CSCE 496/896, Fall 2011, Glossary 2
Assigned: Monday, Sep 26, 2011.
Due: Monday, Oct 3, 2011.
Note: Glossaries are optional but they allow you improve
your grade. Also, you are responsible for knowing the exact
definition of the terms in a glossary at any point in time, including
during a quiz.
Backtrack search
Co-microstructure of a CSP (define vertices and edges)
Continuous CSP (a.k.a. numeric CSP)
Dual graph (define vertices and edges)
Forward checking
Hypergraph (define vertices and edges)
Instantiated variable
Intelligent backtracking
Iterative-repair search (a.k.a. local search)
Map coloring problem
Macro-structure of a CSP (define vertices and edges)
Micro-structure of a CSP (define vertices and edges)
Primal graph (define vertices and edges)
Problem reduction
Systematic search (a.k.a. constructive, exhaustive)
Variable-value ordering heuristic
Variable-value pair (VVP)