CSCE 421/821, Spring 2018, Glossary 3

Assigned: Monday, Jan 29.
Due: Monday, Feb 5.
Note: Glossaries are optional but they allow you improve your grade. Also, you are responsible for knowing the exact definition of the terms in a glossary at any point in time, including during a quiz.
  1. AC-1 (2 points): general mechanism, complexity
  2. AC-3 (2 points): general mechanism, complexity
  3. AC-4, data structures (3 points for listing them, and 3 points for explaining them)
  4. AC-2001 (1 point): key idea
  5. Arc consistency of
    1. a variable with respect to another variable
    2. a constraint in a CSP
    3. a CSP
  6. Check (the procedure, input and mechanism).
  7. Degree of a node in a graph
  8. Degree of a graph
  9. Instantiated variable
  10. Node Consistency
  11. Revise (the procedure, input and mechanism).
  12. Supported (the procedure, input and mechanism).
  13. Tuple of a relation
  14. Value ordering heuristic
  15. Variable ordering heuristic
  16. Variable-value pair (VVP)
Do not forget to list your references.
Berthe Y. Choueiry