CSCE 476/876, Fall 2022, Glossary 7

Assigned:  Monday, Oct 24, 2022. 

Due:   Monday, Oct 31, 2022. 

Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade. Clearly acknowledge your sources (textbook, slides, etc.) or no credit will be given. You are not allowed to cut and paste from any source.

This glossary has two parts. Please start with the introductory terms then move to the more advanced ones.


  1. Alldiff constraint
  2. Arc consistency 
  3. Atmost constraint (do some research)
  4. Backtracking search 
  5. Binary constraint
  6. Boolean CSPs 
  7. Bounded differences (constraint of) 
  8. Chronological backtracking 
  9. Conflict set 
  10. Conflict-directed backjumping 
  11. Consistent assignment 
  12. Constraint arity 
  13. Constraint graph 
  14. Constraint hypergraph 
  15. Constraint propagation 
  16. Constraint scope 
  17. Constructive search 
  18. Continuous domains 
  19. Decision problem 
  20. Degree (of a vertex in a graph) 
  21. Degree heuristic) 
  22. Domain (of a variable) 
  23. Domain/degree heuristics (not in textbook, do some research) 
  24. Extension (definition of a constraint, not in textbook) 
  25. Finite domains 
  26. Function (mathematical definition)
  27. Forward checking 
  28. Global constraint 
  29. Intension (constraint defined in intension, not in textbook) 
  30. Instantiated variable
  31. k-consistency 
  32. Linear constraints
  33. Linear programming (check CS dictionary/web)
  34. Minimum remaining values (a.k.a. least domain variable) 
  35. Node consistency 
  36. Path consistency 
  37. Relation (mathematical definition) 
  38. Strong k-consistency 
  39. Ternary constraint
  40. Unary constraint
  41. Universal constraint
  42. Variable (of a CSP) 
  43. Variable ordering heuristic 
  44. Value ordering heuristic 
  1. Backjumping 
  2. Bounds propagation (do some research)
  3. Cutset conditioning 
  4. Cycle cutset 
  5. Min-conflict heuristic 
  6. Tree decomposition (of a CSP) 
  7. Tree width of a graph (check a book on graph theory) 
  8. Width of a graph (do some research) 

Berthe Y. Choueiry