CSCE 476/876, Fall 2021, Glossary 10

Assigned: Monday, Nov 15, 2021. 

Due: Monday, Nov 22, 2021. 

Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade. Clearly acknowledge your sources (textbook, slides, etc.) or no credit will be given. You are not allowed to cut and paste from any source.

  1. Binding list
  2. Constant symbol
  3. Definite clause
  4. Domain (of a model)
  5. Extended interpretation
  6. Factoring
  7. First-Order Logic
  8. Function
  9. Ground term
  10. Higher-Order Logic
  11. Intended interpretation
  12. Interpretation
  13. Property
  14. Relation
  15. Substitution

Berthe Y. Choueiry