!!! ======================================================================
!!!  @Digital-HELP-Text-file{
!!!     filename        = "latex.hlp",
!!!     version         = "1.0a",
!!!     date            = "6 January 1993",
!!!     ISO-date        = "1993.01.06",
!!!     time            = "13:14:51.77 CST",
!!!     author          = "George D. Greenwade",
!!!     address         = "Department of Economics and Business Analysis
!!!                        College of Business Administration
!!!                        P. O. Box 2118
!!!                        Sam Houston State University
!!!                        Huntsville, Texas, USA 77341-2118",
!!!     email           = "bed_gdg@SHSU.edu (Internet)
!!!                        BED_GDG@SHSU     (BITNET)
!!!                        SHSU::BED_GDG    (THENET)",
!!!     telephone       = "(409) 294-1266",
!!!     FAX             = "(409) 294-3712",
!!!     supported       = "yes",
!!!     archived        = "*Niord.SHSU,edu:[FILESERV.VMS-LATEX-HELP]",
!!!     keywords        = "VMS, help, librarian, LaTeX",
!!!     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
!!!     checksum        = "20125 3918 18451 123110",
!!!     docstring       = "This is a replacement for LATEX.HLP in the VMS
!!!                        Help Library.  It is a modification of the DECUS
!!!                        LATEX.HLP file with the LaTeX command strings
!!!                        copied into a higher level so that the command
!!!                         HELP LATEX COMMAND topic
!!!                        is immediately accessible.  SEE ALSO strings are
!!!                        included to point the user back to the original
!!!                        entry area of broader related topics.
!!!                        This version differs from 1.0 in that it
!!!                        corrects some prior oversights by the author.
!!!                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
!!!                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
!!!                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word 
!!!                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
!!!                        characters.  This is produced by Robert 
!!!                        Solovay's checksum utility."
!!! }
!!! ======================================================================


 The LaTeX command  typesets  a file of text using the TeX program  and
 the LaTeX Macro package for TeX.  To be more specific, it processes an
 input  file  containing  the  text  of  a document  with  interspersed
 commands that describe how the text should be formatted.   It produces
 two files as output,  a Device  Independent  (DVI)  file that contains
 commands that can be translated  into commands for a variety of output
 devices,  and  a `transcript'  or `log  file'  that  contains  summary
 information  and diagnostic messages for any errors discovered  in the
 input file.

 For a description  of what goes on inside TeX, you should consult  The
 TeXbook by Donald E. Knuth, ISBN 0-201-13448-9,  published jointly  by
 the  American  Mathematical  Society  and  Addison-Wesley   Publishing
 Company.  Some documentation can be found in TEX_DISK:[TEX.DOC...].

 For a description of LaTeX, you should consult "A Document Preparation
 System:  LaTeX"  by  Leslie  Lamport,  ISBN  0-201-15790-X,  published
 jointly  by  the  American  Mathematical  Society  and  Addison-Wesley
 Publishing   Company.    Some   documentation    can   be   found   in


    LATEX input-file


 A LaTeX command  begins with the command  name, which consists  of a \
 followed by either (a) a string of letters or (b) a single non-letter. 
 Arguments contained in square brackets [] are optional while arguments
 contained in braces {} are required.

 NOTE:  LaTeX  is case sensitive.   Enter  all commands  in lower  case
 unless explicitly directed to do otherwise.


 Everything LaTeX numbers for you has a counter associated with it. The
 name  of the counter  is the same  as the name  of the environment  or
 command that produces  the number,  except with no \.  Below is a list
 of the counters  used  LaTeX's  standard  document  styles  to control

 part            part            figure          enumi
 chapter         subparagraph    table           enumii
 section         page            footnote        enumiii
 subsection      equation        mpfootnote      enumiv



 The  \addtocounter  command  increments  the  counter  by  the  amount
 specified by the value argument.  The value argument can be negative.



 This  command  causes  the  value  of the  counter  to be  printed  in
 alphabetic characters.  The \alph command causes lower case alphabetic
 alphabetic characters, i.e., a, b, c... while the \Alph command causes
 upper case alphabetic characters, i.e., A, B, C...



 The \arabic command causes the value of the counter  to be printed  in
 arabic numbers, i.e., 3.



 The \fnsymbol command causes the value of the counter to be printed in
 a specific  sequence  of nine symbols  that can be used  for numbering



 The \newcounter command defines a new counter named foo.  The optional
 argument  [counter]  causes the counter  foo to be reset whenever  the
 counter named in the optional argument is incremented.



 This command  causes the value of the counter  to be printed  in roman
 numerals.   The \roman command causes lower case roman numerals, i.e.,
 i, ii, iii...,  while  the \Roman  command  causes  upper  case  roman
 numerals, i.e., I, II, III...



 The  \setcounter  command  sets  the  value  of the  counter  to  that
 specified by the value argument.



 The \usecounter  command  is used in the second  argument  of the list
 environment  to allow the counter  specified  to be used to number the
 list items.



 The \value  command  produces  the value of the counter  named  in the
 mandatory argument.   It can be used where LaTeX expects an integer or
 number, such as the second argument of a \setcounter  or \addtocounter
 command, or in

 It is useful for doing arithmetic with counters.


 One reason for numbering things like figures and equations is to refer
 the reader to them, as in "See Figure 3 for more details."



 A \label command  appearing  in ordinary  text assigns  to the key the
 number of the current sectional unit; one appearing  inside a numbered
 environment assigns that number to the key.

 A key can consist of any sequence  of letters,  digits, or punctuation
 characters.  Upper- and lowercase letters are different.



 The \pageref command produces the page number of the place in the text
 where the corresponding \label command appears.



 The \ref command produces  the number of the sectional  unit, equation
 number, ... of the corresponding \label command.




 These commands define (or redefine) a command.

  -  cmd:  A command name beginning with a \.  For \newcommand it must
     not  be  already  defined  and  must  not  begin  with  \end; for
     \renewcommand it must already be defined.

  -  args:  An integer from 1 to 9 denoting the number of arguments of
     the  command  being  defined.   The default is for the command to
     have no arguments.

  -  def:  The text to be substituted for every occurrence of  cmd;  a
     parameter  of  the  form #n in cmd is replaced by the text of the
     nth argument when this substitution takes place.



 These commands define or redefine an environment.

  -  nam:  The name of the  environment.   For  \newenvironment  there
     must  be  no  currently defined environment by that name, and the
     command  \nam  must  be  undefined.   For  \renewenvironment  the
     environment must already be defined.

  -  args:  An integer from 1 to 9 denoting the number of arguments of
     the newly-defined environment.  The default is no arguments.

  -  begdef:   The  text   substituted   for   every   occurrence   of
     \begin{name};  a  parameter  of the form #n in cmd is replaced by
     the text of the nth argument when this substitution takes place.

  -  enddef:  The text substituted for every occurrence of  \end{nam}.
     It may not contain any argument parameters.



 This command defines a theorem-like environment.

  -  env_name:  The name of the environment -- a  string  of  letters.
     Must not be the name of an existing environment or counter.

  -  caption:  The text printed at the beginning of  the  environment,
     right before the number.

  -  within:  The name of an already defined  counter,  usually  of  a
     sectional  unit.   Provides  a means of resetting the new theorem
     counter within the sectional unit.

  -  numbered_like:  The  name  of  an  already  defined  theorem-like

 The \newtheorem command may have at most one optional argument.



 Defines the command name cmd, which must not be currently  defined, to
 be a declaration  that  selects  the font  named  font_name  to be the
 current font.


 Valid LaTeX document styles include:

  o  article

  o  report

  o  letter

  o  book

 Other document styles are described under the Help Topic LaTeX_Styles.

 They are selected with the following command:

 \documentstyle [options] {style}

 The options for the different styles are:

 1.  article:  11pt, 12pt, twoside, twocolumn,  draft,  fleqn,  leqno,

 2.  report:  11pt, 12pt, twoside, twocolumn, draft, fleqn, leqno, acm

 3.  letter:  11pt, 12pt, fleqn, leqno, acm

 4.  book:  11pt, 12pt, twoside,twocolumn, draft, fleqn, leqno

 If you specify  more than  one option,  they  must  be separated  by a


 The \flushbottom  declaration  makes  all text pages  the same height,
 adding extra vertical space when necessary to fill out the page.


 The  \onecolumn   declaration   starts   a  new  page   and   produces
 single-column output.


 The \raggedbottom  declaration  makes all pages the height of the text
 on that page.  No extra vertical space is added.


 The \twocolumn  declaration  starts a new page and produces two-column


 LaTeX provides  a number of different  paragraph-making  environments.
 Each environment begins and ends in the same manner.



 column 1 entry & column 2 entry ... & column n entry \\

 Math arrays are produced with the array environment.   It has a single
 mandatory argument describing  the number of columns and the alignment
 within them.  Each column, coln, is specified  by a single letter that
 tells how items in that row should be formatted.

  -  c for centered

  -  l for flushleft

  -  r for flushright

 Column entries must be separated  by an &.  Column entries may include
 other LaTeX commands.  Each row of the array must be terminated with
 the string \\.


 Text on line 1 \\
 Text on line 2 \\

 The center environment  allows you to create a paragraph consisting of
 lines  that are centered  within  the left  and right  margins  on the
 current page.  Each line must be terminated with the string \\.

 This  declaration  corresponds   to  the  center  environment.   This
 declaration  can be used inside an environment  such as quote or in a
 parbox.  The text of a figure or table can be centered on the page by
 putting a \centering  command at the beginning of the figure or table

 Unlike the center environment,  the \centering command does not start
 a new paragraph; it simply changes how LaTeX formats paragraph units.
 To affect  a paragraph  unit's  format,  the scope of the declaration
 must contain the blank line or \end command  (of an environment  like
 quote) that ends the paragraph unit.


 \item [label] First item
 \item [label] Second item

 The description environment  is used to make labeled lists.  The label
 is bold face and flushed right.


 \item First item
 \item Second item

 The enumerate environment produces a numbered list.  Enumerations  can
 be nested within one another,  up to four levels deep.   They can also
 be nested within other paragraph-making environments.

 Each item of an enumerated  list begins with an \item command.   There
 must be at least one \item command within the environment.


 math formula 1 \\
 math formula 2 \\

 The eqnarray environment is used to display a sequence of equations or
 inequalities.   It is very much like a three-column array environment,
 with consecutive  rows separated by \\ and consecutive  items within a
 row separated  by an &.  An equation  number  is placed  on every line
 unless that line has a \nonumber command.


  math formula

 The equation environment  centers your equation on the page and places
 the equation number in the right margin.



  body of the figure

 \caption{figure title}

 Figures  are objects  that are not part  of the normal  text,  and are
 usually  "floated"  to a convenient  place,  like  the top  of a page.
 Figures will not be split between two pages.

 The optional argument [placement]  determines  where LaTeX will try to
 place your figure.  There are four places where LaTeX can possibly put
 a float:

  -  h:  Here  -  at  the  position  in  the  text  where  the  figure
     environment appears.

  -  t:  Top - at the top of a text page.

  -  b:  Bottom - at the bottom of a text page.

  -  p:  Page of floats - on a separate float page, which  is  a  page
     containing no text, only floats.

 The standard report and article styles use the default placement tbp.

 The body of the figure  is made up of whatever  text, LaTeX  commands,
 etc. you wish.  The \caption command allows you to title your figure.


 Text on line 1 \\
 Text on line 2 \\

 The flushleft environment  allows you to create a paragraph consisting
 of lines  that are flushed  left to the left-hand  margin.   Each line
 must be terminated with the string \\.

 This  declaration  corresponds  to the  flushleft  environment.  This
 declaration  can be used inside an environment  such as quote or in a

 Unlike the flushleft environment,  the \raggedright  command does not
 start a new paragraph;  it simply changes how LaTeX formats paragraph
 units.   To affect  a paragraph  unit's  format,  the  scope  of  the
 declaration  must  contain  the blank  line  or \end  command  (of an
 environment like quote) that ends the paragraph unit.


 Text on line 1 \\
 Text on line 2 \\

 The flushright environment allows you to create a paragraph consisting
 of lines that are flushed  right to the right-hand  margin.  Each line
 must be terminated with the string \\.

 This  declaration  corresponds  to the flushright  environment.  This
 declaration  can be used inside an environment  such as quote or in a

 Unlike the flushright environment,  the \raggedleft  command does not
 start a new paragraph;  it simply changes how LaTeX formats paragraph
 units.   To affect  a paragraph  unit's  format,  the  scope  of  the
 declaration  must  contain  the blank  line  or \end  command  (of an
 environment like quote) that ends the paragraph unit.


 \item First item
 \item Second item

 The itemize environment produces a bulleted list.  Itemizations can be
 nested within one another,  up to four levels deep.   They can also be
 nested within other paragraph-making environments.

 Each item of an itemized  list begins  with an \item  command.   There
 must be at least one \item command within the environment.


 \item First item
 \item Second item

 The {label}  argument  specifies  how items should  be labeled.   This
 argument  is a piece  of text that  is inserted  in a box to form  the
 label.   This  argument  can and  usually  does  contain  other  LaTeX

 The  {spacing}  argument  contains  commands  to  change  the  spacing
 parameters for the list.  This argument will most often be null, i.e.,
 {}.  This will select all default  spacing  which should  suffice  for
 most cases.



 The minipage  environment  is similar to a \parbox command.   It takes
 the same optional position argument and mandatory width argument.  You
 may use other paragraph-making environments inside a minipage.

 Footnotes  in a minipage  environment  are handled  in a way  that  is
 particularly  useful for putting footnotes  in figures  or tables.   A
 \footnote or \footnotetext  command puts the footnote at the bottom of
 the minipage  instead  of at the bottom  of the page,  and it uses the
 mpfootnote counter instead of the ordinary footnote counter.

 NOTE:  Don't  put  one  minipage  inside  another  if  you  are  using
 footnotes; they may wind up at the bottom of the wrong minipage.


 \begin{picture}(width,height)(x offset,y offset)
  picture commands

 The picture  environment  allows you to create  just about any kind of
 picture you want containing text, lines, arrows and circles.  You tell
 LaTeX  where  to  put  things  in  the  picture  by  specifying  their
 coordinates.   A coordinate  is a number that may have a decimal point
 and a minus  sign  - a number  like  5, 2.3 or -3.1416.   A coordinate
 specifies a length in multiples of the unit length \unitlength,  so if
 \unitlength  has been set to 1cm, then the coordinate 2.54 specifies a
 length of 2.54 centimeters.   You can change  the value of \unitlength
 anywhere  you want, using the \setlength  command,  but strange things
 will happen if you try changing it inside the picture environment.

 A position is a pair of coordinates,  such as (2.4,-5), specifying the
 point  with x-coordinate  2.4 and y-coordinate  -5.   Coordinates  are
 specified  in the  usual  way  with  respect  to an origin,  which  is
 normally  at the lower-left  corner of the picture.   Note that when a
 position  appears as an argument,  it is not enclosed  in braces;  the
 parentheses serve to delimit the argument.

 The  picture  environment  has  one  mandatory  argument,  which  is a
 position.   It specifies  the size  of the picture.   The  environment
 produces  a rectangular  box with width and height determined  by this
 argument's x- and y-coordinates.

 The  picture  environment  also  has  an optional  position  argument,
 following  the size argument,  that  can change  the origin.   (Unlike
 ordinary optional arguments,  this argument is not contained in square
 brackets.) The optional argument gives the coordinates of the point at
 the lower-left corner of the picture (thereby determining the origin). 
 For example, if \unitlength has been set to 1mm, the command


 produces   a  picture   of  width  100  millimeters   and  height  200
 millimeters,  whose lower-left  corner is the point (10,20)  and whose
 upper-right  corner is therefore the point (110,220).   When you first
 draw a picture,  you will  omit  the optional  argument,  leaving  the
 origin  at the lower-left  corner.   If you then want  to modify  your
 picture by shifting everything, you just add the appropriate  optional

 The environment's  mandatory  argument determines  the nominal size of
 the picture.   This need  bear  no relation  to how large  the picture
 really  is; LaTeX will happily  allow  you to put things  outside  the
 picture, or even off the page.  The picture's  nominal size is used by
 TeX in determining how much room to leave for it.

 Everything that appears in a picture is drawn by the \put command. The

 \put (11.3,-.3){...}

 puts the object specified  by "..." in the picture, with its reference
 point at coordinates  (11.3,-.3).   The reference  points  for various
 objects will be described below.

 The \put command creates an LR box.  You can put anything  in the text
 argument  of the \put command  that you'd put into the argument  of an
 \mbox and related  commands.   When you do this,  the reference  point
 will be the lower left corner of the box.


 The \circle command produces a circle of the specified  diameter.  If
 the *-form of the command is used, LaTeX draws a solid circle.

 \dashbox{dash length}(width,height){...}

 The \dashbox has an extra argument which specifies  the width of each
 dash.   A dashed  box looks  best  when  the  width  and  height  are
 multiples of the dash length.


 The  \frame  command  puts  a rectangular  frame  around  the  object
 specified  in the argument.   The reference  point is the bottom left
 corner of the frame.  No extra space is put between the frame and the


 The \framebox command is analogous to the \makebox command.

 \line(x slope,y slope){length}

 The \line command draws a line of the specified length and slope.


 Declares the thickness of horizontal  and vertical lines in a picture
 environment to be dimension, which must be a positive length. It does
 not affect the thickness of slanted lines and circles, or the quarter
 circles drawn by \oval to form the corners of an oval.


 The \makebox  command for the picture environment  is similar  to the
 normal  \makebox  command  except  that you must specify  a width and
 height in multiples of \unitlength.

 The optional argument, [position],  specifies  the quadrant that your
 text appears in.  You may select up to two of the following:

  -  t:  Moves the item to the top of the rectangle

  -  b:  Moves the item to the bottom

  -  l:  Moves the item to the left

  -  r:  Moves the item to the right


 \multiput(x coord,y coord)(delta x,delta y){number of copies}{object}

 The \multiput  command  can be used  when  you are putting  the  same
 object in a regular pattern across a picture.


 The \oval command  produces  a rectangle  with rounded  corners.  The
 optional argument, [portion], allows you to select part of the oval.

  -  t:  Selects the top portion

  -  b:  Selects the bottom portion

  -  r:  Selects the right portion

  -  l:  Selects the left portion


 \put(x coord,y coord){ ...  }

 The \put command places the item specified by the mandatory  argument
 at the given coordinates.

 \shortstack[position]{...  \\ ...  \\ ...}

 The \shortstack  command  produces  a stack  of objects.   The  valid
 positions are:

  -  r:  Moves the objects to the right of the stack

  -  l:  Moves the objects to the left of the stack

  -  c:  Moves the objects to the center of the stack (default)


 \vector(x slope,y slope){length}

 The \vector  command  draws  a line  with  an arrow  of the specified
 length  and slope.   The x and y values  must lie between  -4 and +4,



 The margins of the quotation environment  are indented on the left and
 the right.   The  text  is justified  at both  margins  and  there  is
 paragraph  indentation.   Leaving a blank line between text produces a
 new paragraph.



 The margins of the quote environment  are indented on the left and the
 right.  The text is justified  at both margins.   Leaving a blank line
 between text produces a new paragraph.


 text \= more text \= still more text \= last text \\
 second row \>  \> more \\

 The tabbing environment  provides a way to align text in columns.   It
 works  by setting  tab stops  and tabbing  to them much the way you do
 with an ordinary typewriter.

 The \= command sets the tab stops.

 The \> command causes LaTeX to advance to the next tab stop.

 The \< command  allows you to put something  to the left of the local
 margin without changing the margin.

 The \+ command  moves  the  left  margin  of the  next  and  all  the
 following commands one tab stop to the right.

 The \- command  moves  the  left  margin  of the  next  and  all  the
 following commands one tab stop to the left.

 The \' command  moves  everything  that you have typed  so far in the
 current column , everything starting from the most recent \>, \<, \',
 \\, or \kill  command,  to the right  of the previous  column,  flush
 against the current column's tab stop.

 The \` command allows you to put text flushed  right against  any tab
 stop, including tab stop 0.  However, it can't move text to the right
 of the last column because there's no tab stop there.  The \` command
 moves  all the text  that  follows  it, up to the \\ or \end{tabbing}
 command  that  ends  the line,  to the right  margin  of the  tabbing
 environment.   There must be no \> or \' command  between  the \` and
 the command that ends the line.

 The \kill command allows you to set tab stops without producing text. 
 It works just like the \\ except that it throws away the current line
 instead  of producing  output for it.  The effect of any \=, \+ or \-
 commands in that line remain in effect.



  body of the table

 \caption{table title}

 Tables  are objects  that  are not part  of the normal  text,  and are
 usually  "floated"  to a convenient  place,  like  the top  of a page.
 Tables will not be split between two pages.

 The optional argument [placement]  determines  where LaTeX will try to
 place your table.  There are four places where LaTeX can possibly  put
 a float:

  -  h:   Here  -  at  the  position  in  the  text  where  the  table
     environment appears.

  -  t:  Top - at the top of a text page.

  -  b:  Bottom - at the bottom of a text page.

  -  p:  Page of floats - on a separate float page, which  is  a  page
     containing no text, only floats.

 The standard report and article styles use the default placement tbp.

 The body of the table  is made up of whatever  text,  LaTeX  commands,
 etc., you wish.  The \caption command allows you to title your table.


 column 1 entry & column 2 entry ... & column n entry \\


 column 1 entry & column 2 entry ... & column n entry \\

 These environments  produce a box consisting  of a sequence of rows of
 items,  aligned  vertically  in columns.   The mandatory  and optional
 arguments consist of:

  o  width:  Specifies the width of the tabular*  environment.   There
     must be rubber space between columns that can stretch to fill out
     the specified width.

  o  pos:  Specifies the  vertical position;  default is alignment  on
     the center of the environment.

      -  t - align on top row

      -  b - align on bottom row

  o  cols:   Specifies  the  column  formatting.   It  consists  of  a
     sequence  of  the  following  specifiers,  corresponding  to  the
     sequence of columns and intercolumn material.

      -  l - A column of left-aligned items.

      -  r - A column of right-aligned items.

      -  c - A column of centered items.

      -  | - A  vertical  line  the  full  height  and  depth  of  the

      -  @{text} - This inserts text in every  row.   An  @-expression
         suppresses  the  intercolumn  space normally inserted between
         columns; any desired space between the inserted text and  the
         adjacent items must be included in text.  An \extracolsep{wd}
         command in an @-expression causes an extra space of width  wd
         to  appear  to  the  left  of  all  subsequent columns, until
         countermanded  by  another  \extracolsep   command.    Unlike
         ordinary   intercolumn   space,   this  extra  space  is  not
         suppressed by an @-expression.  An \extracolsep  command  can
         be used only in an @-expression in the cols argument.

      -  p{wd} - Produces a column with each item typeset in a  parbox
         of  width  wd, as if it were the argument of a \parbox[t]{wd}
         command.  However, a \\ may not appear in the item, except in
         the  following  situations:   (i)  inside an environment like
         minipage, array, or tabular, (ii) inside an explicit \parbox,
         or  (iii)  in  the  scope  of  a \centering, \raggedright, or
         \raggedleft declaration.  The latter declarations must appear
         inside  braces  or  an  environment  when  used in a p-column

      -  *{num}{cols} - Equivalent to num copies of cols, where num is
         any    positive   integer   and   cols   is   any   list   of
         column-specifiers, which may contain another *-expression.



 The  \cline  command  draws  horizontal   lines  across  the  columns
 specified,  beginning  in column i and ending in column  j, which are
 identified in the mandatory argument.

 The \hline  command  will draw  a horizontal  line  the width  of the
 table.   It's most commonly  used to draw a line at the top,  bottom,
 and between the rows of the table.


 The \multicolumn is used to make an entry that spans several columns. 
 The first mandatory argument,  cols, specifies  the number of columns
 to  span.   The  second  mandatory  argument,   pos,  specifies   the
 formatting  of the entry;  c for  centered,  l for  flushleft,  r for
 flushright.   The third mandatory argument, text, specifies what text
 is to make up the entry.

 The \vline  command  will draw  a vertical  line  extending  the full
 height and depth of its row.  An \hfill  command  can be used to move
 the line  to the edge  of the  column.   It can  also  be used  in an



 The thebibliography  environment produces a bibliography  or reference
 list.   In  the  article   style,  this  reference   list  is  labeled
 "References"; in the report style, it is labeled "Bibliography".

  o  widest-label:  Text that, when printed, is approximately as  wide
     as the widest item label produces by the \bibitem commands.



 The \bibitem  command generates  an entry labeled  by label.   If the
 label argument is missing, a number is generated  as the label, using
 the enumi counter.  The cite_key is any sequence of letters, numbers,
 and punctuation  symbols not containing a comma.  This command writes
 an entry on the aux file containing  cite_key  and the item's label. 
 When  this  aux file  is read  by the \begin{document}  command,  the
 item's label is associated  with cite_key,  causing the reference  to
 cite_key by a \cite command to produce the associated label.


 The key_list  argument  is a list  of citation  keys.   This  command
 generates an in-text citation to the references  associated  with the
 keys  in  key_list   by  entries   on  the  aux  file  read   by  the
 \begin{document} command.


 The \nocite command produces no text, but writes key_list, which is a
 list of one or more citation keys, on the aux file.


  theorem text

 The theorem environment  produces "Theorem x" in boldface followed  by
 your theorem text.



 The titlepage  environment  creates a title page, i.e.  a page with no
 printed page number or heading.  It also causes the following  page to
 be numbered page one.  Formatting  the title page is left to you.  The
 \today command comes in handy for title pages.



 The verbatim environment is a paragraph-making  environment  that gets
 LaTeX  to print  exactly  what you type in.   It turns  LaTeX  into  a
 typewriter  with carriage  returns  and blanks having  the same effect
 that they would on a typewriter.

 \verb char literal_text char \verb*char literal_text char

 Typesets literal_text  exactly as typed, including special characters
 and spaces,  using a typewriter  (\tt)  type style.  There  may be no
 space between  \verb or \verb* and char (space is shown here only for
 clarity).  The *-form differs only in that spaces are printed.



 The verse  environment  is designed  for poetry,  though  you may find
 other uses for it.


 Footnotes  can be produced  in one of two ways.   They can be produced
 with one command,  the \footnote  command.   They can also be produced
 with two commands, the \footnotemark  and the \footnotetext  commands.
 See the specific command for information on why you would use one over
 the other.



 The \footnote  command places the numbered footnote text at the bottom
 of the current page.  The optional argument, number, is used to change
 the default footnote  number.   This command can only be used in outer
 paragraph mode.


 The \footnotemark  command puts the footnote number in the text.  This
 command can be used in inner paragraph mode.  The text of the footnote
 is supplied by the \footnotetext command.



 The \footnotetext command produces the text to be placed at the bottom
 of the page.  This command  can come anywhere  after the \footnotemark
 command.   The \footnotetext  command  must appear  in outer paragraph

 The optional argument,  number, is used to change the default footnote


 A length is a measure of distance.   Many LaTeX commands take a length
 as an argument.



 The \newlength  command defines  the mandatory  argument,  \gnat, as a
 length  command  with  a value  of 0in.   An error  occurs  if a \gnat
 command already exists.



 The \setlength  command  is used to set the value of a length command.
 The length  argument  can be expressed  in any terms  of length  LaTeX
 understands, i.e., inches (in), millimeters (mm), points (pt), etc.



 The \addtolength  command  increments  a length command  by the amount
 specified in the length argument.  It can be a negative amount.



 The \settowidth  command  sets the value of a length command  equal to
 the width of the text argument.


 You can use LaTeX to typeset letters, both personal and business.  The
 letter document style is designed to make a number of letters at once,
 although you can make just one if you so desire.

 Your .TEX  source  file  has the same  minimum  commands  as the other
 document  styles,  i.e.,  you must have  the following  commands  as a

  ... letters ...

 Each letter is a letter  environment,  whose argument  is the name and
 address of the recipient.  For example, you might have

 \begin{letter}{Mr. John Doe \\ 2345 Jones St. 
      \\ Oakland, CA  91123}

 The letter itself begins with the \opening  command.   The text of the
 letter follows.   It is typed as ordinary LaTeX input.  Commands  that
 make no sense  in a letter,  like \chapter,  don't  work.   The letter
 closes with a \closing command.

 After the closing, you can have additional material.   The \cc command
 produces  the usual "cc: ...".  There's  also a similar  \encl command
 for a list of enclosures.


 The following commands are declarations which take a single argument.

 \address{Return address}

 The  return  address,  as it should  appear  on the  letter  and  the
 envelope.   Separate  lines of the address should be separated  by \\
 commands.   If you do not  make  an \address  declaration,  then  the
 letter  will  be  formatted  for  copying  onto  your  organization's
 standard letterhead.   If you give an \address declaration,  then the
 letter will be formatted as a personal letter.

 \signature{Your name}

 Your name, as it should  appear  at the end of the letter  underneath
 the space for your signature.  Items that should go on separate lines
 should be separated by \\ commands.


 This  modifies  your  organization's  standard  address.   This  only
 appears if the firstpage pagestyle is selected.


 This is your telephone  number.   This only appears  if the firstpage
 pagestyle is selected.



 The letter begins with the \opening command.  The mandatory  argument,
 text, is what ever text you wish to start your letter, i.e.,

 \opening{Dear John,}


 \closing {text}

 The letter closes with a \closing command, i.e.,

 \closing{Best Regards,}


 The first  thing  LaTeX  does  when  processing  ordinary  text  is to
 translate  your input  file into a string  of glyphs  and spaces.   To
 produce a printed document, this string must be broken into lines, and
 these lines must be broken into pages.   In some environments,  you do
 the line breaking yourself with the \\ command, but LaTeX usually does
 it for you.



 The \\ command  tells LaTeX to start  a new line.   It has an optional
 argument, extra-space, that specifies how much extra vertical space is
 to be inserted before the next line.  This can be a negative amount.

 The \\* command is the same as the ordinary  \\ command except that it
 tells LaTeX not to start a new page after the line.


 The \- command  tells  LaTeX  that it may hyphenate  the word  at that
 point.   LaTeX is very good at hyphenating,  and it will usually  find
 all correct  hyphenation  points.   The  \- command  is used  for  the
 exceptional cases.


 The \cleardoublepage  command  ends the current  page  and causes  all
 figures  and tables  that  have  so far appeared  in the  input  to be
 printed.  In a two-sided printing style, it also makes the next page a
 right-hand (odd-numbered) page, producing a blank page if necessary.


 The \clearpage  command  ends the current  page and causes all figures
 and tables that have so far appeared in the input to be printed.



 The \hyphenation  command declares  allowed hyphenation  points, where
 words  is  a list  of  words,  separated  by  spaces,  in  which  each
 hyphenation point is indicated by a - character.



 The \linebreak  command  tells LaTeX to break the current  line at the
 point of the command.   With the optional  argument,  number,  you can
 convert the \linebreak command from a demand to a request.  The number
 must  be a number  from  0 to 4.  The  higher  the  number,  the  more
 insistent the request is.

 The \linebreak  command causes LaTeX to stretch the line so it extends
 to the right margin.


 The \newline  command breaks the line right where it is.  The \newline
 command can be used only in paragraph mode.


 The \newpage command ends the current page.



 The \nolinebreak command prevents LaTeX from breaking the current line
 at the point of the command.  With the optional argument,  number, you
 can convert the \nolinebreak  command from a demand to a request.  The
 number must be a number from 0 to 4.  The higher the number,  the more
 insistent the request is.



 The \nopagebreak command prevents LaTeX form breaking the current page
 at the point of the command.  With the optional argument,  number, you
 can convert the \nopagebreak  command from a demand to a request.  The
 number must be a number from 0 to 4.  The higher the number,  the more
 insistent the request is.



 The \pagebreak  command  tells LaTeX to break the current  page at the
 point of the command.   With the optional  argument,  number,  you can
 convert the \pagebreak command from a demand to a request.  The number
 must  be a number  from  0 to 4.  The  higher  the  number,  the  more
 insistent the request is.


 A paragraph  is ended by one or more completely  blank lines  -- lines
 not containing  even an %.  A blank line should not appear where a new
 paragraph  cannot be started,  such as in math mode or in the argument
 of a sectioning command.


 This produces  a horizontal  space whose width equals the width of the
 paragraph indentation.   It is used to add paragraph indentation where
 it would otherwise be suppressed.


 When  used  at the  beginning  of the  paragraph,  it  suppresses  the
 paragraph indentation.   It has no effect when used in the middle of a


 Equivalent  to a blank line; often used to make command or environment
 definitions easier to read.


 There  are three  environments  that  put LaTeX  in math  mode:  math,
 displaymath,  and equation.  The math environment is for formulas that
 appear right in the text.  The displaymath environment is for formulas
 that appear on their own line.  The equation  environment  is the same
 as the displaymath environment  except that it adds an equation number
 in the right margin.

 The math environment  can be used in both paragraph  and LR mode,  but
 the  displaymath  and  equation  environments  can  be  used  only  in
 paragraph  mode.   The math and displaymath  environments  are used so
 often that they have the following short forms:

     \(...\) instead of \begin{math}...\end{math}

     \[...\] instead of \begin{displaymath}...\end{displaymath}

 In fact, the math environment is so common that it has an even shorter

     $ ...  $ instead of \(...\)


 To get an expression  exp  to appear  as a subscript,  you  just  type
 _{exp}.  To get exp to appear as a superscript, you type ^{exp}. LaTeX
 handles  superscripted  superscripts  and  all  of that  stuff  in the
 natural  way.  It even does the right thing when something  has both a
 subscript and a superscript.


 TeX provides almost any mathematical symbol you're likely to need. The
 commands  for generating  them can be used  only  in math  mode.   For
 example,  if you include $\pi$ in your source, you will get the symbol
 "pi" in your output.


 In a math environment,  LaTeX ignores  the spaces you type and puts in
 the spacing that it thinks is best.  LaTeX formats mathematics the way
 it's done in mathematics  texts.  If you want different spacing, LaTeX
 provides the following four commands for use in math mode:

 1.  \; - a thick space

 2.  \:  - a medium space

 3.  \, - a thin space

 4.  \!  - a negative thin space



 The \cdots command produces a horizontal  ellipsis where the dots are
 raised to the center of the line.

 The \ddots command produces a diagonal ellipsis.


 The \frac command produces the fraction num divided by den.

 The \ldots command produces  an ellipsis.   This command works in any
 mode, not just math mode.


 The \overbrace command generates a brace over text.


 The \overline command causes the argument text to be overlined.


 The \sqrt  command  produces  the square  root  of its argument.  The
 optional argument,  root, determines  what root to produce, i.e., the
 cube root of x+y would be typed as $\sqrt[3]{x+y}$.


 The \underbrace command generates text with a brace underneath.


 The \underline  command  causes  the argument  text to be underlined.
 This command can also be used in paragraph and LR modes.

 The \vdots command produces a vertical ellipsis.


