CSCE 476/876, Spring 2006, Glossary 10

Assigned:  Wednesday, April 12, 2006.
Due: Friday, April 21, 2006.
Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade. For word definition, do not limit yourself to AIMA. Check the reference books in the library and on-line resources.
  1. And-elimination
  2. Assertion
  3. Arity (of a relation or a function)
  4. Atomic sentences
  5. Axiom
  6. Backward chaining
  7. Biconditional
  8. Binding list
  9. Body (of a Horn clause)
  10. Complementary literals
  11. Compositionality
  12. Conjunctive normal form
  13. Constant symbol
  14. Data driven
  15. Deduction theorem
  16. Definite clause
  17. Domain (of a model)
  18. Extended interpretation
  19. Factoring
  20. First-Order Logic
  21. Fixed point
  22. Forward chaining
  23. Function
  24. Goal-directed reasoning
  25. Ground term
  26. Head (of a Horn clause)
  27. Higher-Order Logic
  28. Horn clauses
  29. Intended interpretation
  30. Interpretation
  31. k-CNF
  32. Literal
  33. Logical connectives
  34. Logical equivalence
  35. Modus ponens
  36. Monotonicity (of inference)
  37. Predicate symbol
  38. Premise
  39. Property
  40. Propositional logic
  41. Proposition symbol
  42. Reduction ad absurdum
  43. Refutation completeness
  44. Relation
  45. Resolution
  46. Resolution closure
  47. Satisfiability
  48. Substitution
  49. Tautology
  50. Term
  51. Theorem
  52. Truth table
  53. Unit clause
  54. Validity

Berthe Y. Choueiry