CSCE 476/876, Fall 2021, Glossary 11

Assigned: Monday, Nov 22, 2021. 

Due:  Monday, Nov 29, 2021, separately from the final glossary 

Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade. Clearly acknowledge your sources (textbook, slides, etc.) or no credit will be given. You are not allowed to cut and paste from any source.

  1. Action Schema
  2. Causal Links (in POP)
  3. Consistent Plan (in POP)
  4. Closed world assumption
  5. Empty-Delete-List heuristic
  6. Event Calculus
  7. Levels in a Planning Graph
  8. Linearization of a POP graph
  9. Markov Decision Processes (MDP)
  10. Mutual Exclusion (GraphPlan)
  11. Nearly decomposable problems
  12. Negation as failure
  13. Partially Observable MDPs
  14. Persistent Actions in (GraphPlan)
  15. Progression Planning
  16. Open Precondition (in POP)
  17. Open world assumption
  18. Ordering Constraints (in POP)
  19. Qualification Problem
  20. Ramification Problem
  21. Reasoning about action & change
  22. Regression Planning
  23. Serial Planning Graph
  24. Situation Calculus
  25. State constraints
  26. STRIPS
  27. Sub-goal independence assumption

Berthe Y. Choueiry