CSCE 421/821, Spring 2023, Glossary 11

Not all the terms below were discussed in class. Please refer to your textbook and reading material.

    Graphical models
  1. Adaptive consistency algorithm
  2. Articulation point
  3. Biconnected component
  4. Bucket elimination algorithm
  5. Constraint networks
  6. Directional arc consistency (DAC)
  7. Directional path consistency (DPC)
  8. Dual graph
  9. Hypergraph
  10. Incidence graph
  11. Induced width
  12. Primal graph
  13. Tree clustering (algorithm)
  14. Tree decomposition (structure)
  15. Treewidth and hyperwdith
  16. Do not forget to list your references.
    Berthe Y. Choueiry