV_LOIT_MINA parameter description range Software Maintenance

A573 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: added WP_RFND_USE parameter Cyber-Physical matches

A574 AC_WPNav.cpp Global: remove mode line from headers Non-Control

A575 AC_WPNav.cpp Global: To nullptr from NULL. Cyber-Physical matches

A576 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove unused _loiter_step member Software Maintenance

A577 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: remove ekf position reset handler Non-Control

A578 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: Reduced WPNAV_SPEED minimum to 20cm/s Software Maintenance

A579 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: converted to use AP_AHRS_View Non-Control

A580 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: protect against LOIT_SPEED divide-by-zero Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 145: + _loiter_speed_cms = MAX(_loiter_speed_cms, WPNAV_LOITER_SPEED_MIN); Exception Handling: This change introduces a range condition that checks whether the loiter horizontal maximum speed to avoid divide-by-zero computational failure. 8c6c2e46cc
A581 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: speed-up and down parameter min to 10cm/s Software Maintenance

A582 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: reduce spline to straight twitch Cyber-Physical matches

A583 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: add get_stopping_point Non-Control

A584 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: init z-axis feed-foward to correct stopping point calcs Cyber-Physical matches

A585 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: correct straight line waypoint leash calculation Cyber-Physical matches

A586 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: yaw points along leash Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 413: + _flags.wp_yaw_set = false; Initialization of Computing Type: This change sets yaw target boolean variable to initialise yaw heading to current heading target to avoid inconsistent states. b1bd3f0364
A587 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: unset yaw when setting new origin and destination Initialization of Computing Type Initialization of Computing Type: line 515: + _flags.wp_yaw_set = false; Initialization of Computing Type: This change sets yaw target boolean variable to initialise yaw heading to current heading target to avoid inconsistent states. bffc5daeb0
A588 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: sanity check wpnav-radius Cyber-Physical matches

A589 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: correct min limit Software Maintenance

A590 AC_WPNav.cpp AC_WPNav: minor format fix Non-Control

P1 stabilization_attitude.c >Autopilot refactor (#2009)* [autopilot] refactor autopilot API for both firmwares With this, fixedwing and rotorcraft are mostly using the same interface
for the autopilot. Some specific code and messages handling are still
firmware dependent.
A large part of the autopilot logic of the fixedwing is moved from
main_ap to autopilot_static.
More getter/setter functions are provided.

* [autopilot] update the rest of the system and the conf

for using the refactored autopilot API

* [autopilot] fix some errors from CI servers

* [actuators] use dummy actuators module to prevent autoloading

* Rename Bart_heliDD_INDI.xml to tudelft_bs_helidd_indi.xml

* Rename Bart_heliDD_pid.xml to tudelft_bs_helidd_pid.xml

* Delete tudelft_course2016_bebop_colorfilter.xml

* Delete tudelft_course2016_bebop_avoider.xml

* [actuators] don't autoload actuators when set to 'none'

* [gcs] autodetect firmware for strip mode button
Software Maintenance

P2 stabilization_attitude.c Skid landing (#1669)Skid landing navigation routine.Comes with an optional landing control for vertical control system
I did test the build at a localhost.
Cyber-Physical matches

P3 stabilization_attitude.c replace TRUE/FALSE by stdbool true/false Non-Control

P4 stabilization_attitude.c replace bool_t with C99 bool from stdbool.h Non-Control

P5 stabilization_attitude.c [telemetry] register_periodic: use PPRZ_MSG_ID_x instead of DL_x Software Maintenance
driver specific faf2206c32
P6 stabilization_attitude.c Change register_periodic_telemetry() to use msg id Software Maintenance

P7 stabilization_attitude.c [state interface] get functions: don't return pointers for single values Software Maintenance

P8 stabilization_attitude.c [fixedwing] stabilization_attitude: fix bug in AGR_CLIMB Not sure exactly of the impact as this as lingering in the code for a long time Software Maintenance

P9 stabilization_attitude.c new setpoints Cyber-Physical matches

P10 stabilization_attitude.c [fixedwing] use min/max_cruise_throttle variables instead of definescloses #1057 Software Maintenance

P11 stabilization_attitude.c [airborne] fix code style on (nearly) all files``` find sw/airborne/ -regextype posix-extended -regex 'sw/airborne/.*(chibios-libopencm3|lpcusb|efsl|lpc21/include|lpc21/test/bootloader|subsystems/ahrs)' -prune -o -name '*.[ch]' -exec ./ {} + ```ignored ahrs (for now) to not create unnecessary conflicts for some pending changes.. Non-Control

P12 stabilization_attitude.c [telemetry] rename 'device' to 'link_device' Non-Control

P13 stabilization_attitude.c [telemetry] convert macros in registered callback to functions
Software Maintenance

P14 stabilization_attitude.c [telemetry] change register callback to pass arguments Software Maintenance

P15 stabilization_attitude.c [fixedwing] move nav.[ch] to firmwares/fixedwing Software Maintenance

P16 stabilization_attitude.c [telemetry] make specific flag for periodic telemetry Software Maintenance

P17 stabilization_attitude.c [fixedwing] cosmetic: untabify
Software Maintenance

P18 stabilization_attitude.c [telemetry] protect telemetry code with #if DOWNLINK- also get rid of AP_DOWNLINK and FBW_DOWNLINK - still needs to make it work again (for the only remaining classix inthe world...) Cyber-Physical matches

P19 stabilization_attitude.c [telemetry] new periodic telemetry system- only FW currently Cyber-Physical matches

P20 stabilization_attitude.c [dox] fix some doxygen file blocks for fixedwing firmware Non-Control

P21 stabilization_attitude.c cleanup: removeident from source files. Non-Control

P22 stabilization_attitude.c [fixedwing] fix typo in attitude stabilization was within an ifdef STRONG_WIND Software Maintenance

P23 stabilization_attitude.c [AoA] add angle of attack and sideslip to state interface Cyber-Physical matches

P24 stabilization_attitude.c Merge remote-tracking branch 'paparazzi/master' into state_interfaceConflicts: sw/airborne/subsystems/nav.h Non-Control

P25 stabilization_attitude.c [airborne] removed pragma messages warning about changed signs Software Maintenance

P26 stabilization_attitude.c Total Energy Control for Fixedwing Software Maintenance

P27 stabilization_attitude.c [state interface] fw control/guidance/nav convertedOnly the basic navigation routines are converted to the new state interface Some stuff are missing into the state interface: angle of attack and sideslip angle Cyber-Physical matches

P28 stabilization_attitude.c fixedwing stabilization attitude: fix sign of v_ctl_altitude_error when using AGR_CLIMB Software Maintenance

P29 stabilization_attitude.c fixedwing gains: do not use ABS anymore Cyber-Physical matches

P30 stabilization_attitude.c Merge branch 'dev' into positive_control_gainsConflicts: conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/funjet2.xml conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/funjet2_nc.xml conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/funjet2_new.xml conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/funjet3.xml conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/merlin.xml conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/minimag1.xml conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/obsolete/drops.xml conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/overview.xml conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/soarzi.xml conf/airframes/ENAC/fixed-wing/weasel.xml conf/airframes/LAAS/mmlaas_N1.xml conf/airframes/LAAS/mmlaas_N2.xml conf/airframes/LAAS/mmlaas_N3.xml conf/airframes/Poine/funjet42.xml conf/airframes/Poine/swift_1.xml conf/airframes/TU_Delft/MicrojetBR.xml conf/airframes/delta_wing_minimal_example.xml conf/airframes/easystar_ets_example.xml conf/airframes/easystar_example.xml conf/airframes/example_twog_analogimu.xml conf/airframes/funjet_cam_example.xml conf/airframes/funjet_example.xml conf/airframes/mm/extra/press_t.xml conf/airframes/mm/extra/probe_t.xml conf/airframes/mm/extra/turbine_trigger.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/drops.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjet43.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetdca.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetdcb.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetdcc.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjeteth1.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjeteth2.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetfmi1.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetfmi2.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetfmi3.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetgfi1.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetgfi3.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetgfi4.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetgfi5.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetgfi6.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetgfi7.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetgfi8.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetgfi9.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetlisa.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetlisam.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetmm.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/funjetmm2.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/fw_ins_arduimu.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/merlin.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/miniwing.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/slowfast.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/slowfast2.xml conf/airframes/mm/fixed-wing/twinstarmm.xml conf/airframes/mm/hangar/black_one.xml conf/airframes/mm/hangar/glass_one1.xml conf/airframes/mm/hangar/glass_one2.xml conf/airframes/mm/hangar/glass_one3.xml conf/airframes/mm/hangar/lila.xml conf/airframes/mm/hangar/mac06a.xml conf/airframes/mm/hangar/red_one.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/easystar2.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/kalscott_easystar.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/microjet5_tp_auto.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/microjet6.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/microjetII.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/minimag1.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/minimag_fs.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/mmlaas_N1_carto_cam.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/storm1.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/tiny2.xml conf/airframes/obsolete/xxx1.xml conf/airframes/test_hb.xml conf/airframes/twinstar_example.xml conf/airframes/usb_test.xml conf/settings/tuning_ctl_adaptive.xml sw/airborne/firmwares/fixedwing/stabilization/stabilization_adaptive.c Non-Control

