CSCE 236 Embedded Systems, Spring 2012
Lab 3
In Class: Thursday, February 9, 2012
All Checkoffs Due Before Class: Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Names of Group Members:
1 Instructions
This is a group assignment to work on during class. You only
need to hand in one copy of this, but make sure that the names of all
of your group members are on this sheet to receive credit. Complete
all of the sections below and make sure to get the
instructor or TA to sign off where required.
2 Dimming LEDs
In this section you will take two different approaches to solving the
same problem. The goal is to dim one of the LEDs whenever the button
is pressed. You can dim an LED by only turning it on for a very short
amount of time and then turning it off for a period of time. If you
do this faster than about 30 Hz, you will not notice the flickering of
the LED turning on and off and it will appear dimmer than if it is
fully on (since the human eye acts as an integrator at this
2.1 Manual
First, you will achieve this by using manual delays. In your
loop() write code that turns the LED fully on when the button
is not pressed and then dims it when the button is pressed. You can
use the function delay(ms) to achieve dimming as described
above. What delay values work well? If you increase the amount of
time the LED is off, at what frequency can you start to see the LED
The problem with this approach is that the processor is always busy
doing the pulsing of the LED to dim it. If a function is called that
prevents this from occurring, the LED will not dim properly. To see
this, insert another delay of 100 milliseconds outside of your logic
that controls the LED. This simulates the execution of other code
that takes a while to complete. What happens when you press the
button now?
Checkoff: Show the LED dimming when the button is pressed and have
answers to the above questions.
To overcome the problem that you cannot easily do other actions while
dimming the LED, you will now implement LED dimming using PWM. To do
this, connect your LED to pin PB2 (pin 10 on Arduino), which is
also OC1B (output compare B for timer1). Now,
look at section 16 (Timer/Counter1) of the datasheet (the description
of fast PWM mode in 16.9.3 and the register description in 16.11 are
especially useful). Configure it such that:
- the timer is in fast PWM mode, with ICR1 as the top
- OC1B is cleared on compare match and set at bottom.
You will also need to:
- set an appropriate frequency by configuring the clock prescalar and the TOP value (stored in ICR1)
- set the duty cycle by writing to the output compare register OCR1B
- set PB2 as an output pin to enable the PWM output.
Checkoff: Write the code using the PWM system to dim the LED when the
button is pressed. Note how adding code (e.g. delay(100)) in the
main loop no longer impacts the dimming.
3 Servo Control
Servos are also controlled by PWM signals. Most servos enable angular
control of the output shaft (e.g. between 0 and 120 degrees). The
servos we are using in class are known as continuous rotation servos.
Instead of controlling position, we are able to control the forward
and backward rotational speed using PWM signals. Most servos use PWM
signals with a period of approximately 20 milliseconds. By varying
the pulse length between 1ms to 2ms the servo will go from full speed
forward to full speed backwards (on a traditional servo this would
mean rotating from 0 to 120 degrees).
You have seen how to manually configure the PWM channels to control
the frequency and duty cycle. However, instead of manually
configuring all the PWM channels, we will instead make use of an
Arduino servo control library. Read the information on how to use the
servo library here:
To hook up the servos to your breadboard, you will need to first use
the 3-pin header to adapt the female servo connector to a male
connector. Then, connect the black wire to ground, red to power,
and white to the PWM signal. Double check these connections before
powering your board. Also note that the servos can draw more power
than a USB port can supply. Therefore, you should not restrict the
output of the servo while using USB power, instead make use of the AC
adapter to power the servos whenever AC power is available.
Checkoff: Demonstrate controlling a servo by making the direction
reverse when the button is pressed.
4 Building Robot and Driving Primitives
This section of the lab requires individual checkoff for each
person. I do not expect you to complete this in lab so, please come
and get checked off before the start of class on Tuesday, February
Checkoff: You should now use the supplied parts to build your own
robot as demonstrated in Lab. Create driving primitives that enable
you to drive in a straight line and also rotate a particular angle
(e.g. 90 degrees). Program your robot so that when you press the
button it will drive a square.
File translated from
version 3.89.
On 9 Feb 2012, 10:13.