CSCE 476/876, Fall 2021, Glossary 4

Assigned:  Monday, Sept 20, 2021. 

Due:   Monday, Sept 27, 2021. 

Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade. Clearly acknowledge your sources (textbook, slides, etc.) or no credit will be given. You are not allowed to cut and paste from any source.

  1. g(n), h(n), f(n), C* (4 points)
  2. A* search
  3. Admissible heuristic
  4. Backtracking search 
  5. Belief State 
  6. Best-first search
  7. Bidirectional search 
  8. Blind search 
  9. Breadth-first search 
  10. Coercion
  11. Consistency (as a property of the h function)
  12. Contengincy problem
  13. Contours
  14. Depth-first search 
  15. Depth-limited search 
  16. Diameter (of a graph). Look in graph theory.
  17. Domination (of two functions)
  18. Effective branching factor 
  19. Exploration problem
  20. Greedy algorithm
  21. Heuristic function
  22. Heuristic search 
  23. Informed search 
  24. Iterative-Deepening search 
  25. Iterative-Lengthening search 
  26. Knowledge acquisition
  27. Manhattan distance
  28. Monotonicity (as a property of the h function)
  29. Optimally efficient
  30. Pathmax equation (not in your books)
  31. Predecessors
  32. Pruning 
  33. Relaxed problem
  34. Straight-line distance
  35. Triangle inequality
  36. Uniform-cost search 
  37. Uninformed search 

Berthe Y. Choueiry