CSCE 421/821, Fall 2005, Glossary 8

Assigned: Tuesday, November 29, 2005.
Note: This glossary is just for your information and record. You do not need to hand it in.

Search your notes, the web, or the library to summarize each of the following mechanisms in 2 to 5 lines. It is very important to list all your references.

  1. Binary or 2-way branching (in a search tree)
  2. Dual graph of a hypergraph
  3. Dual-graph transformation
  4. FC+
  5. k-way branching (in a search tree)
  6. Primal graph of a non-binary CSP
  7. Hidden-variable technique
  8. MAX-CSP
  9. Neighborhood inverse consistency
  10. Singleton Arc Consistency
  11. Strongly connected component in a directed graph
  12. Value graph of an all-diff contraint

Berthe Y. Choueiry