CSCE476/876, Fall 2021: Course Syllabus

1. General Information

Prereq: CSCE310, Data structures and algorithms or permission

Course description: Introduction to the basic principles, techniques and tools now being used in the area of computational intelligence. Lecture topics will include problem solving, knowledge representation and reasoning, search, and planning and action. More advanced topics may be included depending on class interests and performance. Programming will be done in C, or C++, but preferably in Python. To do the homewok using Allegro Common Lisp (ACL) please contact the instructor.

      Monday 2:30--3:20 in AvH 118, and 3:30--4:20 in AvH 118
      Wednesday 2:30--3:20 in AvH 118 and 3:30--4:20 in AvH 118
      Friday 2:30--3:20 in AvH 118

Instructor:   Prof.  Berthe Y. Choueiry
      Office location: Room 360 (moving to 259), Avery Hall,
      Office hours: Wednesdays and Fridays 3:30pm--4:30 in Zoom meeting room or by apppointment.

     GTA Minal Khatri
      Office hours: Thursday 3:00--4:00 p.m. in Zoom meeting room or by apppointment.

     Unfortunately, no qualitified UTA is available this semester.

Textbooks (check the bookstore):

2. Communications

3. Protocol of the Course

This course syllabus is our 'contract' and we will abide by it.

The course consists of lectures by the instructor, 3 times per week.


Required and recommended reading (as indicated in the Class schedule)

AIMA (textbook) will be followed in a more or less linear fashion.  The content of the course will be dynamically adapted to students performance. Chapters to be studied may encompass:  Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (partially), 7, 9, and 10 (quickly) and, time permitting, 11, 13, and/or 14. Sections from these and other chapters may be dropped or added during the course.  Regularly check the class schedule.

Programming, theoretical, and library-search assignments

Surprise quizzes

There will be surprise quizzes throughout the semester (with a frequency inversely proportional to students' attendance). Quizzes will address allmaterial covered during the lectures and/or appearing in the required reading. No books or personal notes are allowed during the quizzes, unless explicitly specified. Quizzes cannot be made up.



Attendance is not mandatory. But students are responsible for the material covered and announcements (such as lists of terms for glossary) made during the class. Also, there will be surprise quizzes during the regular class and the recitation.
Bonuses will be awarded to students who interact lively, and participate in discussion in class.


4. Grading Policy

Grade Distribution

Grade Conversion



[94, 97[


[90, 94[


[87, 90[


[84, 87[


[80, 84[


[75, 80[


[67, 75[


[60, 67[


[57, 60[


[54, 57[


[51, 53[




5. How to Secure a Good Final Grade


Students who return, every Monday before class, a glossary of terms listed in handouts will be credited for up to 8% bonus, computed proportionally to the list of terms they return. Rules for glossary:

Additional Work

Closely monitor your grade. If you feel that your grade is slipping, contact the instructor immediately. We may be able to assign to you an additional task to put you back on the right track.

6. Intellectual Property Policies

Any work and/or communication that you are privy to as a member of this course should be treated as the intellectual property of the speaker/creator. It is not to be shared outside the context of this course. Students may not make or distribute screen captures, audio/video recordings of, or livestream, any class-related activity, including lectures and presentations, without express prior written consent from me or an approved accommodation from Services for Students with Disabilities. If you have, or think you may have, a disability such that you need to record or tape class-related activities, you should contact Services for Students with Disabilities. If you have an accommodation to record class-related activities, those recordings may not be shared with any other student, whether in this course or not, or with any other person or on any other platform. Failure to follow this policy on recording or distributing class-related activities may subject you to discipline under the Student Code of Conduct

7. Department and University Policies

CSE will maintain a virtual Student Resource Center from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday. It is a valuable place to go for general CSE related issues.

It is CSE Department policy that all students in CSE courses are expected to regularly check their email so they do not miss important announcements.

All homework assignments, quizzes, exams, etc. must be your own work. No direct collaboration with fellow students, past or current, is allowed unless otherwise stated. The Computer Science & Engineering department has an Academic Integrity Policy. All students enrolled in any computer science course are bound by this policy. You are expected to read, understand, and follow this policy. Violations will be dealt with on a case by case basis and may result in a failing assignment or a failing grade for the course itself.

The CSE Department has an anonymous suggestion box that you may use to voice your concerns about any problems in the course or department if you do not wish to be identified.

Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the instructor or teaching assistant for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation. It is the policy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to provide flexible and individualized accommodations to students with documented disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. To receive accommodation services, students must be registered with the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office, 132 Canfield Administration, 472-3787 voice or TTY.

8. More Resources


AI Topics of the AAAI
Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach (AIMA), by Russell Norvig. Second Edition.
Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Edition.  Winston. ISBN 0201533774.
Essentials of Artificial Intelligence. Ginsberg. ISBN 1-558s60-22-6.  Call number Q335.G55 1993.
Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis. Nilsson. ISBN 1-55860-535-5. Call number Q335.N496 1998.
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming. Norvig. ISBN 1-55860-191-0. Call number QA76.6.N687.
Artificial Intelligence. Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving. Luger and Stubblefield


Common Lisp, The Language, Second Edition. Guy L. Steele, Jr. Digital Press, ISBN: 1555580416
LISP, 3rd Edition. Winston & Horn. ISBN 0-201-08319-1.
ANSI Common Lisp; Graham. ISBN 0-13-370875-6.
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming. Norvig. ISBN 1-55860-191-0. Call number QA76.6.N687.
Object Oriented Common Lisp. Slade. ISBN 0-13-605940-6 Call number QA76.64 .S576

Lisp On-line tutorials

Common Lisp Educational Resources.
Colin Allen & Maneesh Dhagat Lisp Primer
Online Tutorial to Common Lisp , Adaptive Remote Tutor.

More Lisp References

Common Lisp, The Language, Second Edition. Guy L. Steele, Jr. Digital Press, ISBN: 1555580416, also on Reserve at the Math Library.
Allegro Common Lisp (ACL) online documentation. Slow (local on cse: Introduction, Contents, Index). Quicker (link to Franz's web page Introduction).
Usenet newsgroup: comp.lang.lisp
Contributed by Eric Moss (S02): Parenthetically Speaking (with Kent M. Pitman)
Free copy of Allegro Common Lisp by Franz Inc.
David Cooper Jr.: Understanding Common Lisp (Basic Lisp techniques, PDF document).
Successful Lisp: How to Understand and Use Common Lisp, by David B. Lamkins
COMMON LISP: An Interactive Approach, by Stuart C. Shapiro
Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation, by David S. Touretzky
LISP FAQ by  Mark Kantrowitz.
... and much more from the Association of Lisp Users' page.

Other Related Topics

Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction by Edward Tsang.
A mathematical introduction to logic by Enderton, Herbert B, CALL NO. QA9 .E54 1972.
Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems