CSCE 990-02, Fall 2009: Course Syllabus

1. General Information

Prereq: CSCE 421/821: Foundations of Constraint Processing.

Course description: This course is a continuation of the course on Foundations of Constraint Processing (CSCE 421/821). It is intended for students with some sophistication and considerable interest in exploring methods for designing and using algorithms useful for solving combinatorial problems. The goal of the course is to study, analyzem and critique basic and current research papers. Projects are optional. Topics may include (and are not restricted to):

Active class participation is an essential component of the course.

Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Location: Avery Hall, Room 109.

Make-up Class: To be scheduled as necessary

Instructor:   Prof.  Berthe Y. Choueiry
      Office location: Room 360, Avery Hall,
      choueiry AT, tel: (402)472-5444.
      Office hours: Tuesday/Thursday 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. or by appointment.

Textbooks (check the bookstore):

2. Contact Us

For a quick response, send your questions to cse990ac AT Your message will be forwarded to the instructor, who will respond to you ASAP.

You may also choose to drop a note in the Anonymous Suggestion Box

3. Protocol of the Course

This course syllabus is our 'contract' and we will abide by it.


The course consists of a few lectures by the instructor and many presentations by the students in the class. The topics of the discussions will cover:


Surprise quizzes

There will be surprise quizzes throughout the semester  (with a frequency inversely proportional to students'  attendance).  Quizzes will address any material covered during the lectures and/or appearing in the required reading. No books or personal notes are allowed during the quizzes, unless explicitly specified. Quizzes cannot be made up.


No tests are planned for the course, and none will be given unless requested by students. Either a midterm or a final exam to individual students can be offered upon request. No books or personal notes are allowed during the exam, unless explicitly specified. Please inform the instructor within before the end of September, 2009.



4. Grading Policy

Grade Distribution

Students will be able to 'compose' their grade, for up to 85% of the total grade, from the following menu: The remaining 15% are allocated as follows:

Grade Conversion



[94, 97[


[90, 94[


[87, 90[


[84, 87[


[80, 84[


[75, 80[


[67, 75[


[60, 67[


[57, 60[


[54, 57[


[51, 53[




How to Secure a Good Final Grade

4. References

Main publication venues

Books on Reserve at the Math Library in Avery:

Online Resources:


Academic Research Groups & Research Centers

Industrial companies and start-ups

COSYTEC I2 Technologies, Red Pepper (PeopleSoft, Oracle), Blue Pumpkin (now Verint), Ilog (now IBM), Trilogy, Parc Technologies Ltd (now CISCO), Carmen Systems (now Jeppesen), Firepond, On Time Systems Inc., ConfigWorks., etc.

Latex Resources

Last modified: Tue Aug 25 11:52:24 CDT 2009