P31 stabilization_attitude.c use #if USE_x instead of #ifdef USE_xThen you can also define e.g. -DUSE_GPS=0 and it will work as expected (disable it just like as if it would be undefined) -DUSE_GPS (without a value) has the same effect as -DUSE_GPS=1 If you need to define it in the code Cyber-Physical matches

P32 stabilization_attitude.c Revert "#if USE_x instead of #ifdef USE_x"somehow this does not work in some cases: arch/lpc21/mcu_periph/adc_arch.c:32:12: error: #if with no expressionThis reverts commit c12f3401a082ef5b016f208a1b1ccd0fec0a3fd6. Software Maintenance

P33 stabilization_attitude.c #if USE_x instead of #ifdef USE_x Software Maintenance

P34 stabilization_attitude.c changed h_ctl_roll_rate_gain to positive Cyber-Physical matches

P35 stabilization_attitude.c changed h_ctl_roll_attitude_gain to positive Cyber-Physical matches

P36 stabilization_attitude.c changed h_ctl_pitch_dgain to positive already had postive definition for stabilization_adaptive Cyber-Physical matches

P37 stabilization_attitude.c changed h_ctl_pitch_pgain to positive Cyber-Physical matches

P38 stabilization_attitude.c start defining all control gains with positive values: changed H_CTL_COURSE_PGAIN to positive Cyber-Physical matches

P39 stabilization_attitude.c fix remains of conflict in stabilization_attitude Software Maintenance

P40 stabilization_attitude.c Merge pull request #67 makes sense so you can't accidentally switch to AOA pitch mode while you don't even have an AOA sensor Non-Control

P41 stabilization_attitude.c initialize h_ctl_pitch_mode to zero Cyber-Physical matches

P42 stabilization_attitude.c exclude the AOA code if USE_AOA is not defined Cyber-Physical matches

P43 stabilization_attitude.c AoA Module to use the USDigital M3 as an AoA-Sensor Pitchloop Switcher in stabilization_attitude.c Settingsfile to load in GUI Downlink message ID 69 Cyber-Physical matches

P44 stabilization_attitude.c Merge branch 'master' into nav and resolve conflicts Non-Control

P45 stabilization_attitude.c put generated headers in a seperate generated dir and specifically include generated/xxx.h Non-Control

P46 stabilization_attitude.c fix nav.h includes Non-Control

P47 stabilization_attitude.c fix some more includes after moving/renaming of fixedwing control Non-Control

P48 stabilization_attitude.c cleanup some trailing whitespaces Software Maintenance

P49 stabilization_attitude.c moved fw_[hv]_ctl to firmwares/fixedwing/stabilization and guidance Non-Control

P50 fw_h_ctl.c use double quotes for subsystems and firmware, angle brackets only for external includes Non-Control

P51 fw_h_ctl.c fixing header path Non-Control

P52 fw_h_ctl.c Added aggressive climb mode and climb limiter when USE_AIRSPEED is enabled. Kalman filter parameters have been adjusted for use with the ETS barometric sensor. Cyber-Physical matches

P53 fw_h_ctl.c
Cyber-Physical matches

P54 fw_h_ctl.c comments Non-Control

P55 fw_h_ctl.c estimator_psi estimation moved to estimator.c Software Maintenance

P56 fw_h_ctl.c Strong Wind Cyber-Physical matches

P57 fw_h_ctl.c Bug fixed: v_ctl_altitude_error may be null ! Cyber-Physical matches

P58 fw_h_ctl.c *** empty log message *** Cyber-Physical matches

P59 fw_h_ctl.c Cleaned up 2 lines, no change in functionality Non-Control

P60 fw_h_ctl.c missed the altitude_error Cyber-Physical matches

P61 fw_h_ctl.c Fixed Error preventing AGR climb from working.Navigation would not blend. Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 202: +nav_ratio = AGR_CLIMB_NAV_RATIO + ( 1 - AGR_CLIMB_NAV_RATIO)*(1 - (fabs (altitude_error) - GR_BLEND_END) / 􏰅→ (AGR_BLEND_START - AGR_BLEND_END)) Exception Handling: This change prevents a divide by zero error by ensuring the variable is greater than zero before being used to calculate the navigation ratio for the vehicle controller. 7f91efa285
P62 fw_h_ctl.c Default value forH_CTL_ROLL_RATE_GAIN Cyber-Physical matches

P63 fw_h_ctl.c Simpler roll loop (old code will be removed later) Cyber-Physical matches

P64 fw_h_ctl.c course dgain Cyber-Physical matches line 99
P65 fw_h_ctl.c course slew Cyber-Physical matches

P66 fw_h_ctl.c limited course control in THROTTLE_BLENDED mode (like in AGRESSIVE) Cyber-Physical matches

P67 fw_h_ctl.c roll slew Cyber-Physical matches

P68 fw_h_ctl.c ready for MAV06 Cyber-Physical matches

P69 fw_h_ctl.c *** empty log message *** Cyber-Physical matches

P70 fw_h_ctl.c *** empty log message *** Cyber-Physical matches

P71 fw_h_ctl.c loiter and dash Cyber-Physical matches

P72 fw_h_ctl.c *** empty log message *** Cyber-Physical matches

P73 fw_h_ctl.c *** empty log message *** First draft

P74 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c replace bool_t with C99 bool from stdbool.h Non-Control

P75 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [telemetry] register_periodic: use PPRZ_MSG_ID_x instead of DL_x Software Maintenance

P76 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Change register_periodic_telemetry() to use msg id Software Maintenance

P77 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [rotorcraft] attitude ref: refactor euler_int Software Maintenance

P78 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [airborne] replace memcpy with assignment for structsNo reason to use memcpy to copy structs, assignment works since C90. Normal assignment should actually be preferred as it will better deal with alignment/padding in some cases. Software Maintenance

P79 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [airborne] fix code style on (nearly) all files``` find sw/airborne/ -regextype posix-extended -regex 'sw/airborne/.*(chibios-libopencm3|lpcusb|efsl|lpc21/include|lpc21/test/bootloader|subsystems/ahrs)' -prune -o -name '*.[ch]' -exec ./ {} + ```ignored ahrs (for now) to not create unnecessary conflicts for some pending changes.. Non-Control

P80 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [telemetry] rename 'device' to 'link_device' Non-Control

P81 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [telemetry] convert macros in registered callback to functions Software Maintenance

P82 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [telemetry] change register callback to pass arguments Software Maintenance

P83 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [rotorcraft] reorg stabilization includes/inittowards not requiring any specfic stabilization controllers (none, rate, attitude) Software Maintenance

P84 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [rotorcraft] include and dox cleanup Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 35: + #include "math/pprz_algebra_int.h" Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library in attitude stabilization for performing math related operations. 96778c01f3
P85 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [rotorcraft] error on negative gains Software Maintenance

P86 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [rotorcraft] rc setpoint handling refactoredcloses #684 which partially solves #599 Cyber-Physical matches

P87 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [telemetry] make specific flag for periodic telemetry Software Maintenance