 When LaTeX is processing your input text, it is always in one of three

  o  Paragraph mode

  o  Math mode

  o  Left-to-right mode, called LR mode for short

 LaTeX  changes  mode only when  it goes  up or down  a staircase  to a
 different  level, though not all level changes  produce  mode changes.
 Mode changes occur only when entering  or leaving  an environment,  or
 when  LaTeX  is processing  the  argument  of  certain  text-producing

 Paragraph  mode  is the most  common;  it's  the one LaTeX  is in when
 processing  ordinary  text.  In that mode, LaTeX breaks your text into
 lines and breaks  the lines  into pages.   LaTeX  is in math mode when
 it's generating  a mathematical  formula.  In LR mode, as in paragraph
 mode, LaTeX considers  the output that it produces  to be a string  of
 words with spaces between them.  However, unlike paragraph mode, LaTeX
 keeps going from left to right; it never starts a new line in LR mode. 
 Even  if you put a hundred  words  into  an \mbox,  LaTeX  would  keep
 typesetting  them from left to right  inside  a single  box,  and then
 complain because the resulting box was too wide to fit on the line.

 LaTeX is in LR mode when it starts making a box with an \mbox command. 
 You can get it to enter a different mode inside the box - for example,
 you can make it enter  math mode to put a formula  in the box.   There
 are also several text-producing commands and environments for making a
 box that put LaTeX  in paragraph  mode.   The box make by one of these
 commands  or environments  will be called a parbox.   When LaTeX is in
 paragraph mode while making a box, it is said to be in inner paragraph
 mode.  Its normal  paragraph  mode, which it starts  out in, is called
 outer paragraph mode.


 The \documentstyle  command  determines  the size and position  of the
 page's head and foot.  The page style determines what goes in them.



 The \maketitle  command generates  a title on a separate  title page -
 except in the article style, where the title normally  goes at the top
 of the first page.  Information  used to produce the title is obtained
 from the following declarations.


 The \author command declares the author(s),  where names is a list of
 authors separated by \and commands.   Use \\ to separate lines within
 a single  author's  entry  --  for  example,  to  give  the  author's
 institution or address.

 NOTE: The milstd and book-form styles have re-defined  the \maketitle
 command.   The \title declaration  is the only command of those shown
 below that has any meaning.


 The \date command declares  text to be the document's  date.  With no
 \date command, the current date is used.


 The \thanks command produces a footnote to the title.


 The \title  command  declares  text to be the title.   Use \\ to tell
 LaTeX where to start a new line in a long title.



 Specifies the style of page numbers.  Possible values of num_style are:

  -  arabic:  Arabic numerals

  -  roman:  Lowercase roman numerals

  -  Roman:  Uppercase roman numerals

  -  alph:  Lowercase letters

  -  Alph:  Uppercase letters


 \pagestyle {option}

 The \pagestyle  command  changes  the style  from the current  page on
 throughout the remainder of your document.

 The valid options are:

  -  plain:  Just a plain page number.

  -  empty:  Produces empty heads and feet - no page numbers.

  -  headings:  Puts running headings  on  each  page.   The  document
     style specifies what goes in the headings.

  -  myheadings:  You specify what is to go in the  heading  with  the
     \markboth or the \markright commands.


 \markboth{left head}{right head} \markright{right head}

 The \markboth  and \markright  commands are used in conjunction  with
 the page style myheadings  for setting  either both or just the right
 heading.   In addition  to their use with the myheadings  page style,
 you can use them  to override  the normal  headings  in the  headings
 style, since LaTeX uses these same commands to generate those heads. 
 You should  note that a left-hand  heading  is generated  by the last
 \markboth  command  before  the end of the page,  while  a right-hand
 heading is generated by the first \markboth or \markright  that comes
 on the page if there  is one, otherwise  by the last  one before  the



 The \thispagestyle  command works in the same manner as the \pagestyle
 command except that it changes the style for the current page only.


 Sectioning  commands  provide  the means  to structure  your text into

  o  \part

  o  \chapter (report style only)

  o  \section

  o  \subsection

  o  \subsubsection

  o  \paragraph

  o  \subparagraph

  o  \subsubparagraph (milstd and book-form styles only)

  o  \subsubsubparagraph (milstd and book-form styles only)

 All sectioning commands take the same general form, i.e.,


 In addition  to providing  the  heading  in the  text,  the  mandatory
 argument of the sectioning command can appear in two other places:

 1.  the table of contents

 2.  the running head at the top of the page

 You may not want the same thing to appear in these other two places as
 appears in the text heading.  To handle this situation, the sectioning
 commands have an optional  argument  that provides  the text for these
 other two purposes.

 The sectioning  commands  have *-forms  that print a title, but do not
 include  a number  and do not make an entry in the table  of contents.
 For example, the *-form of the \subsection command could look like:

 \subsection*{Example subsection}



 The \appendix  command changes  the way sectional  units are numbered.
 The \appendix  command  generates  no text  and does  not  affect  the
 numbering or parts.




 The  \addvspace  command  normally  adds  a vertical  space  of height
 length.  However, if vertical space has already been added to the same
 point  in the  output  by a previous  \addvspace  command,  then  this
 command will not add more space than needed to make the natural length
 of the total vertical space equal to length.


 The \bigskip  command  is equivalent  to \vspace{bigskipamount}  where
 bigskipamount is determined by the document style.


 The \dotfill  command  produces  a rubber  length  that produces  dots
 instead of just spaces.



 The \fbox command  is exactly  the same as the \mbox  command,  except
 that it puts a frame around the outside of the box that it creates.



 The \framebox  command  is exactly  the same as the \makebox  command,
 except  that it puts a frame  around  the outside  of the box that  it

 The framebox  command  produces  a rule  of thickness  \fboxrule,  and
 leaves a space \fboxsep between the rule and the contents of the box.


 The \hfill fill command produces  a rubber length which can stretch or
 shrink horizontally.  It will be filled with spaces.


 The \hrulefill fill command produces a rubber length which can stretch
 or shrink horizontally.  It will be filled with a horizontal rule.



 The \hspace command  adds horizontal  space.   The length of the space
 can be expressed  in any terms that LaTeX understands,  i.e.,  points,
 inches, etc.  You can add negative  as well as positive  space with an
 \hspace command.  Adding negative space is like backspacing.

 LaTeX removes  horizontal  space that comes at the end of a line.   If
 you don't want LaTeX  to remove  this space,  include  the optional  *
 argument.  Then the space is never removed.



 The \makebox command creates a box to contain the text specified.  The
 width  of the box is specified  by the optional  width  argument.  The
 position  of the text  within  the box is determined  by the  optional
 position argument.

  -  c - centered (default)

  -  l - flushleft

  -  r - flushright


 \mbox {text}

 The \mbox  command  creates  a box just wide enough  to hold  the text
 created by its argument.


 The \medskip  command  is equivalent  to \vspace{medskipamount}  where
 medskipamount is determined by the document style.



 Declares  cmd,  which  must  be a command  name  that  is not  already
 defined, to be a bin for saving boxes.



 A parbox is a box whose contents  are created in paragraph  mode.  The
 \parbox has two mandatory arguments:

 1.  width:  specifies the width of the parbox; and

 2.  text:  the text that goes inside the parbox.

 LaTeX will position a parbox so its center lines up with the center of
 the text line.  An optional  first argument,  position,  allows you to
 line up either the top or bottom line in the parbox.

 A \parbox  command  is used for a parbox  containing  a small piece of
 text, with nothing fancy inside.  In particular, you shouldn't use any
 of the paragraph-making  environments  inside a \parbox argument.  For
 larger pieces  of text, including  ones containing  a paragraph-making
 environment, you should use a minipage environment.



 The \raisebox  command  is used  to raise  or lower  text.   The first
 mandatory  argument  specifies  how high the text is to be raised  (or
 lowered if it is a negative amount).  The text itself is processed  in
 LR mode.

 Sometimes  it's useful  to make LaTeX think something  has a different
 size than  it really  does  - or a different  size  than  LaTeX  would
 normally think it has.  The \raisebox  command lets you tell LaTeX how
 tall it is.

 The first optional argument, extend-above,  makes LaTeX think that the
 text  extends  above  the line  by the amount  specified.   The second
 optional  argument,  extend-below,  makes  LaTeX  think  that the text
 extends below the line by the amount specified.



 The \rule command is used to produce horizontal  lines.  The arguments
 are defined as follows.

  o  raise-height:  specifies how high to raise the rule (optional)

  o  width:  specifies the length of the rule (mandatory)

  o  thickness:  specifies the thickness of the rule (mandatory)



 These commands  typeset  text in a box just as for \mbox  or \makebox.
 However,  instead of printing  the resulting  box, they save it in bin
 cmd, which must have been declared with \newsavebox.



 The \smallskip command is equivalent to \vspace{smallskipamount} where
 smallskipamount is determined by the document style.



 Prints the box most recently saved in bin cmd by a \savebox command.


 The \vfill fill command produces  a rubber length which can stretch or
 shrink vertically.



 The \vspace command adds vertical  space.  The length of the space can
 be expressed  in any  terms  that  LaTeX  understands,  i.e.,  points,
 inches, etc.  You can add negative  as well as positive  space with an
 \vspace command.

 LaTeX removes vertical  space that comes at the end of a page.  If you
 don't  want  LaTeX  to remove  this  space,  include  the  optional  *
 argument.  Then the space is never removed.


 The following  characters  play a special role in LaTeX and are called
 special printing characters, or simply special characters.

                          # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }

 Whenever  you put one of these special characters  into your file, you
 are doing something special.   If you simply want the character  to be
 printed  just  as any  other  letter,  include  a \ in  front  of  the
 character.  For example, \$ will produce $ in your output.

 The exception  to the rule  is the \ itself  because  \\ has  its  own
 special meaning.  A \ is produced by typing $\backslash$ in your file.


 A large document  requires  a lot of input.   Rather than putting  the
 whole input in a single  large file, it's more efficient  to split  it
 into several smaller ones.  Regardless  of how many separate files you
 use, there is one that is the root file; it is the one whose  name you
 type when you run LaTeX.



 The \include  command  is used  in conjunction  with  the \includeonly
 command for selective  inclusion  of files.  The file argument  is the
 first  name of a file,  denoting  FILE.TEX.   If file  is one the file
 names in the file list of the \includeonly  command  or if there is no
 \includeonly command, the \include command is equivalent to

 \clearpage \input{file} \clearpage

 except  that  if the file  FILE.TEX  does  not exist,  then  a warning
 message  rather than an error is produced.   If the file is not in the
 file list, the \include command is equivalent to \clearpage.

 The \include command may not appear in the preamble  or in a file read
 by another \include command.



 The \includeonly  command  controls  which files will be read in by an
 \include command.  It can only appear in the preamble.



 The \input command causes the indicated file to be read and processed,
 exactly as if its contents  had been inserted  in the current  file at
 that point.  The file name may be a complete  file name with extension
 or just a first name, in which case the file FILE.TEX is used.


 Your input file must contain the following commands as a minimum.

   ... your text goes here ...

 where  the style  selected  is one the valid  styles  for LaTeX.   See
 Document_Styles within this help file.

 You may include other LaTeX commands  between  the \documentstyle  and
 the \begin{document} commands.


 A table of contents is produced with the \tableofcontents command. You
 put the command  right  where  you want the table  of contents  to go;
 LaTeX does the rest for you.  It produces  a heading,  but it does not
 automatically  start  a new page.   If you want a new page  after  the
 table   of   contents,   include   a  \newpage   command   after   the
 \tableofcontents command.

 There  are  similar  commands  \listoffigures  and  \listoftables  for
 producing  a list  of figures  and  a list  of  tables,  respectively.
 Everything works exactly the same as for the table of contents.

 NOTE: If you want a any of these  items  to be generated,  you can not
 have the \nofiles command in your document.



 The \addcontentsline  command  adds an entry to the specified  list or
 table where

  -  file is the extension of the file on which information is  to  be
     written:   toc (table of contents), lof (list of figures), or lot
     (list of tables).

  -  sec_unit controls the formatting of the entry.  It should be  one
     of the following, depending upon the value of the file argument:

      o  toc:  the name  of  the  sectional  unit,  such  as  part  or

      o  lof:  figure

      o  lot:  table

  -  entry is the text of the entry.



