CSCE 236 Embedded Systems, Spring 2012
Lab 7
In Class: Thursday, April 5, 2012
Names of Group Members:
1 Instructions
This is a group assignment to work on during class.
all of the sections below and make sure to get the
instructor or TA to sign off where required.
2 Wheel Sensors
For this part you should mount the wheel sensors as demonstrated.
These are break-beam sensors that can detect the gaps in the wheels.
By counting how many gaps you see you can determine how far each wheel
has rotated. Connect your sensors to the INT0 and INT1
input pins of the Atmel (refer to the schematic to determine which
pins these are). Now, connect your servos to PWM outputs so you can
control them like you did in the previous project. In your main loop,
write code that moves your robot straight forward whenever the button
is pressed and then returns it to the starting point when the button
is released. Do this by counting the number of transitions that occur
on each wheel while driving forward and then moving that many
backwards once the button is released.
Checkoff: Demonstrate moving forward while the button is pressed and
then returning to the starting location when the button is released.
3 Wheel Sensors with Interrupts
Monitoring the sensors in the main loop is inefficient, so now we will
move this monitoring to an interrupt handler. Review Lab 5 if you do
not remember how to configure interrupts on pins INT0 and
INT1. Now implement the following approach for both wheels.
There should be global variables: rightDir, leftDir,
rightTicks, and leftTicks that maintain the current
rotational direction of each wheel (forwards or backwards) and the
number of ticks that have been detected. The interrupts should
increment the tick counters appropriately based on the specified
rotational direction (e.g. increase when moving forward and decrease
when moving backwards).
Now create a function takes as an argument the number of ticks
(positive or negative) you want that wheel to turn. This function
should then set another global variable (e.g. rightTargetTicks
and leftTargetTicks) to the appropriate target value based on
the current number of ticks. It should also set the direction
variables appropriately and then turn on the motor in the correct
direction. The interrupt code should disable PWM whenever the current
number of ticks equals the target ticks. By doing this, you will be
able to specify a target distance and then it will automatically go
there and stop.
When accessing these global variables outside of the interrupt code
(where interrupts are already disabled) you must make sure to
disable interrupts so that they are always in a consistent state.
I suggest you create additional functions to set and read the
variables with interrupts disabled and only use those functions.
Checkoff: Demonstrate code that will drive your robot
forward 12 inches and then back 12 inches 1.
For the above, you may need to calibrate your PWM values so that your
robot drives straight. You can do this manually (by tweaking the
values) or you can try to do this automatically by monitoring the
relative ticks between the wheels and adjusting the PWM output value
if they differ by too much.
Checkoff: Now write code that makes your robot follow the arc of a
circle forward and then backwards. How did you do this?
Finally, write code (similar to Section 2) that moves
the robot forward while the button is pressed and then returns it to
the same spot when it is released. To do this, you should record the
current ticks when the button is initially pressed. Then enable the
motors moving forward. When the button is released, use the target
tick setting function to return to the initial tick value. Just make
sure the target tick value isn't set inappropriately to start with as
this could cause the interrupt handler to disable the PWM prematurely.
Checkoff: Demonstrate moving forward while the button is pressed and
then returning to the starting location when the button is released.
1The wheel
diameter is 2.7 inches, so the circumference is approximately 8.48
File translated from
version 3.89.
On 5 Apr 2012, 09:53.