P88 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Merge branch 'master' into telemetry* master: (125 commits) [abi] define ABI x_SENDER_IDs in abi_sender_ids.h[sim] flight gear viz: daytime on all spots on the planet, not only France [abi] split abi messages from telemetry messages[fix] fix typo in actuators asctec v2[baro] fix baro scaling for booz and navgo[boards] sim pc: only USE_BARO_BOARD for nps[conf] move some airframes to obsolete[modules] add baro_sim[sim] remove unused sim_baro[apogee] fix baro mpl3115 init on apogeeUpdate README for recommended gcc-arm-embedded toolchain[boards] stm32f4_discovery typo in description [boards] roughly correct BOOZ_BARO_SENS[modules] baro_ets: BARO_ETS_SCALE[modules] baro modules for real sensors only for ap target, not sim[conf] remove baro_board.xml module file [boards] update stm32f4_discovery [lib/ocaml] update leap_seconds [mission] fix segmentation fault and add generic mission FP[generator] generate arrays of the settings and fp blocks names...Conflicts: Non-Control

P89 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Merge remote-tracking branch 'paparazzi/master' into telemetryConflicts: Non-Control

P90 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [rotorcraft][stabilization] set_rpy|earth_cmd for euler Cyber-Physical matches

P91 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [rotorcraft][guidance][stabilization] quat setpoint fixesDon't pretend that the commands from guidance_h are actually real euler angles. Compose a roll/pitch quaternion from simultaneous rotation of roll/pitch, then rotate around resulting body z-axis to align the heading.This should "fix" the setpoint passed to the attitude stabilization if in HOVER or NAV at large angles. Only tested quickly in simulation... Cyber-Physical matches

P92 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Merge remote-tracking branch 'paparazzi/master' into telemetryConflicts: Non-Control

P93 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [rotorcraft] add missing include so stabilization_attitude_euler_int can be used standalone Software Maintenance

P94 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [telemetry] protect telemetry code with #if DOWNLINK- also get rid of AP_DOWNLINK and FBW_DOWNLINK - still needs to make it work again (for the only remaining classix inthe world...) Software Maintenance

P95 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [telemetry] adapt rotorcraft to new telemetry system Cyber-Physical matches

P96 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [rotorcraft] big fat attempt to clean stabilization and guidance- No more STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_FLOAT_x in airframe file. - Hopefully seamlessly switch between int and float. - Also make it possible to not use a reference at all, e.g. for passthrough Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 99: + stab_att_sp_euler.phi = 0 Exception Handling: Sets failsafe point for airframe (failsafe set to zero for roll/pitch and current heading) to fall back to depending on the mode that is set in its parent call (autopilot_set_mode). 1de769b6f2
P97 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c [stab att] converte stab attitude euler to new state interface Software Maintenance

P98 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c rotorcraft stabilization: updated gain scales to get roughly the same gains as before the change of commands * attitude int_quat: multiply old gain scale by 48 (9600/200) * attitude int euler: changed CMD_SHIFT from 16 to 11, so a multiply of 32 to be a bit more conservative for a start * rate: changed the command shift by 5, so also a conservative 32 Cyber-Physical matches

P99 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Merge branch 'attitude_ref_frac' into dev * cleaned up rotorcraft stabilization and guidance * removed not properly functioning nav tracking algorithm * same guidance loop for hover and nav (except that nav uses a reference) * guidance should now be running properly for quaternion stabilization as well Non-Control

P100 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Merge branch '4.0_beta' into dev Non-Control

P101 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c rotorcraft guidance and stabilization: * moved reading of RC setpoint to separate header file * fix and clean up resetting of psi reference * more minor cleanup Software Maintenance

P102 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c rotorcraft stabilization: bound stabilization_cmd to MAX_PPRZ Cyber-Physical matches

P103 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Merge branch 'dev' into 4.0_beta contains fixes for: * stabilization int_quat now works correctly for quads and final command always works (even if pitch command is first command in airframe file) * added sys_time_usleep implementation for stm32, this fixes xbee_api mode again Non-Control

P104 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c rotorcraft stabilization int quat: removed unused/non-functional gain scheduling Non-Control

P105 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c rotorcraft stabilization int: * moved common defines to attitude_ref_int.h * replaced STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_READ_RC macro with stabilization_attitude_read_rc_ref static inline function * removed unused stab_att_sp_vi_euler and stab_att_sp_rc_euler from attitude_ref_int.h Software Maintenance

P106 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c rotorcraft gains: do not use ABS anymore, warn instead if gains are negative Cyber-Physical matches

P107 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Merge branch 'positive_control_gains' into rotorcraft_positive_control_gains Conflicts: Non-Control

P108 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Revert "#if USE_x instead of #ifdef USE_x"somehow this does not work in some cases: arch/lpc21/mcu_periph/adc_arch.c:32:12: error: #if with no expressionThis reverts commit c12f3401a082ef5b016f208a1b1ccd0fec0a3fd6. Software Maintenance

P109 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c #if USE_x instead of #ifdef USE_x Software Maintenance

P110 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c readability: defined a CMD_SHIFT for heli.. Software Maintenance

P111 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c changed rotorcraft stabilization_attitude_euler gains to positive Cyber-Physical matches

P112 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c put generated headers in a seperate generated dir and specifically include generated/xxx.h Software Maintenance

P113 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c cleanup a LOT of trailing whitespaces Non-Control

P114 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c use double quotes for subsystems and firmware, angle brackets only for external includes Software Maintenance

P115 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c start fixing booz radio control includes Software Maintenance

P116 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c moved ahrs to general subsystems dir Software Maintenance

P117 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c rename booz_stab_att_* to stab_att_* Software Maintenance

P118 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c 10 bit resolution for heli actuators Cyber-Physical matches

P119 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c rename booz_stabilization to stabilization Software Maintenance

P120 stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c moved booz stabilization to firmwares/rotorcraft, still need to rename and adjust makefiles Software Maintenance

P121 booz_stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c use full ahrs include path Non-Control

P122 booz_stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c rename booz_ahrs to ahrs, fix makefiles Software Maintenance

P123 booz_stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Clean up booz_stabilization_attitude_quat_float.c by removing plenty of junk from it and pushing said bits down into ref or setpoint generation, or elsewhere entirely. Also move all of booz_stabilization gains into a single struct (potentially useful for gain scheduling or other hackery) Non-Control

P124 booz_stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Make ref_quat_float reference attitude generation not depend on in_flight mode again Cyber-Physical matches

P125 booz_stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c Implement rate-mode pitch/roll sticks for ref_quat_float (instead of postition setpoints). Requires BOOZ_STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_DEADBAND_A/E and conditionally enabled by STICKS_PITCH_RATE / STICKS_ROLL_RATE #defines. Also make booz_stabilization_attitude_ref_update take in_flight as an argument and skip updating yaw reference acceleration when not in_flight. Cyber-Physical matches

P126 booz_stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c added a floating point version of the current attitude stabilization loop and a floating point version of a quaternion based attitude stabilization loop First draft

P127 stabilization_rate.c [rotorcraft] converted PI rate controller to floating pointcloses #1624 Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 67: +struct FloatRates stabilization_rate_sp Precision & Accuracy: Replaces int32 with float to improve accuracy and precision for calculating the angular rate set point. 0c95b9e26e
P128 stabilization_rate.c remove scaling from rate feedback (#1601)Currently gains from rate control do not carry over to attitude stabilization, because there is a factor 2 in the rate control and prescaler values (factor 3 for rate) in the attitude control. I searched through the airframes, and there are not many that use rate control. I doubled all the gains and removed rate control for bebop, as rate control over datalink is very difficult due to lag. The prescaler values should also be default 1 for stabilization quat_int, as they already are for float_quat. However, this will mean updating a large amount of airframes, which will require some scripting. I might have time for this later. Cyber-Physical matches

P129 stabilization_rate.c replace bool_t with C99 bool from stdbool.h Non-Control

P130 stabilization_rate.c fix integrator scaling for rate control Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 206: +OFFSET_AND_ROUND2((stabilization_rate_igain.p * stabilization_rate_sum_err.p), 6) Precision & Accuracy: This change works on a bit manipulation level to improve results of PI control mathematical operation. 799a9a7586
P131 stabilization_rate.c rate sp in degrees/s Cyber-Physical matches
RATE_BFP_OF_REAL 2a6b981b24
P132 stabilization_rate.c [telemetry] register_periodic: use PPRZ_MSG_ID_x instead of DL_x Software Maintenance

P133 stabilization_rate.c Change register_periodic_telemetry() to use msg id Software Maintenance

