CSCE 496/896, Fall 2011, Glossary 3

Assigned: Monday, Oct 3.
Due: Monday, Oct 10.
Note: Glossaries are optional but they allow you improve your grade. Also, you are responsible for knowing the exact definition of the terms in a glossary at any point in time, including during a quiz.
  1. Back-jumping
  2. Backmarking
  3. Complete graph
  4. Completeness (of an algorithm)
  5. Conditioning (in search)
  6. Conflict-directed backjumping
  7. conf-set[i]
  8. Current variable
  9. current-domain[i]
  10. Domain annihilation
  11. Forward checking
  12. Future variable
  13. future-fc[i]
  14. Look-ahead strategy
  15. max-check[i]
  16. mbl[i]
  17. mcl[i,k]
  18. Node expansion (in search)
  19. Past variable
  20. past-fc[i]
  21. reductions[i]
  22. Soundness (of an algorithm)
  23. Thrashing
Do not forget to list your references.
Berthe Y. Choueiry