 The \addtocontents command adds text (or formatting commands) directly
 to the file that generates the table of contents or list of figures or

  -  file is the extension of the file on which information is  to  be
     written:   toc (table of contents), lof (list of figures), or lot
     (list of tables).

  -  text is the information to be written.




 Prints msg on the terminal and in the log file.  Commands  in msg that
 are defined with \newcommand  or \renewcommand  are replaced  by their
 definitions before being printed.

 LaTeX's usual rules for treating multiple spaces as a single space and
 ignoring  spaces after a command  name apply to msg.  A \space command
 in msg causes a single space to be printed.



 Prints msg on the terminal  and causes  LaTeX to stop and wait for you
 to type a line of input, ending with return.   If the cmd argument  is
 missing,  the typed input is processed  as if it had been included  in
 the input file in place of the \typein  command.   If the cmd argument
 is present,  it must be a command  name.   This command  name  is then
 defined or redefined to be the typed input.


 The typeface is specified by giving the size and style.  A typeface is
 also called a font.


 The following type style commands are supported by LaTeX.

  o  \rm:  Roman.

  o  \it:  Italics.

  o  \em:  Emphasis (toggles between \it and \rm).

  o  \bf:  Boldface.

  o  \sl:  Slanted.

  o  \sf:  Sans serif.

  o  \sc:  Small caps.

  o  \tt:  Typewriter.


 The following type size commands are supported by LaTeX.

  o  \tiny

  o  \scriptsize

  o  \footnotesize

  o  \small

  o  \normalsize (default)

  o  \large

  o  \Large (capital "l")

  o  \LARGE (all caps)

  o  \huge

  o  \Huge (capital "h")

_{exp} (subscript)

 To get an expression  exp  to appear  as a subscript,  you  just  type
 _{exp}.  Use in math mode.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Subscripts_and_Superscripts

^{exp} (superscript)

 To get an expression  exp to appear  as a superscript,  you just  type
 ^{exp}.  Use in math mode.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Subscripts_and_Superscripts



 The \\ command  tells LaTeX to start  a new line.   It has an optional
 argument, extra-space, that specifies how much extra vertical space is
 to be inserted before the next line.  This can be a negative amount.

 The \\* command is the same as the ordinary  \\ command except that it
 tells LaTeX not to start a new page after the line.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking


 The \- command  tells  LaTeX  that it may hyphenate  the word  at that
 point.   LaTeX is very good at hyphenating,  and it will usually  find
 all correct  hyphenation  points.   The  \- command  is used  for  the
 exceptional cases.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking


 Include a thick space in math mode.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Spacing_in_Math_Mode


 Include a medium space in math mode.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Spacing_in_Math_Mode


 Include a thin space in math mode.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Spacing_in_Math_Mode


 Include a negative thin space in math mode.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Spacing_in_Math_Mode


 The \= command sets the tab stops.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabbing


 The \> command causes LaTeX to advance to the next tab stop.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabbing


 The \< command  allows  you to put something  to the left of the local
 margin without changing the margin.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabbing


 The \+ command moves the left margin of the next and all the following
 commands one tab stop to the right.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabbing


 The \- command moves the left margin of the next and all the following
 commands one tab stop to the left.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabbing


 The \' command  moves  everything  that you have  typed  so far in the
 current column , everything  starting from the most recent \>, \<, \',
 \\, or \kill  command,  to the right  of the  previous  column,  flush
 against the current column's tab stop.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabbing


 The \` command  allows you to put text flushed  right against  any tab
 stop, including  tab stop 0.  However, it can't move text to the right
 of the last column because there's no tab stop there.   The \` command
 moves  all the text  that  follows  it, up to the  \\ or \end{tabbing}
 command  that  ends  the line,  to the  right  margin  of the  tabbing
 environment.  There must be no \> or \' command between the \` and the
 command that ends the line.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabbing



 The \addcontentsline  command  adds an entry to the specified  list or
 table where

  -  file is the extension of the file on which information is  to  be
     written:   toc (table of contents), lof (list of figures), or lot
     (list of tables).

  -  sec_unit controls the formatting of the entry.  It should be  one
     of the following, depending upon the value of the file argument:

      o  toc:  the name  of  the  sectional  unit,  such  as  part  or

      o  lof:  figure

      o  lot:  table

  -  entry is the text of the entry.

 SEE ALSO Table_of_Contents



 The \addtocontents command adds text (or formatting commands) directly
 to the file that generates the table of contents or list of figures or

  -  file is the extension of the file on which information is  to  be
     written:   toc (table of contents), lof (list of figures), or lot
     (list of tables).

  -  text is the information to be written.

 SEE ALSO Table_of_Contents



 The  \addtocounter  command  increments  the  counter  by  the  amount
 specified by the value argument.  The value argument can be negative.

 SEE ALSO Counters


 \address{Return address}

 The  return  address,  as it should  appear  on  the  letter  and  the
 envelope.   Separate  lines of the address  should be separated  by \\
 commands.  If you do not make an \address declaration, then the letter
 will  be formatted  for  copying  onto  your  organization's  standard
 letterhead.  If you give an \address declaration, then the letter will
 be formatted as a personal letter.

 SEE ALSO Letters, Declarations



 The \addtolength  command  increments  a length command  by the amount
 specified in the length argument.  It can be a negative amount.

 SEE ALSO Lengths



 The  \addvspace  command  normally  adds  a vertical  space  of height
 length.  However, if vertical space has already been added to the same
 point  in the  output  by a previous  \addvspace  command,  then  this
 command will not add more space than needed to make the natural length
 of the total vertical space equal to length.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes



 This  command  causes  the  value  of the  counter  to be  printed  in
 alphabetic characters.  The \alph command causes lower case alphabetic
 characters,  i.e., a, b, c...  while the \Alph  command  causes  upper
 case alphabetic characters, i.e., A, B, C...

 SEE ALSO Counters



 The \appendix  command changes  the way sectional  units are numbered.
 The \appendix  command  generates  no text  and does  not  affect  the
 numbering or parts.

 SEE ALSO Sectioning


 \arabic {counter}

 The \arabic command causes the value of the counter  to be printed  in
 arabic numbers, i.e., 3.

 SEE ALSO Counters


 column 1 entry & column 2 entry ... & column n entry \\

 Math arrays are produced with the array environment.   It has a single
 mandatory argument describing  the number of columns and the alignment
 within them.  Each column, coln, is specified  by a single letter that
 tells how items in that row should be formatted.

  -  c for centered

  -  l for flushleft

  -  r for flushright

 Column entries must be separated  by an &.  Column entries may include
 other LaTeX commands.   Each row of the array must be terminated  with
 the string \\.

 SEE ALSO Environments



 The \author command declares  the author(s),  where names is a list of
 authors separated by \and commands.  Use \\ to separate lines within a
 single author's entry -- for example, to give the author's institution
 or address.

 NOTE: The milstd and book-form  styles have re-defined  the \maketitle
 command.   The \title declaration  is the only command  of those shown
 below that has any meaning.

 SEE ALSO Page_Styles, \maketitle


 Boldface typeface.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Styles



 The \bibitem  command  generates  an entry labeled  by label.   If the
 label argument is missing,  a number is generated  as the label, using
 the enumi counter.   The cite_key is any sequence of letters, numbers,
 and punctuation  symbols not containing  a comma.  This command writes
 an entry  on the aux file containing  cite_key  and the item's  label.
 When this aux file is read by the \begin{document} command, the item's
 label is associated  with cite_key, causing the reference  to cite_key
 by a \cite command to produce the associated label.

 SEE ALSO Environments, thebibliography


 The \bigskip  command  is equivalent  to \vspace{bigskipamount}  where
 bigskipamount is determined by the document style.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 The \cdots command produces a horizontal  ellipsis  where the dots are
 raised to the center of the line.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany


 Text on line 1 \\
 Text on line 2 \\

 The center environment  allows you to create a paragraph consisting of
 lines  that are centered  within  the left  and right  margins  on the
 current page.  Each line must be terminated with a \\.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 This  declaration  corresponds   to  the  center  environment.    This
 declaration  can be used inside  an environment  such as quote or in a
 parbox.  The text of a figure or table can be centered  on the page by
 putting a \centering  command at the beginning  of the figure or table

 Unlike the center environment, the \centering command does not start a
 new paragraph; it simply changes how LaTeX formats paragraph units. To
 affect a paragraph  unit's format,  the scope of the declaration  must
 contain the blank line or \end command (of an environment  like quote)
 that ends the paragraph unit.

 SEE ALSO Environments, center



 The \circle command produces a circle of the specified  diameter.   If
 the *-form of the command is used, LaTeX draws a solid circle.

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture



 The  key_list  argument  is a list  of citation  keys.   This  command
 generates  an in-text citation to the references  associated  with the
 keys  in  key_list   by  entries   on  the  aux  file   read   by  the
 \begin{document} command.

 SEE ALSO Environments, thebibliography


 The \cleardoublepage  command  ends the current  page  and causes  all
 figures  and tables  that  have  so far appeared  in the  input  to be
 printed.  In a two-sided printing style, it also makes the next page a
 right-hand (odd-numbered) page, producing a blank page if necessary.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking


 The \clearpage  command  ends the current  page and causes all figures
 and tables that have so far appeared in the input to be printed.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking



 The  \cline  command   draws  horizontal   lines  across  the  columns
 specified,  beginning  in column i and ending  in column  j, which are
 identified in the mandatory argument.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabular



 The letter closes with a \closing command, i.e.,

 \closing{Best Regards,}

 SEE ALSO Letters


 \dashbox{dash length}(width,height){ ...  }

 The \dashbox has an extra argument  which specifies  the width of each
 dash.  A dashed box looks best when the width and height are multiples
 of the dash length.

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture



 The \date command  declares  text to be the document's  date.  With no
 \date command, the current date is used.

 SEE ALSO Page_Styles, \maketitle


 The \ddots command produces a diagonal ellipsis.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany


 \item [label] First item
 \item [label] Second item

 The description environment  is used to make labeled lists.  The label
 is bold face and flushed right.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 The \dotfill  command  produces  a rubber  length  that produces  dots
 instead of just spaces.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 Emphasis (toggles between \it and \rm).

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Styles


 \item First item
 \item Second item

 The enumerate environment produces a numbered list.  Enumerations  can
 be nested within one another,  up to four levels deep.   They can also
 be nested within other paragraph-making environments.

 Each item of an enumerated  list begins with an \item command.   There
 must be at least one \item command within the environment.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 math formula 1 \\
 math formula 2 \\

 The eqnarray environment is used to display a sequence of equations or
 inequalities.   It is very much like a three-column array environment,
 with consecutive  rows separated by \\ and consecutive  items within a
 row separated  by an &.  An equation  number  is placed  on every line
 unless that line has a \nonumber command.

 SEE ALSO Environments


  math formula

 The equation environment  centers your equation on the page and places
 the equation number in the right margin.

 SEE ALSO Environments



  body of the figure

 \caption{figure title}

 Figures  are objects  that are not part  of the normal  text,  and are
 usually  "floated"  to a convenient  place,  like  the top  of a page.
 Figures will not be split between two pages.

 The optional argument [placement]  determines  where LaTeX will try to
 place your figure.  There are four places where LaTeX can possibly put
 a float:

  -  h:  Here  -  at  the  position  in  the  text  where  the  figure
     environment appears.

  -  t:  Top - at the top of a text page.

  -  b:  Bottom - at the bottom of a text page.

  -  p:  Page of floats - on a separate float page, which  is  a  page
     containing no text, only floats.

 The standard report and article styles use the default placement tbp.

 The body of the figure  is made up of whatever  text, LaTeX  commands,
 etc., you wish.  The \caption command allows you to title your figure.