P134 stabilization_rate.c removed everything related to rate reference Cyber-Physical matches

P135 stabilization_rate.c pleasant rate control Cyber-Physical matches

P136 stabilization_rate.c [airborne] fix code style on (nearly) all files``` find sw/airborne/ -regextype posix-extended -regex 'sw/airborne/.*(chibios-libopencm3|lpcusb|efsl|lpc21/include|lpc21/test/bootloader|subsystems/ahrs)' -prune -o -name '*.[ch]' -exec ./ {} + ```ignored ahrs (for now) to not create unnecessary conflicts for some pending changes.. Non-Control

P137 stabilization_rate.c [telemetry] rename 'device' to 'link_device' Non-Control

P138 stabilization_rate.c [telemetry] convert macros in registered callback to functions Software Maintenance

P139 stabilization_rate.c [telemetry] change register callback to pass arguments Software Maintenance

P140 stabilization_rate.c [rotorcraft] reorg stabilization includes/inittowards not requiring any specfic stabilization controllers (none, rate, attitude) Software Maintenance

P141 stabilization_rate.c [rotorcraft] include and dox cleanup Non-Control

P142 stabilization_rate.c [rotorcraft] RC input: zero yaw command if throttle is zeroshould fix #736 Cyber-Physical matches

P143 stabilization_rate.c [rotorcraft] error on negative gains Software Maintenance

P144 stabilization_rate.c [telemetry] make specific flag for periodic telemetry Software Maintenance

P145 stabilization_rate.c Merge remote-tracking branch 'paparazzi/master' into telemetryConflicts: Non-Control
Merge 2b3a1da82e
P146 stabilization_rate.c [telemetry] protect telemetry code with #if DOWNLINK- also get rid of AP_DOWNLINK and FBW_DOWNLINK - still needs to make it work again (for the only remaining classix inthe world...) Software Maintenance

P147 stabilization_rate.c cleanup some trailing whitespace Non-Control

P148 stabilization_rate.c [telemetry] adapt rotorcraft to new telemetry system Cyber-Physical matches

P149 stabilization_rate.c Added possibility to switch sticks Cyber-Physical matches

P150 stabilization_rate.c [stab rate] convert stabilization in rate mode to new state interface Software Maintenance

P151 stabilization_rate.c rotorcraft stabilization: updated gain scales to get roughly the same gains as before the change of commands * attitude int_quat: multiply old gain scale by 48 (9600/200) * attitude int euler: changed CMD_SHIFT from 16 to 11, so a multiply of 32 to be a bit more conservative for a start * rate: changed the command shift by 5, so also a conservative 32 Cyber-Physical matches

P152 stabilization_rate.c Merge branch '4.0_beta' into dev Non-Control

P153 stabilization_rate.c Merge branch 'dev' into 4.0_beta * updated tests * set quaternion setpoint in hover and attitude nav Non-Control
Merge c840489326
P154 stabilization_rate.c rotorcraft stabilization: bound stabilization_cmd to MAX_PPRZ Cyber-Physical matches

P155 stabilization_rate.c rotorcraft guidance and stabilization: only documentation and cosmetics Non-Control

P156 stabilization_rate.c CAUTION, changed roll and yaw input signs from rc to adhere to standard aerospace convention directions Cyber-Physical matches

P157 stabilization_rate.c rotorcraft gains: do not use ABS anymore, warn instead if gains are negative Cyber-Physical matches

P158 stabilization_rate.c changed stabilization_rate gains to positive Cyber-Physical matches

P159 stabilization_rate.c fix rate mode Cyber-Physical matches
Time and space model, rate is shifted 0d6a13e000
P160 stabilization_rate.c put generated headers in a seperate generated dir and specifically include generated/xxx.h Non-Control

P161 stabilization_rate.c use double quotes for subsystems and firmware, angle brackets only for external includes Non-Control

P162 stabilization_rate.c update rotorcraft to use RADIO_THROTTLE instead of RADIO_CONTROL_THROTTLE, etc. Software Maintenance

P163 stabilization_rate.c start fixing booz radio control includes Non-Control

P164 stabilization_rate.c moved ahrs to general subsystems dir Non-Control

P165 stabilization_rate.c correct includes after moving imu Non-Control

P166 stabilization_rate.c rename booz_stabilization to stabilization Software Maintenance

P167 booz_stabilization_rate.c moved booz stabilization to firmwares/rotorcraft, still need to rename and adjust makefiles Software Maintenance

P168 booz_stabilization_rate.c use full ahrs include path Software Maintenance

P169 booz_stabilization_rate.c use full path to imu includes Software Maintenance

P170 booz_stabilization_rate.c rename booz_ahrs to ahrs, fix makefiles Software Maintenance

P171 booz_stabilization_rate.c rename booz_imu to imu, fix imu makefiles Software Maintenance

P172 booz_stabilization_rate.c change scaling of feedforward gains in rate mode, gains effectively four times higher now Cyber-Physical matches

P173 booz_stabilization_rate.c stabilization_rate: compute feedback error between reference and actual rate instead of stick setpoint and actual rate Cyber-Physical matches

P174 booz_stabilization_rate.c add deadbands to rate mode Cyber-Physical matches

P175 booz_stabilization_rate.c disable integrator term in rate by default Cyber-Physical matches

P176 booz_stabilization_rate.c add integral part to rate stabilization Cyber-Physical matches line 61
P177 booz_stabilization_rate.c add feedforward to rate stabilization Cyber-Physical matches line 87
P178 booz_stabilization_rate.c remove rate measurement var Software Maintenance

P179 booz_stabilization_rate.c use body rate from ahrs in rate mode Cyber-Physical matches
body_rate - rotational velocity in body frame 39079ecef6
P180 booz_stabilization_rate.c init measurement with zero in rate mode Cyber-Physical matches

P181 booz_stabilization_rate.c moving files Non-Control

P182 booz2_stabilization_rate.c moving files around Non-Control

P183 booz2_stabilization_rate.c big files move/rename replaced CONFIG with BOARD_CONFIG removed booz_geometry_xxxx (now replaced by math/pprz_trig_int and math/pprz_algebra_xxx ) moved booz/arm7 to booz/arch/lpc21 and booz/stm32 to booz/arch/stm32 Non-Control

P184 booz2_stabilization_rate.c switched to new radio_control code that supports both classic ppm scheme and newer serial frames from 2.4GHz spektrum transmitters.created two makefiles to select between modes Cyber-Physical matches

P185 booz2_stabilization_rate.c fixing licence headers, thank you Piotr Non-Control

P186 booz2_stabilization_rate.c *** empty log message *** Software Maintenance

P187 booz2_stabilization_rate.c moving booz from temporary google svn First draft

P188 baro_board.c fix some more implicit-fallthrough warnings Non-Control
168 995be46092
P189 baro_board.c replace TRUE/FALSE by stdbool true/false Non-Control

P190 baro_board.c replace bool_t with C99 bool from stdbool.h Non-Control

P191 baro_board.c [abi] allow to pass variables by valuebefore the generated ABI callbacks always had a signature with `const type *var` where type was e.g float. Now the generated signature is simply `type var`. To pass const pointers again, set it accordingly in abi.xml, e.g. type="const float *" instead of type="float" Software Maintenance

P192 baro_board.c [airborne] fix code style on (nearly) all files``` find sw/airborne/ -regextype posix-extended -regex 'sw/airborne/.*(chibios-libopencm3|lpcusb|efsl|lpc21/include|lpc21/test/bootloader|subsystems/ahrs)' -prune -o -name '*.[ch]' -exec ./ {} + ```ignored ahrs (for now) to not create unnecessary conflicts for some pending changes.. Non-Control

P193 baro_board.c [abi] define ABI x_SENDER_IDs in abi_sender_ids.hSame BARO_BOARD_SENDER_ID for all baro_board implementations. Since there can only be one baro_board at the same time and this provides a good default for INS_BARO_ID.The abi_sender_ids.h can be considered a temporary solution, we might come up with a different scheme later... Software Maintenance

P194 baro_board.c [baro] convert remaining baro_board to ABI Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 137: + baro_trans.status != I2CTransPending) Time and Space Model: The number of bytes a transaction can hold at a time for the barometer reading using I2C (I2C is a synchronous, multi-master, multi-slave, packet switched, single-ended, serial computer bus) is checked. 815f7a9a0f
P195 baro_board.c [config] consistent foo_I2C_DEV and PRINT_CONFIG Software Maintenance

