CSCE 421/821, Fall 2014, Glossary 1
Assigned: Friday, Aug 29, 2014.
Due: Friday, Sep 5, 2014.
Note: Glossaries are optional but they allow you improve
your grade. Also, you are responsible for knowing the exact
definition of the terms in a glossary at any point in time, especially
during a quiz.
Algebraic constraint
Binary constraint
Bit vector/bit matrix
Boolean CSP
Chronological backtracking
Cartesian product of two sets
Constrained Decision Diagram (CDD) (Google the term, it is defined in
the paper by [Cheng and Yap, AAAI 2005])
Coloring constraint
Constraint arity
Constraint graph
Constraint network
Constraint of bounded differences
Constraint of difference (a.k.a. mutex)
Constraint scope
Decision problem
Domain of a variable
Finite (discrete) CSP
Global constraint
Mutex constraint
Optimization problem
Product configuration problem
Resource allocation problem
Ternary constraint
Unary constraint
Universal constraint
Last modified: Fri Aug 29 15:17:52 CDT 2014