 SEE ALSO Environments



 The \fbox command  is exactly  the same as the \mbox  command,  except
 that it puts a frame around the outside of the box that it creates.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 The \flushbottom  declaration  makes  all text pages  the same height,
 adding extra vertical space when necessary to fill out the page.

 SEE ALSO Document_Styles


 Text on line 1 \\
 Text on line 2 \\

 The flushleft environment  allows you to create a paragraph consisting
 of lines  that are flushed  left to the left-hand  margin.   Each line
 must be terminated with a \\.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 Text on line 1 \\
 Text on line 2 \\

 The flushright environment allows you to create a paragraph consisting
 of lines that are flushed  right to the right-hand  margin.  Each line
 must be terminated with a \\.

 SEE ALSO Environments



 The \fnsymbol command causes the value of the counter to be printed in
 a specific  sequence  of nine symbols  that can be used  for numbering

 SEE ALSO Counters



 The \footnote  command places the numbered footnote text at the bottom
 of the current page.  The optional argument, number, is used to change
 the default footnote  number.   This command can only be used in outer
 paragraph mode.

 SEE ALSO Footnotes


 The \footnotemark  command puts the footnote number in the text.  This
 command can be used in inner paragraph mode.  The text of the footnote
 is supplied by the \footnotetext command.

 SEE ALSO Footnotes


 Third smallest  of 10 typefaces  available.   This is the default size
 for footnotes.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes


 \footnotetext [number] {text}

 The \footnotetext command produces the text to be placed at the bottom
 of the page.  This command  can come anywhere  after the \footnotemark
 command.   The \footnotetext  command  must appear  in outer paragraph

 The optional argument,  number, is used to change the default footnote

 SEE ALSO Footnotes



 The \frac command produces the fraction num divided by den.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany


 \frame{ ...  }

 The  \frame  command  puts  a  rectangular  frame  around  the  object
 specified  in the argument.   The reference  point is the bottom  left
 corner of the frame.  No extra space is put between  the frame and the

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture



 The \framebox  command  is exactly  the same as the \makebox  command,
 except  that it puts a frame  around  the outside  of the box that  it

 The framebox  command  produces  a rule  of thickness  \fboxrule,  and
 leaves a space \fboxsep between the rule and the contents of the box.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes, Environments, picture


 The \hfill fill command produces  a rubber length which can stretch or
 shrink horizontally.  It will be filled with spaces.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 The \hline command will draw a horizontal line the width of the table. 
 It's most commonly used to draw a line at the top, bottom, and between
 the rows of the table.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabular


 The \hrulefill fill command produces a rubber length which can stretch
 or shrink horizontally.  It will be filled with a horizontal rule.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes



 The \hspace command  adds horizontal  space.   The length of the space
 can be expressed  in any terms that LaTeX understands,  i.e.,  points,
 inches, etc.  You can add negative  as well as positive  space with an
 \hspace command.  Adding negative space is like backspacing.

 LaTeX removes  horizontal  space that comes at the end of a line.   If
 you don't want LaTeX  to remove  this space,  include  the optional  *
 argument.  Then the space is never removed.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 Second largest of 10 typefaces available.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes

\Huge (capital "h")

 Largest of 10 typefaces available.   All fonts may not be available in
 this size.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes



 The \hyphenation  command declares  allowed hyphenation  points, where
 words  is  a list  of  words,  separated  by  spaces,  in  which  each
 hyphenation point is indicated by a - character.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking



 The \include  command  is used  in conjunction  with  the \includeonly
 command for selective  inclusion  of files.  The file argument  is the
 first  name of a file,  denoting  FILE.TEX.   If file  is one the file
 names in the file list of the \includeonly  command  or if there is no
 \includeonly command, the \include command is equivalent to

 \clearpage \input{file} \clearpage

 except  that  if the file  FILE.TEX  does  not exist,  then  a warning
 message  rather than an error is produced.   If the file is not in the
 file list, the \include command is equivalent to \clearpage.

 The \include command may not appear in the preamble  or in a file read
 by another \include command.

 SEE ALSO Splitting_the_Input



 The \includeonly  command  controls  which files will be read in by an
 \include command.  It can only appear in the preamble.

 SEE ALSO Splitting_the_Input


 This produces  a horizontal  space whose width equals the width of the
 paragraph indentation.   It is used to add paragraph indentation where
 it would otherwise be suppressed.

 SEE ALSO Making_Paragraphs



 The \input command causes the indicated file to be read and processed,
 exactly as if its contents  had been inserted  in the current  file at
 that point.  The file name may be a complete  file name with extension
 or just a first name, in which case the file FILE.TEX is used.

 SEE ALSO Splitting_the_Input


 Italics typeface.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Styles


 \item First item
 \item Second item

 The itemize environment produces a bulleted list.  Itemizations can be
 nested within one another,  up to four levels deep.   They can also be
 nested within other paragraph-making environments.

 Each item of an itemized  list begins  with an \item  command.   There
 must be at least one \item command within the environment.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 The \kill command allows you to set tab stops without producing  text.
 It works just like the \\ except that it throws away the current  line
 instead  of producing  output for it.  The effect  of any \=, \+ or \-
 commands in that line remain in effect.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabbing



 A \label command  appearing  in ordinary  text assigns  to the key the
 number of the current sectional unit; one appearing  inside a numbered
 environment assigns that number to the key.

 A key con consist of any sequence  of letters,  digits, or punctuation
 characters.  Upper- and lowercase letters are different.

 SEE ALSO Cross_References


 Slightly larger than default typeface size.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes

\Large (capital "l")

 Fourth largest of typefaces available.   Is generally  the default for

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes

\LARGE (all caps)

 Third largest of typefaces available.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes


 The \ldots command produces  an ellipsis.   This command  works in any
 mode, not just math mode.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany


 \line(x slope,y slope){length}

 The \line command draws a line of the specified length and slope.

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture



 The \linebreak  command  tells LaTeX to break the current  line at the
 point of the command.   With the optional  argument,  number,  you can
 convert the \linebreak command from a demand to a request.  The number
 must  be a number  from  0 to 4.  The  higher  the  number,  the  more
 insistent the request is.

 The \linebreak  command causes LaTeX to stretch the line so it extends
 to the right margin.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking



 Declares the thickness  of horizontal  and vertical lines in a picture
 environment to be dimension, which must be a positive length.  It does
 not affect the thickness  of slanted lines and circles, or the quarter
 circles drawn by \oval to form the corners of an oval.

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture


 \item First item
 \item Second item

 The {label}  argument  specifies  how items should  be labeled.   This
 argument  is a piece  of text that  is inserted  in a box to form  the
 label.   This  argument  can and  usually  does  contain  other  LaTeX

 The  {spacing}  argument  contains  commands  to  change  the  spacing
 parameters  for the list.  This argument will most often be null, i.e.
 {}.  This will select all default  spacing  which should  suffice  for
 most cases.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 \location {address}

 This modifies your organization's standard address.  This only appears
 if the firstpage pagestyle is selected.

 SEE ALSO Letters, Declarations



 The \makebox command creates a box to contain the text specified.  The
 width  of the box is specified  by the optional  width  argument.  The
 position  of the text  within  the box is determined  by the  optional
 position argument.

  -  c - centered (default)

  -  l - flushleft

  -  r - flushright

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes
                                * * *
 \makebox(width,height)[position]{ ...  }

 The \makebox  command for the picture  environment  is similar  to the
 normal  \makebox  command  except  that you must specify  a width  and
 height in multiples of \unitlength.

 The optional argument,  [position],  specifies  the quadrant that your
 text appears in.  You may select up to two of the following:

  -  t:  Moves the item to the top of the rectangle

  -  b:  Moves the item to the bottom

  -  l:  Moves the item to the left

  -  r:  Moves the item to the right

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture



 The \maketitle  command generates  a title on a separate  title page -
 except in the article style, where the title normally  goes at the top
 of the first page.  Information  used to produce the title is obtained
 from the following declarations.

 SEE ALSO Page_Styles


 \markboth{left head}{right head} \markright{right head}

 The \markboth and \markright commands are used in conjunction with the
 page  style  myheadings  for setting  either  both  or just  the right
 heading.  In addition to their use with the myheadings page style, you
 can use them to override  the normal headings  in the headings  style,
 since LaTeX uses these  same commands  to generate  those  heads.  You
 should  note  that  a left-hand  heading  is  generated  by  the  last
 \markboth  command  before  the end of the  page,  while  a right-hand
 heading is generated by the first \markboth  or \markright  that comes
 on the page if there  is one,  otherwise  by the last  one before  the

 SEE ALSO Page_Styles, \pagestyle



 The \mbox  command  creates  a box just wide enough  to hold  the text
 created by its argument.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 The \medskip  command  is equivalent  to \vspace{medskipamount}  where
 medskipamount is determined by the document style.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes



 The minipage  environment  is similar to a \parbox command.   It takes
 the same optional position argument and mandatory width argument.  You
 may use other paragraph-making environments inside a minipage.

 Footnotes  in a minipage  environment  are handled  in a way  that  is
 particularly  useful for putting footnotes  in figures  or tables.   A
 \footnote or \footnotetext  command puts the footnote at the bottom of
 the minipage  instead  of at the bottom  of the page,  and it uses the
 mpfootnote counter instead of the ordinary footnote counter.

 NOTE:  Don't  put  one  minipage  inside  another  if  you  are  using
 footnotes; they may wind up at the bottom of the wrong minipage.

 SEE ALSO Environments



 The \multicolumn  is used to make an entry that spans several columns.
 The first mandatory argument, cols, specifies the number of columns to
 span.  The second mandatory argument, pos, specifies the formatting of
 the entry;  c for centered,  l for flushleft,  r for flushright.   The
 third mandatory argument, text, specifies  what text is to make up the

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabular


 \multiput(x coord,y coord)(delta x,delta y){number of copies}{object}

 The \multiput command can be used when you are putting the same object
 in a regular pattern across a picture.

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture



 These commands define (or redefine) a command.

  -  cmd:  A command name beginning with a \.  For \newcommand it must
     not  be  already  defined  and  must  not  begin  with  \end; for
     \renewcommand it must already be defined.

  -  args:  An integer from 1 to 9 denoting the number of arguments of
     the  command  being  defined.   The default is for the command to
     have no arguments.

  -  def:  The text to be substituted for every occurrence of  cmd;  a
     parameter  of  the  form #n in cmd is replaced by the text of the
     nth argument when this substitution takes place.

 SEE ALSO Definitions



 The \newcounter command defines a new counter named foo.  The optional
 argument  [counter]  causes the counter  foo to be reset whenever  the
 counter named in the optional argument is incremented.

 SEE ALSO Counters



 These commands define or redefine an environment.

  -  nam:  The name of the  environment.   For  \newenvironment  there
     must  be  no  currently defined environment by that name, and the
     command  \nam  must  be  undefined.   For  \renewenvironment  the
     environment must already be defined.

  -  args:  An integer from 1 to 9 denoting the number of arguments of
     the newly-defined environment.  The default is no arguments.

  -  begdef:   The  text   substituted   for   every   occurrence   of
     \begin{name};  a  parameter  of the form #n in cmd is replaced by
     the text of the nth argument when this substitution takes place.

  -  enddef:  The text substituted for every occurrence of  \end{nam}.
     It may not contain any argument parameters.

 SEE ALSO Definitions



 Defines the command name cmd, which must not be currently  defined, to
 be a declaration  that  selects  the font  named  font_name  to be the
 current font.

 SEE ALSO Definitions



 The \newlength  command defines  the mandatory  argument,  \gnat, as a
 length  command  with  a value  of 0in.   An error  occurs  if a \gnat
 command already exists.

 SEE ALSO Lengths


 The \newline  command breaks the line right where it is.  The \newline
 command can be used only in paragraph mode.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking


 The \newpage command ends the current page.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking



 Declares  cmd,  which  must  be a command  name  that  is not  already
 defined, to be a bin for saving boxes.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes



 This command defines a theorem-like environment.