P196 baro_board.c Merge branch 'dev' into dev_i2c * this is for testing of the new i2c driver as long as locm3 is not far enough * has all the shebang from current dev, so positive gains, rc roll, etc.. Non-Control

P197 baro_board.c Merge branch 'master' of into 4.0_beta Non-Control

P198 baro_board.c Cleanspaces Non-Control

P199 baro_board.c lisa_l baro: enable it again Cyber-Physical matches

P200 baro_board.c Merge branch 'stm_i2c' into dev_i2c Non-Control

P201 baro_board.c Merge branch 'master' of into stm_i2c Non-Control

P202 baro_board.c Merge branch 'master' into dev Non-Control

P203 baro_board.c Baro on Lisa-L needs to be set in low gain when pressure is low Cyber-Physical matches

P204 baro_board.c Merge branch 'master' of into stm_i2c Non-Control

P205 baro_board.c removed baro_downlink_raw from lisa_l baro_board, use normal periodic send Cyber-Physical matches

P206 baro_board.c some more downlink macros adapted Cyber-Physical matches

P207 baro_board.c fix inlude of downlink for lisa/l baro board Software Maintenance

P208 baro_board.c fix inlude of downlink for lisa/l baro board Software Maintenance

P209 baro_board.c added baro_downlink_raw for lisa_l baro_board, but this is not very nice... there should be no downlink in baro implementation Cyber-Physical matches

P210 baro_board.c :-) :-) :-) :-) Software Maintenance

P211 baro_board.c Disable other interrupt while first is running Cyber-Physical matches
interrupt 0118e49e20
P212 baro_board.c Whitespaces Non-Control

P213 baro_board.c Pulled stm_i2c_pullable into dev-branch stm_i2c Cyber-Physical matches

P214 baro_board.c Allen: I have an idea why you added this but it should not be needed anymore Cyber-Physical matches

P215 baro_board.c start with 1 driver at a time Cyber-Physical matches

P216 baro_board.c Don't submit more baro i2c requests if the bus is busy Cyber-Physical matches

P217 baro_board.c moved firmwares/rotorcraft/baro to subsystems/sensors/baro Non-Control

P218 baro_board.c cleanup a LOT of trailing whitespaces Non-Control

P219 baro_board.c use double quotes for subsystems and firmware, angle brackets only for external includes Non-Control

P220 baro_board.c use angle brackets for firmware includes Non-Control

P221 baro_board.c breaking I2C - don't update now, work in progress Cyber-Physical matches
i2c_submit return TRUE if insertion to the transaction queue succeded 9cb3001ba2
P222 baro_board.c moved booz/booz2_main.c to firmwares/rotorcraft/main.c Non-Control

P223 baro_board.c had forgoten to pass the status to RUNNING after initialization Cyber-Physical matches

P224 baro_board.c lisa_l and booz now have different baros implementations First draft

P225 guidance_h.c [build] fix some of the implicit-fallthrough warnings from GCC7 Some warnings related to the use of the Label() macro are still there. It seems that the only way would be generate the labels instead of calling the macros. See issue #2207 Non-Control
546 9e5a645120
P226 guidance_h.c guidance_h heading setpoint in float (#2051) Precision & Accuracy line 176: +FLOAT_EULERS_ZERO(guidance_h.rc_sp); Precision & Accuracy: This change converts remote control setpoint variable from int to float for better numerical representation. 86baffe98a
P227 guidance_h.c [hybrid vehicles] gradually transition back from forward flight (#2003)Before, if you wanted to go back from forward flight to hover, the pitch angle setpoint would jump back to hover. Some vehicles can handle this, but possibly not all. With this commit when you switch back the setpoint will gradually come up again, just like in the transition to forward flight. Also add the attitude visualizer message to the indi controller Cyber-Physical matches

P228 guidance_h.c [modules] convert GNC susystems to modules for rotorcraft Software Maintenance

P229 guidance_h.c [autopilot] support generated autopilot, based on rotorcraft firmwareBy default the original static autopilot is used. A config flag can enable the use of the generated AP code. A basic autopilot description is provided (4 modes + failsafe modes). The server is capable of using the list of generated mode to properly display mode names. Tested in NAV and GUIDED mode in sim, and direct attitude control on real aircraft. Software Maintenance

P230 guidance_h.c set nav cmds instead of angles in nav manual mode (#1839) * set nav cmds instead of angles in nav manual mode * updated doxygen documentation for the nav_set_manual function Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 418: + stabilization_cmd[COMMAND_ROLL] = nav_cmd_roll; Precision & Accuracy: To set manual roll, pitch and yaw without stabilization the roll angle in radians (float) was converted into roll command in pprz scale (int32_t). 1a53c4471a
P231 guidance_h.c fix hover enter to position hold not zero velocity hold Software Maintenance

P232 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] fix set_guided_body_vel (#1775) Software Maintenance

P233 guidance_h.c Hybrid guidance code for hybrid drones (#1769)This pull request is for the guidance algorithms used to control hybrid drones like the Quadshot and MavShot. It supports autonomous waypoint navigation as well as "forward-flight". The code was flight tested in autonomous waypoint navigation mode, including autonomous landing (using sonar). Cyber-Physical matches

P234 guidance_h.c [guidance] added helper function to set velocity in body frame when in guided mode Cyber-Physical matches

P235 guidance_h.c [guidance] Expansion of the guided protocol (#1694) Updates the GUIDED_SETPOINT_NED message to set the reference frame of each input separately and adds a heading_rate setpoint. Frame can be specified with the bits 0-3 Velocity of position setpoint can be specified with the bits 5-7 Flags field definition: - bit 0: x,y as offset coordinates - bit 1: x,y in body coordinates - bit 2: z as offset coordinates - bit 3: yaw as offset coordinates - bit 4: free - bit 5: x,y as vel - bit 6: z as vel - bit 7: yaw as rate Cyber-Physical matches

P236 guidance_h.c [heli][flight_plans] Heli Spinup routine and flight plan mode manual (#1606) Cyber-Physical matches

P237 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h: use shift defines instead of hardcoded numbersand fixed some typoscloses part of #1634 Non-Control

P238 guidance_h.c replace TRUE/FALSE by stdbool true/false Non-Control

P239 guidance_h.c replace bool_t with C99 bool from stdbool.h Non-Control

P240 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] fix velocity command in HOVER modeThis was a regression accidentally introduced in af1739b54c3a02b67ac5e919b7e38a95e12e1adc Fixes #1549 Software Maintenance

P241 guidance_h.c [stabilization] INDI rewrite and rate control Cyber-Physical matches

P242 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] start adding velocity commands for guided mode Cyber-Physical matches

P243 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] add a GUIDED modemeant for controlling the rotorcraft via external input (from a module or datalink message)Currently positions mode only: - specify frame via first 4 bits in flags:- 0x0: LOCAL_NED- 0x1: LOCAL_OFFSET_NED- 0x2: BODY_NED- 0x3: BODY_OFFSET_NED Cyber-Physical matches

P244 guidance_h.c [telemetry] register_periodic: use PPRZ_MSG_ID_x instead of DL_x Software Maintenance

P245 guidance_h.c Change register_periodic_telemetry() to use msg id Software Maintenance

P246 guidance_h.c [fix] fix most of the warnings found by CI servers Non-Control

P247 guidance_h.c Merge pull request #1354 from EwoudSmeur/outer_loop_to_master2outer loop INDI control Non-Control

P248 guidance_h.c added include and added heading support Cyber-Physical matches

P249 guidance_h.c [guidance_h] In MODE_NAV, submode ATTITUDE, set the heading from nav_heading Cyber-Physical matches

P250 guidance_h.c flying position hold Cyber-Physical matches

P251 guidance_h.c [guidance] Add a flip guidance mode Cyber-Physical matches

P252 guidance_h.c add OPTICAL_FLOW and VELOCITY_ESTIMATE ABI messagesand use them in the opticflow modules Cyber-Physical matches

P253 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h: put vars in struct Non-Control

P254 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h: make some vars private Non-Control

P255 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance: fix max bank angle limitthanks Eduardo for pointing this out Software Maintenance

