CSCE 421/821, Fall 2005, Glossary 6
Assigned: Tuesday, November 1, 2005.
Due: Tuesday, November 8, 2005.
Note: Glossaries are optional but help you improve your grade.
- Bandwidth of a graph
- Degree ordering heuristic
- Directed Acyclic Graph
- Directional Arc Consistency
- Directional Path Consistency
- Fail-first principle
- Least-commitment principle
- Least-domain heuristic
- Maintaining arc-consistency (MAC)
- Maximum cardinality heuristic
- Min-conflict heuristic
- Weighted-degree ordering heuristic (find original paper on the web)
- Width of an ordering
- Width of a graph
- (The difference between) a set and a bag
Do not forget to list your references.
Berthe Y. Choueiry