CSCE 476/876, Fall 2021, Glossary 5

Assigned:  Monday, Sept 27, 2021. 

Due:   Monday, Oct 4, 2021. 

Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade. Clearly acknowledge your sources (textbook, slides, etc.) or no credit will be given. You are not allowed to cut and paste from any source.

  1. Anytime algorithm
  2. Crossover 
  3. Current state
  4. Decision problem
  5. First-choice Hill Climbing
  6. Fitness function
  7. Genetic algorithm
  8. Global optimum (maximum or minimum)
  9. Gradient ascent (or descent) 
  10. Greedy local search
  11. Hill climing (stochastic, first-choice, random restart) (3 points)
  12. Local optimum
  13. Local beam search
  14. Local search
  15. Mutation
  16. Objective function (in an optimization problem)
  17. Optimization problem
  18. Plateau 
  19. Random Restart
  20. Random Walk
  21. Sideway move 
  22. Simulated annealing 
  23. State space lanscape
  24. Stochastic beam search

Berthe Y. Choueiry