P256 guidance_h.c [module-ctrl] Generic framework to add many new types of controllers in a module Software Maintenance

P257 guidance_h.c [opticflow] controller Cyber-Physical matches

P258 guidance_h.c [airborne] fix code style on (nearly) all files``` find sw/airborne/ -regextype posix-extended -regex 'sw/airborne/.*(chibios-libopencm3|lpcusb|efsl|lpc21/include|lpc21/test/bootloader|subsystems/ahrs)' -prune -o -name '*.[ch]' -exec ./ {} + ```ignored ahrs (for now) to not create unnecessary conflicts for some pending changes.. Non-Control

P259 guidance_h.c [telemetry] rename 'device' to 'link_device' Non-Control

P260 guidance_h.c [telemetry] convert macros in registered callback to functions Software Maintenance

P261 guidance_h.c [telemetry] change register callback to pass arguments Software Maintenance

P262 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] reorg stabilization includes/inittowards not requiring any specfic stabilization controllers (none, rate, attitude) Software Maintenance

P263 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] horizontal guidance reference refactormake the reference model adjustable at runtime via settings Software Maintenance

P264 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] add speed sp to GUIDANCE_H_REF_INT message closes #763 Software Maintenance

P265 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h: fix typo in y vgain Software Maintenance

P266 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] include and dox cleanup Non-Control

P267 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h speed ref saturation fixBound ref to max accel along reference vector. If angle can't be computed, simply set both axes to max magnitude instead of zero. Should (tm) fix #716 Software Maintenance

P268 guidance_h.c [guidance] fix rotation matrix Cyber-Physical matches

P269 guidance_h.c [guidance] fix IGAIN precision and add VGAINbased on #682this may introduce too large horizontal guidance IGAIN in rotorcraft airframe files Resource Attributes, Precision & Accuracy, Exception Handling Resource Attributes: line 92: +#ifndef GUIDANCE_H_VGAIN +#define GUIDANCE_H_VGAIN 0 +#endif, fix IGAIN precision, Precision & Accuracy: line 466: + guidance_h_cmd_earth.x += (guidance_h_trim_att_integrator.x >> 16), Exception Handling: line 53: + (GUIDANCE_H_VGAIN < 0) Resource Attributes: The horizontal feedforward gain is defined as 0. This is later used for multiplication bit operation to determine the control command for horizontal guidance navigation. Bit representations of control variables cannot be represented in the control model. Precision & Accuracy: line 466: This change increases the guidance command values and right shift operation from 12 digits to 16 digital bits. If you right shift with more number of bits, you reduce value and change accuracy. Exception Handling: line 53: This change introduces a predicate condition to warn the error to the user to ensure the horizontal guidance gain variable is positive to avoid computational failure. 5de51d3558
P270 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] rc setpoint handling refactoredcloses #684 which partially solves #599 Cyber-Physical matches

P271 guidance_h.c [telemetry] make specific flag for periodic telemetry Software Maintenance

P272 guidance_h.c [telemetry] fix some remaining telemetry messages Cyber-Physical matches

P273 guidance_h.c Merge branch 'master' into telemetryfix ahrs_gx3 and stabilization_attitude_euler_float Non-Control
Merge c384bc158f
P274 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft][guidance_h] GUIDANCE_H_USE_SPEED_REF defaults to TRUEThis also allows to give velocity commands via RC in GUIDANCE_H_MODE_HOVER. Software Maintenance
print 3c7c08d16f
P275 guidance_h.c [telemetry] update HOVER_LOOPremove unused cmd_body and nav_err Software Maintenance

P276 guidance_h.c Merge branch 'master' into telemetry* master: (125 commits)[abi] define ABI x_SENDER_IDs in abi_sender_ids.h [sim] flight gear viz: daytime on all spots on the planet, not only France[abi] split abi messages from telemetry messages[fix] fix typo in actuators asctec v2[baro] fix baro scaling for booz and navgo[boards] sim pc: only USE_BARO_BOARD for nps [conf] move some airframes to obsolete[modules] add baro_sim[sim] remove unused sim_baro[apogee] fix baro mpl3115 init on apogeeUpdate README for recommended gcc-arm-embedded toolchain[boards] stm32f4_discovery typo in description [boards] roughly correct BOOZ_BARO_SENS[modules] baro_ets: BARO_ETS_SCALE[modules] baro modules for real sensors only for ap target, not sim[conf] remove baro_board.xml module file [boards] update stm32f4_discovery [lib/ocaml] update leap_seconds [mission] fix segmentation fault and add generic mission FP[generator] generate arrays of the settings and fp blocks names...Conflicts: sw/airborne/firmwares/fixedwing/ap_downlink.hsw/airborne/firmwares/fixedwing/main_ap.c sw/airborne/firmwares/rotorcraft/telemetry.h sw/airborne/modules/sensors/baro_MS5534A.c Non-Control

P277 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h typo in saturation and better resolution of the integrator Cyber-Physical matches

P278 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h Resolution of integrator increased, AGain not in integration. Cyber-Physical matches

P279 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h total_max_bank Cyber-Physical matches

P280 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h: Updated integrator dynamics Integrate twice as fast when not only POS but also SPEED are wrong, but do not integrate POS errors when the SPEED is already catching up. Cyber-Physical matches
integrate twice as fast when not only POS but also SPEED are wrong, but do not integrate POS errors when the SPEED is already catching up 8a3b8b4991
P281 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h: Rename sum err for clarity Software Maintenance

P282 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h MAX_BANKIn case of wind, the -20 to 20 max bank should become -40 deg in the wind direction and +0 in the opposite direction. The i-gain should be sufficiently SLOW but with HIGH authority. This commit suggests to split the max-bank from PD an I with separate saturation and have the I-gain before the integrator so better insight is gained in its authority. Cyber-Physical matches

P283 guidance_h.c Merge remote-tracking branch 'paparazzi/master' into telemetry Conflicts: conf/firmwares/subsystems/fixedwing/autopilot.makefilesw/airborne/boards/ardrone/navdata.c sw/airborne/boards/lisa_m/baro_ms5611_i2c.c sw/airborne/boards/lisa_m/baro_ms5611_spi.c sw/airborne/firmwares/fixedwing/ap_downlink.h sw/airborne/firmwares/fixedwing/main_ap.c sw/airborne/firmwares/rotorcraft/telemetry.hsw/airborne/mcu_periph/i2c.c sw/airborne/subsystems/ahrs/ahrs_float_cmpl.c sw/airborne/subsystems/ahrs/ahrs_float_lkf.csw/airborne/subsystems/datalink/downlink.hsw/tools/ sw/airborne/subsystems/ahrs/ahrs_float_cmpl.c sw/airborne/subsystems/ahrs/ahrs_float_lkf.c sw/airborne/subsystems/datalink/downlink.hsw/tools/ Non-Control

P284 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] fix hover speed RC setpoint- fix rc_x and rc_y values- still needs to be scaled to max speed using circle instead of box bounding,but while making sure a division by zero can't occur! - only copy pos_ref to pos_sp in hover mode - move GUIDANCE_H_REF_MAX_SPEED|ACCEL to ref header file so it can be used - refactor rc speed setpoint reading into separate functioncloses #543 Cyber-Physical matches

P285 guidance_h.c Added RC setpoint control in H-H mode Cyber-Physical matches

P286 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft][guidance_h] guidance_h_approx_force_by_thrust - enable/disable via settings - gets a better approximation of vertical thrust using guidance_v_thrust_coeff - vertical thrust is recomputed in guidance_h to take the latest thrust command after guidance_v was run Cyber-Physical matches

P287 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] add GUIDANCE_H_APPROX_FORCE_BY_THRUST based on the idea of Sergei from pull request #532Still need to use only the vertical thrust instead of total thrust. Will be corrected later using the get_vertical_thrust_coeff from pull request #528 Cyber-Physical matches

P288 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] ups, fix setting commands from guidance_h Software Maintenance

P289 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] update read_rc_roll_pitch_quat Non-Control

P290 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h commands in earth frame Cyber-Physical matches

P291 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] ups, fix wrong endif Non-Control

P292 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] by default always reset attitude stab on mode change againTo only reset (psi setpoint to current value, reset ref, reset integrators) the attitude stabilization if the previous mode was not using it, define NO_ATTITUDE_RESET_ON_MODE_CHANGE Cyber-Physical matches

