CSCE 421/821, Fall 2015, Glossary 7
Assigned: Monday, Oct 26
Due: Monday, Nov 2
Note: Glossaries are optional but they allow you improve
your grade. Also, you are responsible for knowing the exact
definition of the terms in a glossary at any point in time, including
during a quiz.
Not all the terms below were discussed in class. Please refer to your textbook and reading material.
- Binary or 2-way branching (in a search tree)
- k-way branching (in a search tree)
- Generalized Arc Consistency
GAC Algorithm for AllDiff
- Definition of a Bipartite Graph
- A maximal matching in a bipartite graph
- A free edge in a matching in a bipartite graph
- A free vertex in a matching in a bipartite graph
- A vital edge in a bipartite graph
- Strongly connected component in a directed graph
- Value graph of an all-diff contraint
Do not forget to list your references.
Berthe Y. Choueiry