CSCE476/876: Introducation to Artificial Intelligence, Spring 2001

EMACS:  Command Commands for Emacs and/or for LISP-mode
(This is not an exhaustive list)

ESC-Control-q Indents correctly the lisp expression located at the cursor.   (very useful)
ESC-Control-x Compile a lisp expression in an emacs buffer.
Control-x Control-f Loads a file in an emacs buffer.  (Use TAB or SPACE for completion.)
Control-u Control-c Control-b Compiles all lisp expressions in a buffer.
Control-g Breaks a command in emacs.
Control-] Breaks a recursive-edit loop in emacs.
Control-x Control-s Saves an emacs buffer into the corresponding file.
Control-x k Kills an emacs buffer.
Control-x control-b Lists all emacs buffers.
Control-x 2 Horizontally splits an emacs buffer into two areas.
Control-x 3 Vertically splits an emacs buffer into two areas.
Control-x o Moves the cursor from one emacs buffer to another one.
Control-x 1 Replaces currently displayed buffers by one buffer, the one where the cursor is currently.
Control-h a Help (apropos) for emacs commands.  A buffer is displayed listing all emacs commands containing the entered string.
Control-h f Help (function) for arguments of an emacs function.
Control-x Control-c  To exit emacs.
ESC-Control-f / ESC-Control-b Advances a full lisp expression / Goes back a full lisp expression.
Control-c Control-p In a *common-lisp* buffer, brings back (recursively) the previously evaluated lisp expression.
Control-c Control-n Usually used  during a sequence of `Control-c Control-p's.  In a *common-lisp* buffer, brings back (recursively) the next evaluated lisp expression.
Control-c ; Comments a selected region in a buffer containing a lisp file  (lisp comment mode)
ESC-- Control-c ; Removes comments from the selected region (lisp comment mode)
ESC-<spacebar> Eliminates extra empty space between two words (leaving just one space)
(i.e., pressing simultaneously the 3 buttons: Control, Shift, and -)
Recursive undo (very useful in Emacs)

Composer environment:

Berthe Y. Choueiry

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