P293 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] also call stabilization_attitude_enter if previous mode was GUIDANCE_H_MODE_KILL Cyber-Physical matches

P294 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] guidance_h: normalize psi sp from nav_heading Cyber-Physical matches

P295 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft][guidance][stabilization] quat setpoint fixes Don't pretend that the commands from guidance_h are actually real euler angles. Compose a roll/pitch quaternion from simultaneous rotation of roll/pitch, then rotate around resulting body z-axis to align the heading.This should "fix" the setpoint passed to the attitude stabilization if in HOVER or NAV at large angles. Only tested quickly in simulation... Software Maintenance

P296 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] only reset psi and integrators if previous mode was not attitude Cyber-Physical matches

P297 guidance_h.c [telemetry] fix some include and remove unnecessary files Non-Control

P298 guidance_h.c [telemetry] protect telemetry code with #if DOWNLINK- also get rid of AP_DOWNLINK and FBW_DOWNLINK - still needs to make it work again (for the only remaining classix in the world...) Software Maintenance

P299 guidance_h.c [telemetry] adapt rotorcraft to new telemetry system Cyber-Physical matches

P300 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] horizontal guidance mode switchingIf swtiching to HOVER or NAV mode: reset attitude stabilization if previous mode was not using it Cyber-Physical matches

P301 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] big fat attempt to clean stabilization and guidance - No more STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_FLOAT_x in airframe file. - Hopefully seamlessly switch between int and float. - Also make it possible to not use a reference at all, e.g. for passthrough Cyber-Physical matches

P302 guidance_h.c Added possibility to switch sticks Software Maintenance

P303 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] TRANSITION_MAX_OFFSET in radians, float fixes Cyber-Physical matches

P304 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] Add forward mode for transitioning vehicles Resource Attributes, Exception Handling Resource Attributes: line 17: + int32_t transition_percentage, Exception Handling: line 383: #ifdef TRANSITION_MAX_OFFSET Resource Attributes: line 17: For the horizontal guidance mode, control variables are stored at the bit level representations for bit operation in line 385 to determine the control command. Exception Handling: line 383: This block is called a conditional group. The controlled text is the pitch angle that the Quadshot will have in forward flight, it will be included in the output of the preprocessor if and only if MACRO is defined. We say that the conditional succeeds if MACRO is defined, fails if it is not.
P305 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] silence warning in guidance Software Maintenance

P306 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] use horizontal guidance ref by defaultAlso use the horizontal guidance reference for HOVER mode. Using the reference can be temporarly disabled via settings. The reference is then still computed to stay consistent, but not used. Cyber-Physical matches

P307 guidance_h.c [guidance] split h_ref and v_ref into h and c files Software Maintenance

P308 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] horizontal guidance fixedpoint fixes Significantly reduce the quantization error of the horizontal guidance cmds. This should result in nicer position hold and better trajectory tracking. Verified in NPS sim. Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 292: + ((guidance_h_dgain * (guidance_h_speed_err.x >> 2)) >> (INT32_SPEED_FRAC - GH_GAIN_SCALE - 2)) Precision & Accuracy: This change multiplies the gain with the error before shifting/dividing it. If you shift only the error before the multiplication, you loose more precision. 68d07e6128
P309 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] care free mode- still not implemented for stabilization_euler - move read_rc_setpoint_* functions to c file - add GUIDANCE_H_MODE_CARE_FREE mode - add stabilization float_euler subsystem - use normal stabilization subsystem in NPS instead of hardcoded euler Cyber-Physical matches

P310 guidance_h.c [doxygen] only doxygen updates Non-Control

P311 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] use american spelling: STABILIZATION instead of STABILISATION everywhere Software Maintenance

P312 guidance_h.c [guidance] convert rotorcraft guidance to new state interface Software Maintenance

P313 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft] use new state interface instead of ins in guidance Software Maintenance

P314 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft guidance] get rid of guidance_h_psi_sp * directly set final guidance_h_command_body.psi* in HOVER directly from RC psi setpoint* in NAV directly from nav_heading * This should also fix a bug with changing psi setpointwhen switching between HOVER and NAV mode. Cyber-Physical matches

P315 guidance_h.c [rotorcraft guidance] minor cleanup when using guidance_h ref Software Maintenance

P316 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance_h: make max bank angle in nav configurable in airframe file, default is still 20deg Cyber-Physical matches

P317 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance horizontal: divide gain scale for accel (feed-forward) gain by 256, should be same as in master again Cyber-Physical matches

P318 guidance_h.c rotorcraft horizontal guidance: fix earth.y command, rshift instead of lshift Software Maintenance

P319 guidance_h.c get rid of some unused arg warnings Non-Control

P320 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance: removed ngain since tracking algorithm was removed Software Maintenance

P321 guidance_h.c rotorcraft horizontal guidance: * removed tracking algorithm (no integral part) from nav_run* was used if position error > HOLD_DISTANCE* but was not working properly * use the same traj_run for both hover and nav modes * in hover set the reference speed and accel to zero * in nav use compute real reference if GUIDANCE_H_USE_REF, just like before Cyber-Physical matches

P322 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance and stabilization: * moved reading of RC setpoint to separate header file * fix and clean up resetting of psi reference * more minor cleanup Software Maintenance

P323 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance and stabilization: start changeing all euler setpoints to INT32_ANGLE_FRAC only reference eulers with REF_ANGLE_FRAC Cyber-Physical matches

P324 guidance_h.c Merge branch 'dev' into 4.0_beta * preliminary fix for rotorcraft guidance when fixed-point quaternion stabilization is used Non-Control

P325 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance: hopefully fixed the fixedpoint resolution for attitude setpoint when using the quaternion stabilization * still needs to be cleaned up properly, it's bad that the stab_att_sp_euler has a different fixedpoint fraction for quat than for euler Cyber-Physical matches

P326 guidance_h.c Merge branch 'dev' into 4.0_beta * updated tests * set quaternion setpoint in hover and attitude nav Non-Control

P327 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance: if quaternion stabilization is used, compute quat setpoint from eulers in hover and attitude nav as well Cyber-Physical matches

P328 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance and stabilization: only documentation and cosmetics Non-Control

P329 guidance_h.c Merge branch 'dev' into 4.0_beta Non-Control

P330 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance_h: only compute quaternion setpoint if we actually have a quaternion version added a STABILISATION_ATTITUDE_TYPE_QUAT define... maybe not the best way to go, but works for now... Cyber-Physical matches

P331 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance_h: also compute quaternion setpoint from euler setpoint Cyber-Physical matches

P332 guidance_h.c Merge branch 'dev' into 4.0_beta * some minor systime fixes * rc_direct helicopter safety pilot mode * nav_catapult * add an option to only show FP of the selected aircraft Non-Control

P333 guidance_h.c Merge branch 'master' into dev * nav_catapult * more fixedwing tuning params * helicopter safety pilot stuff, stabilization_none Non-Control

P334 guidance_h.c Helicopter Safety Pilot Code Cyber-Physical matches

P335 guidance_h.c Merge branch 'dev' into 4.0_beta contains fixes for: * stabilization int_quat now works correctly for quads and final command always works (even if pitch command is first command in airframe file) * added sys_time_usleep implementation for stm32, this fixes xbee_api mode again Non-Control

P336 guidance_h.c rotorcraft stabilization int: * moved common defines to attitude_ref_int.h * replaced STABILIZATION_ATTITUDE_READ_RC macro with stabilization_attitude_read_rc_ref static inline function * removed unused stab_att_sp_vi_euler and stab_att_sp_rc_euler from attitude_ref_int.h Software Maintenance

P337 guidance_h.c rotorcraft gains: do not use ABS anymore, warn instead if gains are negative Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 61: + #if (GUIDANCE_H_PGAIN < 0) Exception Handling: This change introduces a predicate condition to warn the user to ensure the control gain variable is positive to avoid computational failure. df76dc8fbe
P338 guidance_h.c rotorcraft: fix guidance_h_speed_err Software Maintenance

P339 guidance_h.c Merge branch 'positive_control_gains' into rotorcraft_positive_control_gainsConflicts: sw/airborne/math/pprz_algebra.h Non-Control

