Search and Constraint Satisfaction
Assigned:  Friday, Feb 11, 2000.

Due dates: WARNING 3 different deadlines.

  1. Problems 1 & 2:  Friday, Feb 18, 2000 at the beginning of the class.
  2. Problem 3 Tasks 1 and 2: Monday, Feb 21, 2000, before 6:00 p.m.
  3. Problem 3 Tasks 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 (grad only):  Monday, February 28, 2000 before 6:00 p.m
Note:  As much as possible,  please indicate how much time you spend on each problem.

Problems 1 & 2 are paper-and-pencil must be turned in at the beginning of the class.
Problem 3 is a programming exercise and should be turned in using the handin program.
(10 points) Problem 1:  Search
(10 points) Problem 2: Admissible heuristic.
(80 points) Problem 3: N-queens in CL
                   Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Systematic search  (80 points for undergrads, 40 points for grad students)
                   Task 7: Hill-climbing search (40 points homework bonus for undergrads, 40 points for grad students)

Problem 1:  Search (from AIMA 4.1 with an extra question)
With g(n) being the path length,
  1. suppose that we run a greedy search algorithm with h(n) =  - g(n).  What sort of search will the greedy search emulate? Explain.
  2. suppose that we run a search algorithm with h(n) =  g(n).  What sort of search will the greedy search emulate? Explain.
Problem 2:  AIMA 4.11a and 4.11b

Problem 3:  LISP programming assignment.

The goal of this exercise is to implement a backtrack-search mechanism in Common Lisp and test basic techniques of Constraint Satisfaction.
It consists of two parts:  Tasks 1 to 6 are for both undergrad and graduate students, and Task 7 is for graduate students only.  Undergraduate students  are welcome to implement Task 7 and will receive the credit as a bonus for the homework component of the final grading.

In this exercise, you need to implement various data structures in Common Lisp for solving the n-queens problem and implement a backtrack depth-first search that takes as input an integer n and solves the corresponding n-queens.

We are going to use the following formulation for the n-queens as a CSP:  the variables are the queens Q1, Q2, ..., Qn, one queen per line of the chessboard. The domain of each variable is the set of n columns in the line corresponding to the queen.  For the queen k,  this set is {(k, 1), (k, 2,), (k, 3), ..., (k, n)}.  Two queens attack each other if they are in the same column, same line or same diagonal  The goal is to find a position for all queens such as queens do not attack each other.


  1. Implement depth-first search with backtracking and back-checking for finding one solution.
  2. Generate one solution for n=1, 3, 4, 5, and 8.  Report the solution, the number of nodes expanded and the number of constraint checks carried out.  A constraint check is counted one every time you check the consistency of one variable's value against another one.
  3. Implement an arc-consistency algorithm (choose AC-3 from Bartak's web page).  Run AC-3 on the 5 n-queen instances we have tested above (i.e., n = 1, 3, 4, 5, 8).  Report whether or not values have been pruned and, in any, the number of values pruned.
  4. Implement a full look-ahead search mechanism by interleaving each variable instantiation with consistency filtering carried over all future variables.  (Note: forward checking is a partial look-ahead schema in which arc-consistency is not checked among all future variables but only for a future variable against  future variables deeper in the tree.)
  5. Generate one solution for n=1, 3, 4, 7, and 8.  Report the solution, the number of nodes expanded and the number of constraint checks carried out.
  6. Modify your final backtrack search to find all solutions.  Report the solutions, the number of nodes expanded and the number of constraint checks carried out.
  7. (AIMA 4.12, but only partially.) Solve the n-queens problem using hill climbing  and hill climbing with random start.  Measure the search cost and percentage of solved problems using randomly generated start states.
Below are some indications to guide you in this task: EMACS LISP  common commands  (this is not a an exhaustive list).
ESC-Control-q Indents correctly the lisp expression located at the cursor.
ESC-Control-x Compile a lisp expression in an emacs buffer.
Control-x Control-f Loads a file in an emacs buffer.  (Use TAB or SPACE for completion.)
Control-u Control-c Control-b Compiles all lisp expressions in a buffer.
Control-g Breaks a command in emacs.
Control-] Breaks a recursive-edit loop in emacs.
Control-x Control-s Saves an emacs buffer into the corresponding file.
Control-x k Kills an emacs buffer.
Control-x control-k Lists all emacs buffers.
Control-x 2 Horizontally splits an emacs buffer into two areas.
Control-x 3 Vertically splits an emacs buffer into two areas.
Control-x o Moves the cursor from one emacs buffer to another one.
Control-x 1 Replaces currently displayed buffers by one buffer, the one where the cursor is currently.
Control-h a Help (apropos) for emacs commands.  A buffer is displayed listing all emacs commands containing the entered string.
Control-h f Help (function) for arguments of an emacs function.
Control-x Control-c  To exit emacs.
ESC-Control-f / ESC-Control-b Advances a full lisp expression / Goes back a full lisp expression.
Control-c Control-p In a *common-lisp* buffer, brings back (recursively) the previously evaluated lisp expression.
Control-c Control-n Usually used  during a sequence of `Control-c Control-p's.  In a *common-lisp* buffer, brings back (recursively) the next evaluated lisp expression.
Control-c ; Comments a selected region in a buffer containing a lisp file  (lisp comment mode)
ESC-- Control-c ; Removes comments from the selected region (lisp comment mode)
ESC-<spacebar> Eliminates extra empty space between two words (leaving just one space)
Composer environment:

Step, trace, and inspect are functions of Common Lisp, and available on any CL implementation.  Check LWH: Chapter 10.
Composer is an enhanced environment for LISP code development that comes with Allegro Common Lisp of Franz Inc.  It has a window-based inspector, debugger, on-line documentation, profiler, xreference, etc..
To load composer, when your ACL image contains composer, type in a common-lisp buffer:  (require 'composer).
Then type (composer:start-composer) (alternatively, you can start composer from the menu buttons on top of your xemacs window.)
To inspect a variable var, you can type :wi var  (this stands for window inspect var).
To enter the debugger (once you are in a break loop because of the some bug), you can type  :wde, and a window will appear with the last instructions.