CSCE/RAIK 284H Foundations of Computer Systems

Spring 2010
TTh 9:00-10:45am, Kauffman 112

Instructor: Dr. Steve Goddard

Avery 256, 472-2401
Office hours: Avery 256, 11:00am-12:30pm TuTh

Home Work Assignments

Home Work 0: Pretest (Due: 9:00pm Thursday, January 21, 2010)
Home Work 1 (Due: 9:00pm, Thursday, February 4, 2010)
HW1: file
Home Work 2 (Due: 9:00pm, Thursday, February 18, 2010)
bomb request page
Status page
Here is a practice bomb if you want to play with a bomb without affecting your grade. Enjoy!
Home Work 3 (Due: 9:00pm, Thursday, March 4, 2010) Note: this is an individual assignment!
Buffer bomb tar file
Status page
Home Work 4 (Due: 9:00pm, Thursday, March 11; Thursday, March 25; and Thursday, April 1, 2010) Note: this is an individual assignment!
Processor architecture tar file
Home Work 5 (Due: 9:00pm, Thursday, April 15, 2010)
Shell tar file

Additional Info on

GDB Tutorial by P.N. Hilfinger
GDB refrence card
Student Resource page for the text book. This page contains links to code examples, tutorials, and Y86 tools (Chapter 4).

Steve Goddard <>
Last modified: Thu Jan 7 11:07:47 CST 2010