P340 guidance_h.c use #if USE_x instead of #ifdef USE_xThen you can also define e.g. -DUSE_GPS=0 and it will work as expected (disable it just like as if it would be undefined) -DUSE_GPS (without a value) has the same effect as -DUSE_GPS=1 If you need to define it in the code, use #define USE_GPS 1Please always use #if instead of #ifdef if it is a flag to enable/disable something and it will always evaluate as an integer arithmetic expression. Software Maintenance

P341 guidance_h.c changed rotorcraft guidance_h gains to positive Exception Handling Exception Handling: line 89: + guidance_h_pgain = ABS(GUIDANCE_H_PGAIN); Exception Handling: Making sure the positive values are used while determining the comptational position error and speed error. b78989045c
P342 guidance_h.c reset guidance_h_nav_err to zero if within HOLD_DISTANCE Cyber-Physical matches

P343 guidance_h.c rotorcraft guidance_h: set the same gain multipliers in hover as in nav. With this the hover (stay) behaviour should be the same in AP_HOVER and in nav (without using the ref). This means that if you tuned the p-gain and i-gain in AP_MODE_HOVER_x before, you will have to divide the old p-gain by 2 and the old i-gain by 4. Cyber-Physical matches

P344 guidance_h.c put generated headers in a seperate generated dir and specifically include generated/xxx.h Non-Control

P345 guidance_h.c Make static inlines also always_inline to get rid of a warning in gcc 4.5. We want to inline these functions at any cost anyways even if this will make the code grow. Non-Control

P346 guidance_h.c moved ins to general subsystem Software Maintenance

P347 guidance_h.c use double quotes for subsystems and firmware, angle brackets only for external includes Non-Control

P348 guidance_h.c start fixing rc for rotorcraft Software Maintenance

P349 guidance_h.c moved ahrs to general subsystems dir Software Maintenance

P350 guidance_h.c rename booz_stab_att_* to stab_att_* Software Maintenance

P351 guidance_h.c some temporary fix for booz_fms removal Software Maintenance

P352 guidance_h.c move and rename booz2_navigation to rotorcraft navigation Software Maintenance

P353 guidance_h.c rename booz_stabilization to stabilization Software Maintenance

P354 guidance_h.c use full ahrs include path Software Maintenance

P355 guidance_h.c fix guidance includes to use full path Software Maintenance

P356 guidance_h.c fix ins.h includes Non-Control

P357 guidance_h.c rename b2_gv/B2_GV to gv/GV Non-Control

P358 guidance_h.c rename booz2_guidance/BOOZ2_GUIDANCE and B2_GUIDANCE to guidance/GUIDANCE Software Maintenance

P359 guidance_h.c moving guidance, rename still to be done Software Maintenance

P360 guidance_h.c rename booz ins Software Maintenance

P361 guidance_h.c rename booz_ahrs to ahrs, fix makefiles Software Maintenance

P362 guidance_h.c more toward modular vi Software Maintenance

P363 guidance_h.c added default in switch and missing declarations Non-Control

P364 guidance_h.c initialized "zero" variable in booz2_guidance_h_nav_enter Cyber-Physical matches

P365 guidance_h.c add integral part to rate stabilization Cyber-Physical matches

P366 booz2_guidance_h.c add feedforward to rate stabilization Cyber-Physical matches

P367 booz2_guidance_h.c fix variable name Non-Control

P368 booz2_guidance_h.c trajectory generation for horizontal guidance used in the navigation loop Cyber-Physical matches line 39
P369 booz2_guidance_h.c remove trailing whitespaces Non-Control

P370 booz2_guidance_h.c hysteresis on radio ok; ground detect use main event; rc not used in guidance if lost Cyber-Physical matches

P371 booz2_guidance_h.c navigation function in guidance; frequency set at 16 Hz Time and Space Model Time and Space Model: line 62:-RunOnceEvery(50, nav_periodic_task_10Hz()); This change alters the execution frequency of the navigation task from 10Hz to 16Hz. 624ce9eea9
P372 booz2_guidance_h.c switching to new supervision code for n-rotors Software Maintenance

P373 booz2_guidance_h.c added a floating point version of the current attitude stabilization loop and a floating point version of a quaternion based attitude stabilization loop Cyber-Physical matches line 155 struct Int32Eulers booz_stabilization_att_sp;

struct FloatVect3
P374 booz2_guidance_h.c moving files Non-Control

P375 booz2_guidance_h.c big files move/rename replaced CONFIG with BOARD_CONFIG removed booz_geometry_xxxx (now replaced by math/pprz_trig_int and math/pprz_algebra_xxx ) moved booz/arm7 to booz/arch/lpc21 and booz/stm32 to booz/arch/stm32
Precision & Accuracy Precision & Accuracy: line 42: struct Int32Vect2 booz2_guidance_h_speed_err Precision & Accuracy: This change includes a different math library in guidance mechanism for performing algebra operations. fa2d6026e6
P376 booz2_guidance_h.c switched to new radio_control code thatsupports both classic ppm scheme and newer serial frames from 2.4GHz spektrum transmitters. created two makefiles to select between modes Cyber-Physical matches

P377 booz2_guidance_h.c fixing licence headers, thank you Piotr Non-Control

P378 booz2_guidance_h.c reset heading when changing mode Cyber-Physical matches

P379 booz2_guidance_h.c update navigation modes for booz2 Cyber-Physical matches

P380 booz2_guidance_h.c navigation (horizontal) for booz using the flight plans Cyber-Physical matches
horizontal position setpoint from navigation/flightplan c67df28ada
P381 booz2_guidance_h.c *** empty log message *** Software Maintenance

P382 booz2_guidance_h.c *** empty log message *** Cyber-Physical matches
The Local Tangent Plane (LTP) is an approximation of the earth at a fixed position. It is defined using an ECEF position, a LLA position and a rotational matrix to convert between them.
LLA coordinates (longitude, lattitude, attitude) are the more intuitive way to express a position on the earth's surface. The values ``longitude'' and ``lattitude'' are angles and therefore in degrees or radians and the ``attitude'' is in meters above the surface of the earth's approximated shape.
P383 booz2_guidance_h.c big fat commit - changed INS and guidance to LTPZ Resource Attributes, Exception Handling Resource Attributes: line 17: + int32_t booz2_guidance_h_psi_sp, Exception Handling: line 40: + booz2_guidance_h_psi_sp = 0 Resource Attributes: line 17: For the INS (Inertial Navigation System), control variables are stored at the bit level representations for bit operation to determine the control command. Exception Handling: line 40: In order to avoid mathematical bit operation error, the control variable is ensured to have zero bit value in the beginning of calculation. 3b4dcd5c55
P384 booz2_guidance_h.c moving booz from temporary google svn First draft




The mutation software tool is available in the GitHub repository: mutationdocker

Our mutation tool is capable of handling C and C++ programming languages. This is done by constructing the abstract syntax tree (AST). We use Clang 3.8.2 and LLVM 4.0 for this and use the MatchFinder class of Clang to process the AST. To support repeatability, we have built this software infrastructure inside an operating-system level virtualization, called docker (version 1.13.1).

  Download PDF

This research work is accepted in the 11th IEEE/ACM Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS'20) . ICCPS is one of the top tier conferences that have a double-blinded review system with 6 peer reviewers and has less than a 25% acceptance rate. <<< Link to PDF >>>

  NSF awards

This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation (NSF) awards #1638099 and #1853374.


@inproceedings{balaji2020controllerevolution, title={Investigating Controller Evolution and Divergence through Mining and Mutation}, author={Balaji Balasubramaniam, Hamid Bagheri, Sebastian Elbaum, Justin Bradley}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2020)}, publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society / {ACM}}, year={2020}}
Balasubramaniam, Bagheri, Elbaum, and Bradley. "Investigating Controller Evolution and Divergence through Mining and Mutation." 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2020). 2020.
Balasubramaniam, Bagheri, Elbaum, and Bradley (2020). Investigating Controller Evolution and Divergence through Mining and Mutation. In 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2020).
Balasubramaniam, Bagheri, Elbaum, and Bradley. "Investigating Controller Evolution and Divergence through Mining and Mutation." In 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2020). 2020.
Balasubramaniam, Bagheri, Elbaum, Bradley, 2020. Investigating Controller Evolution and Divergence through Mining and Mutation. In 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2020).

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