CSCE476/876: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Instructions on using Allegro Common Lisp (ACL) with Emacs

First, learn how to use the (great) editor Emacs, then try to run ACL from within emacs. A terrific combination. Speak to instructor for help.
Otherwise, you may use vscode (Visual Studio Code), speak to GTA for help.

Installing ACL

Launching ACL inside emacs/xemacs
  1. Start emacs/xemacs by typing in a command shell "xemacs &".
  2. Now you are read to start playing with emacs:
  3. Start ACL by typing "ESC-x fi:common-lisp". "fi" stands for Franz Inc., the vendor of Allegro Common Lisp.

Using composer: (requires X windows)
ACL has a terrific interactive development environment with a graphical inspector, debugger, profiler (time and space), etc. etc. The graphical environment requires font X windows, which may or may not be available to you. To use composer, you check out "Start composer" button in the menu buttons of emacs.  Alternatively, type i n your *common-lisp* buffer the following:

(require 'composer)
(composer:start-composer) alternatively, you can also use the buttons on the top of the emacs window.

Please let us know quickly if you are encountering any problems. Contact the instructor during office hours or ask for an appointment.

Last modified: Sun Aug 20 2023