  -  env_name:  The name of the environment -- a  string  of  letters.
     Must not be the name of an existing environment or counter.

  -  caption:  The text printed at the beginning of  the  environment,
     right before the number.

  -  within:  The name of an already defined  counter,  usually  of  a
     sectional  unit.   Provides  a means of resetting the new theorem
     counter within the sectional unit.

  -  numbered_like:  The  name  of  an  already  defined  theorem-like

 The \newtheorem command may have at most one optional argument.

 SEE ALSO Definitions



 The \nocite command produces no text, but writes key_list,  which is a
 list of one or more citation keys, on the aux file.

 SEE ALSO Environments, thebibliography


 When  used  at the  beginning  of the  paragraph,  it  suppresses  the
 paragraph indentation.   It has no effect when used in the middle of a

 SEE ALSO Making_Paragraphs



 The \nolinebreak command prevents LaTeX  from  breaking  the  current
 line  at  the  point  of  the  command.   With the optional argument,
 number, you can convert the \nolinebreak command from a demand  to  a
 request.   The  number  must be a number from 0 to 4.  The higher the
 number, the more insistent the request is.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking

\normalsize (default)

 The size of \normalsize  is defined by as 10pt unless the 11pt or 12pt
 document style option is used.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes



 The \nopagebreak command prevents LaTeX form breaking the current page
 at the point of the command.  With the optional argument,  number, you
 can convert the \nopagebreak  command from a demand to a request.  The
 number must be a number from 0 to 4.  The higher the number,  the more
 insistent the request is.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking


 The  \onecolumn   declaration   starts   a  new  page   and   produces
 single-column output.

 SEE ALSO Document_Styles



 The letter begins with the \opening command.  The mandatory  argument,
 text, is what ever text you wish to start your letter, i.e.,

 \opening{Dear John,}

 SEE ALSO Letters



 The \oval command  produces  a rectangle  with rounded  corners.   The
 optional argument, [portion], allows you to select part of the oval.

  -  t:  Selects the top portion

  -  b:  Selects the bottom portion

  -  r:  Selects the right portion

  -  l:  Selects the left portion

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture



 The \overbrace command generates a brace over text.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany



 The \overline command causes the argument text to be overlined.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany



 The \pagebreak  command  tells LaTeX to break the current  page at the
 point of the command.   With the optional  argument,  number,  you can
 convert the \pagebreak command from a demand to a request.  The number
 must  be a number  from  0 to 4.  The  higher  the  number,  the  more
 insistent the request is.

 SEE ALSO Line_and_Page_Breaking



 Specifies  the style of page numbers.   Possible  values  of num_style

  -  arabic:  Arabic numerals

  -  roman:  Lowercase roman numerals

  -  Roman:  Uppercase roman numerals

  -  alph:  Lowercase letters

  -  Alph:  Uppercase letters

 SEE ALSO Page_Styles



 The \pageref command produces the page number of the place in the text
 where the corresponding \label command appears.

 SEE ALSO Cross_References



 The \pagestyle  command  changes  the style  from the current  page on
 throughout the remainder of your document.

 The valid options are:

  -  plain:  Just a plain page number.

  -  empty:  Produces empty heads and feet - no page numbers.

  -  headings:  Puts running headings  on  each  page.   The  document
     style specifies what goes in the headings.

  -  myheadings:  You specify what is to go in the  heading  with  the
     \markboth or the \markright commands.

 SEE ALSO Page_Styles


 Equivalent  to a blank line; often used to make command or environment
 definitions easier to read.

 SEE ALSO Making_Paragraphs



 A parbox is a box whose contents  are created in paragraph  mode.  The
 \parbox has two mandatory arguments:

 1.  width:  specifies the width of the parbox, and

 2.  text:  the text that goes inside the parbox.

 LaTeX will position a parbox so its center lines up with the center of
 the text line.  An optional  first argument,  position,  allows you to
 line up either the top or bottom line in the parbox.

 A \parbox  command  is used for a parbox  containing  a small piece of
 text, with nothing fancy inside.  In particular, you shouldn't use any
 of the paragraph-making  environments  inside a \parbox argument.  For
 larger pieces  of text, including  ones containing  a paragraph-making
 environment, you should use a minipage environment.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 \begin{picture}(width,height)(x offset,y offset)
  picture commands

 The picture  environment  allows you to create  just about any kind of
 picture you want containing text, lines, arrows and circles.  You tell
 LaTeX  where  to  put  things  in  the  picture  by  specifying  their
 coordinates.   A coordinate  is a number that may have a decimal point
 and a minus  sign  - a number  like  5, 2.3 or -3.1416.   A coordinate
 specifies a length in multiples of the unit length \unitlength,  so if
 \unitlength  has been set to 1cm, then the coordinate 2.54 specifies a
 length of 2.54 centimeters.   You can change  the value of \unitlength
 anywhere  you want, using the \setlength  command,  but strange things
 will happen if you try changing it inside the picture environment.

 A position is a pair of coordinates,  such as (2.4,-5), specifying the
 point  with x-coordinate  2.4 and y-coordinate  -5.   Coordinates  are
 specified  in the  usual  way  with  respect  to an origin,  which  is
 normally  at the lower-left  corner of the picture.   Note that when a
 position  appears as an argument,  it is not enclosed  in braces;  the
 parentheses serve to delimit the argument.

 The  picture  environment  has  one  mandatory  argument,  which  is a
 position.   It specifies  the size  of the picture.   The  environment
 produces  a rectangular  box with width and height determined  by this
 argument's x- and y-coordinates.

 The  picture  environment  also  has  an optional  position  argument,
 following  the size argument,  that  can change  the origin.   (Unlike
 ordinary optional arguments,  this argument is not contained in square
 brackets.) The optional argument gives the coordinates of the point at
 the lower-left corner of the picture (thereby determining the origin). 
 For example, if \unitlength has been set to 1mm, the command


 produces   a  picture   of  width  100  millimeters   and  height  200
 millimeters,  whose lower-left  corner is the point (10,20)  and whose
 upper-right  corner is therefore the point (110,220).   When you first
 draw a picture,  you will  omit  the optional  argument,  leaving  the
 origin  at the lower-left  corner.   If you then want  to modify  your
 picture by shifting everything, you just add the appropriate  optional

 The environment's  mandatory  argument determines  the nominal size of
 the picture.   This need  bear  no relation  to how large  the picture
 really  is; LaTeX will happily  allow  you to put things  outside  the
 picture, or even off the page.  The picture's  nominal size is used by
 TeX in determining how much room to leave for it.

 Everything that appears in a picture is drawn by the \put command. The

 \put (11.3,-.3){ ... }

 puts the object specified  by "..." in the picture, with its reference
 point at coordinates  (11.3,-.3).   The reference  points  for various
 objects will be described below.

 The \put command creates an LR box.  You can put anything  in the text
 argument  of the \put command  that you'd put into the argument  of an
 \mbox and related  commands.   When you do this,  the reference  point
 will be the lower left corner of the box.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 \put(x coord,y coord){ ...  }

 The \put command places the item specified  by the mandatory  argument
 at the given coordinates.

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture



 The margins of the quotation environment  are indented on the left and
 the right.   The  text  is justified  at both  margins  and  there  is
 paragraph  indentation.   Leaving a blank line between text produces a
 new paragraph.

 SEE ALSO Environments



 The margins of the quote environment  are indented on the left and the
 right.  The text is justified  at both margins.   Leaving a blank line
 between text produces a new paragraph.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 The \raggedbottom  declaration  makes all pages the height of the text
 on that page.  No extra vertical space is added.

 SEE ALSO Document_Styles


 This  declaration  corresponds  to the flushright  environment.   This
 declaration  can be used inside  an environment  such as quote or in a

 Unlike the flushright  environment,  the \raggedleft  command does not
 start a new paragraph;  it simply changes how LaTeX formats  paragraph
 units.   To  affect  a paragraph  unit's  format,  the  scope  of  the
 declaration  must  contain  the blank  line  or \end  command  (of  an
 environment like quote) that ends the paragraph unit.

 SEE ALSO Environments, flushright


 This  declaration  corresponds  to the  flushleft  environment.   This
 declaration  can be used inside  an environment  such as quote or in a

 Unlike the flushleft  environment,  the \raggedright  command does not
 start a new paragraph;  it simply changes how LaTeX formats  paragraph
 units.   To  affect  a paragraph  unit's  format,  the  scope  of  the
 declaration  must  contain  the blank  line  or \end  command  (of  an
 environment like quote) that ends the paragraph unit.

 SEE ALSO Environments, flushleft



 The \raisebox  command  is used  to raise  or lower  text.   The first
 mandatory  argument  specifies  how high the text is to be raised  (or
 lowered if it is a negative amount).  The text itself is processed  in
 LR mode.

 Sometimes  it's useful  to make LaTeX think something  has a different
 size than  it really  does  - or a different  size  than  LaTeX  would
 normally think it has.  The \raisebox  command lets you tell LaTeX how
 tall it is.

 The first optional argument, extend-above,  makes LaTeX think that the
 text  extends  above  the line  by the amount  specified.   The second
 optional  argument,  extend-below,  makes  LaTeX  think  that the text
 extends below the line by the amount specified.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes



 The \ref command produces  the number of the sectional  unit, equation
 number, ... of the corresponding \label command.

 SEE ALSO Cross_References


 Roman typeface (default).

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Styles


 \roman {counter}

 This command  causes the value of the counter  to be printed  in roman
 numerals.   The \roman command causes lower case roman numerals, i.e.,
 i, ii, iii...,  while  the \Roman  command  causes  upper  case  roman
 numerals, i.e., I, II, III...

 SEE ALSO Counters



 The \rule command is used to produce horizontal  lines.  The arguments
 are defined as follows.

  o  raise-height:  specifies how high to raise the rule (optional)

  o  width:  specifies the length of the rule (mandatory)

  o  thickness:  specifies the thickness of the rule (mandatory)

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes



 These commands  typeset  text in a box just as for \mbox  or \makebox.
 However,  instead of printing  the resulting  box, they save it in bin
 cmd, which must have been declared with \newsavebox.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 Small caps typeface.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Styles


 Second smallest of 10 typefaces available.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes



 The  \setcounter  command  sets  the  value  of the  counter  to  that
 specified by the value argument.

 SEE ALSO Counters



 The \setlength  command  is used to set the value of a length command.
 The length  argument  can be expressed  in any terms  of length  LaTeX
 understands, i.e., inches (in), millimeters (mm), points (pt), etc.

 SEE ALSO Lengths



 The \settowidth  command  sets the value of a length command  equal to
 the width of the text argument.

 SEE ALSO Lengths


 Sans serif typeface.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Styles


 \shortstack[position]{...  \\ ...  \\ ...}

 The  \shortstack  command  produces  a stack  of objects.   The  valid
 positions are:

  -  r:  Moves the objects to the right of the stack

  -  l:  Moves the objects to the left of the stack

  -  c:  Moves the objects to the center of the stack (default)

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture


 \signature{Your name}

 Your name, as it should appear at the end of the letter underneath the
 space  for your signature.   Items  that should  go on separate  lines
 should be separated by \\ commands.

 SEE ALSO Letters, Declarations


 Slanted typeface.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Styles


 Slightly smaller than default typeface size.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes



 The \smallskip command is equivalent to \vspace{smallskipamount} where
 smallskipamount is determined by the document style.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes



 The \sqrt  command  produces  the square  root  of its argument.   The
 optional argument,  root, determines  what root to produce,  i.e.  the
 cube root of x+y would be typed as $\sqrt[3]{x+y}$.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany


 text \= more text \= still more text \= last text \\
 second row \>  \> more \\

 The tabbing environment  provides a way to align text in columns.   It
 works  by setting  tab stops  and tabbing  to them much the way you do
 with an ordinary typewriter.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabbing



  body of the table

 \caption{table title}

 Tables  are objects  that  are not part  of the normal  text,  and are
 usually  "floated"  to a convenient  place,  like  the top  of a page.
 Tables will not be split between two pages.

 The optional argument [placement]  determines  where LaTeX will try to
 place your table.  There are four places where LaTeX can possibly  put
 a float:

  -  h:   Here  -  at  the  position  in  the  text  where  the  table
     environment appears.

  -  t:  Top - at the top of a text page.

  -  b:  Bottom - at the bottom of a text page.

  -  p:  Page of floats - on a separate float page, which  is  a  page
     containing no text, only floats.

 The standard report and article styles use the default placement tbp.

 The body of the table  is made up of whatever  text,  LaTeX  commands,
 etc., you wish.  The \caption command allows you to title your table.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 column 1 entry & column 2 entry ... & column n entry \\


 column 1 entry & column 2 entry ... & column n entry \\

 These environments  produce a box consisting  of a sequence of rows of
 items,aligned  vertically  in columns.   The  mandatory  and  optional
 arguments consist of:

  o  width:  Specifies the width of the tabular*  environment.   There
     must be rubber space between columns that can stretch to fill out
     the specified width.

  o  pos:  Specified the  vertical position;  default is alignment  on
     the center of the environment.

      -  t - align on top row

      -  b - align on bottom row

  o  cols:   Specifies  the  column  formatting.   It  consists  of  a
     sequence  of  the  following  specifiers,  corresponding  to  the
     sequence of columns and intercolumn material.

      -  l - A column of left-aligned items.

      -  r - A column of right-aligned items.

      -  c - A column of centered items.

      -  | - A  vertical  line  the  full  height  and  depth  of  the

      -  @{text} - This inserts text in every  row.   An  @-expression
         suppresses  the  intercolumn  space normally inserted between
         columns; any desired space between the inserted text and  the
         adjacent items must be included in text.  An \extracolsep{wd}
         command in an @-expression causes an extra space of width  wd
         to  appear  to  the  left  of  all  subsequent columns, until
         countermanded  by  another  \extracolsep   command.    Unlike
         ordinary   intercolumn   space,   this  extra  space  is  not
         suppressed by an @-expression.  An \extracolsep  command  can
         be used only in an @-expression in the cols argument.

      -  p{wd} - Produces a column with each item typeset in a  parbox
         of  width  wd, as if it were the argument of a \parbox[t]{wd}
         command.  However, a \\ may not appear in the item, except in
         the  following  situations:   (i)  inside an environment like
         minipage, array, or tabular, (ii) inside an explicit \parbox,
         or  (iii)  in  the  scope  of  a \centering, \raggedright, or
         \raggedleft declaration.  The latter declarations must appear
         inside  braces  or  an  environment  when  used in a p-column

      -  *{num}{cols} - Equivalent to num copies of cols, where num is
         any    positive   integer   and   cols   is   any   list   of
         column-specifiers, which may contain another *-expression.

 SEE ALSO Environments



 This is your telephone  number.   This only  appears  if the firstpage
 pagestyle is selected.

 SEE ALSO Letters, Declarations



 The \thanks command produces a footnote to the title.

 SEE ALSO Page_Styles, \maketitle



 The thebibliography  environment produces a bibliography  or reference
 list.   In  the  article   style,  this  reference   list  is  labeled
 "References"; in the report style, it is labeled "Bibliography".

  o  widest-label:  Text that, when printed, is approximately as  wide
     as the widest item label produces by the \bibitem commands.

 SEE ALSO Environments


  theorem text

 The theorem environment  produces "Theorem x" in boldface followed  by
 your theorem text.

 SEE ALSO Environments



 The \thispagestyle  command works in the same manner as the \pagestyle
 command except that it changes the style for the current page only.

 SEE ALSO Page_Styles


 Smallest of 10 typefaces available.  All fonts may not be available in
 this size.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Sizes



 The \title  command  declares  text  to be the title.   Use \\ to tell
 LaTeX where to start a new line in a long title.

 SEE ALSO Page_Styles, \maketitle



 The titlepage  environment  creates a title page, i.e., a page with no
 printed page number or heading.  It also causes the following  page to
 be numbered page one.  Formatting  the title page is left to you.  The
 \today command comes in handy for title pages.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 Typewriter typeface.

 SEE ALSO Typefaces, Styles


 The \twocolumn declaration starts a new page and produces  two-column

 SEE ALSO Document_Styles



 Prints msg on the terminal and in the log file.  Commands  in msg that
 are defined with \newcommand  or \renewcommand  are replaced  by their
 definitions before being printed.

 LaTeX's usual rules for treating multiple spaces as a single space and
 ignoring  spaces after a command  name apply to msg.  A \space command
 in msg causes a single space to be printed.

 SEE ALSO Terminal_Input_and_Output



 Prints msg on the terminal  and causes  LaTeX to stop and wait for you
 to type a line of input, ending with return.   If the cmd argument  is
 missing,  the typed input is processed  as if it had been included  in
 the input file in place of the \typein  command.   If the cmd argument
 is present,  it must be a command  name.   This command  name  is then
 defined or redefined to be the typed input.

 SEE ALSO Terminal_Input_and_Output



 The \underbrace command generates text with a brace underneath.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany



 The \underline command causes the argument text to be underlined. This
 command can also be used in paragraph and LR modes.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany



 Prints the box most recently saved in bin cmd by a \savebox command.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 \usecounter {counter}

 The \usecounter  command  is used in the second  argument  of the list
 environment  to allow the counter  specified  to be used to number the
 list items.

 SEE ALSO Counters


 \value {counter}

 The \value  command  produces  the value of the counter  named  in the
 mandatory argument.   It can be used where LaTeX expects an integer or
 number, such as the second argument of a \setcounter  or \addtocounter
 command, or in


 It is useful for doing arithmetic with counters.

 SEE ALSO Counters


 The \vdots command produces a vertical ellipsis.

 SEE ALSO Math_Formulas, Math_Miscellany


 \vector(x slope,y slope){length}

 The \vector command draws a line with an arrow of the specified length
 and slope.  The x and y values must lie between -4 and +4, inclusive.

 SEE ALSO Environments, picture


 \verb char literal_text char \verb*char literal_text char

 Typesets literal_text  exactly as typed, including  special characters
 and spaces,  using a typewriter  (\tt)  type style.   There  may be no
 space between  \verb or \verb* and char (space  is shown here only for
 clarity).  The *-form differs only in that spaces are printed.

 SEE ALSO Environments, verbatim



 The verbatim environment is a paragraph-making  environment  that gets
 LaTeX  to print  exactly  what you type in.   It turns  LaTeX  into  a
 typewriter  with carriage  returns  and blanks having  the same effect
 that they would on a typewriter.

 SEE ALSO Environments



 The verse  environment  is designed  for poetry,  though  you may find
 other uses for it.

 SEE ALSO Environments


 The \vfill fill command produces  a rubber length which can stretch or
 shrink vertically.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 The \vline command will draw a vertical line extending the full height
 and depth of its row.  An \hfill command  can be used to move the line
 to the edge of the column.  It can also be used in an @-expression.

 SEE ALSO Environments, tabular



 The \vspace command adds vertical  space.  The length of the space can
 be expressed  in any  terms  that  LaTeX  understands,  i.e.,  points,
 inches, etc.  You can add negative  as well as positive  space with an
 \vspace command.

 LaTeX removes vertical  space that comes at the end of a page.  If you
 don't  want  LaTeX  to remove  this  space,  include  the  optional  *
 argument.  Then the space is never removed.

 SEE ALSO Spaces_and_Boxes


 input-file, ...

 The input file specification  indicates the file to be formatted;  TeX
 uses TEX as a default  file  extension.   If you omit  the input  file
 entirely,  TeX accepts input from the terminal.   You specify  command
 options using the conventional  VAX/VMS arrangement  -- options  begin
 with a slash mark (/), and are placed  following  the command  name or
 following the input file specification.

 Output files are always created in the current directory; the DVI file
 has the file type DVI, and the log file has the file  type  LIS.  When
 you fail to specify  an input file name, TeX bases the output names on
 the file specification associated with the logical name TEX_OUTPUT.



 /FORMAT=[file-spec]            D=/FORMAT=TEX_FORMATS:LPLAIN

 Indicates  which  format  file TeX uses upon activation.   The default
 format  file  is TEX_FORMATS:LPLAIN.FMT.   This  is the  LaTeX  format
 discussed in "A Document Preparation System: LaTeX."



 Indicates  that  you wish  run TeX in the  initialization,  or INITeX,
 mode.  This mode is used to compile format files.


 Set  batch  mode  -- no interaction  on errors  and  no output  to the
 terminal.  Normally, TeX is set up for interactive  use; it stops when
 it encounters an error and allows you to correct it, and prints status
 and diagnostic  information  at the terminal.   The /BATCH setting  is
 preferred  for batch use; TeX will barrel on through as though you had
 specified  `BATCHMODE'  in the input file or typed `Q' in response  to
 the first error message.



 Controls where the output of the command is sent.  If you do not enter
 the qualifier,  or if you enter /OUTPUT without  a file specification,
 the output  is sent to a file with the same  name  as the input  file,
 only with the extension .DVI.

 If you enter /NOOUTPUT, output is suppressed.


 Controls  where the log output of the command  is sent.  If you do not
 enter  the  qualifier,  or  if  you  enter  /LOG_FILE  without  a file
 specification, the log output is sent to the a file with the same name
 as the input file, only with the extension .LIS.

 If you enter /NOLOG_FILE, the log output file is suppressed.


 /TEXFONTS=(name,...)                   D=/TEXFONTS=TEX_FONTS:

 Specify directories  containing  TeX Font Metric (TFM) font definition
 files, and the order in which they will be searched to locate each TFM
 file.  A null value in the list indicates  the current directory.  The
 search procedure  TeX uses to locate  font files is to search  each of
 directories specified by the /TEXFONTS option.

 A complete  TFM file name specification  is formed by combining  a TFM
 file name from the input  file with  a default  directory  and default
 file type of TFM.  It is normal practice to specify only a simple file
 name in the input  file and let TeX supply  the defaults,  since  this
 tends to protect the user from installation  dependencies  and changes
 to TeX.  When searching for a TFM file, TeX will try alternate default
 directories until it finds the TFM file or runs out of alternatives.

 Default   is  /TEXFONTS=(TEX_FONTS);   TeX  looks   in  the  directory
 associated with the logical name TEX_FONTS for font definition files.



 Specify  directories  containing  input files,  and the order in which
 they will be searched  to locate each input file.  A null value in the
 list indicates  the current directory.   This qualifier  operates in a
 manner similar to /TEXFONTS.   The search procedure TeX uses to locate
 input files is to first search your default directory  and then search
 each of the directories specified by the /TEXINPUTS option.

 Default  is  /TEXINPUTS=(TEX_INPUTS);   TeX  looks  in  the  directory
 associated with the logical name TEX_INPUTS.



 Specify  directories  containing  format files, and the order in which
 they will be searched  to locate each input file.  A null value in the
 list indicates  the current directory.   This qualifier  operates in a
 manner similar to /TEXFONTS.   The search procedure TeX uses to locate
 input  files  is to  search  each  of  directories  specified  by  the
 /TEXFORMATS option.

 Default  is /TEXFORMATS=(TEX_FORMATS);  TeX  looks  in  the  directory
 associated with the logical name TEX_FORMATS.


 /EDITOR=name                   D=/EDITOR=(TEX_EDIT:)

 Specify  the editor TeX is to use when the "e" (edit)  option  is used
 when TeX finds an error.  The editors can be callable  editors such as
 TPU or EDT, or command  procedures.   This works similarly  to how the
 MAIL program allows use of editors under SEND/EDIT.

 The default is to use the editor defined by the logical name TEX_EDIT.

 Valid callable  editors  are EDT, TPU, and LSE.  Any other editor must
 be called by way of a command procedure.



 Create a Diagnostics file for the Language Sensitive Editor (LSE).



 Indicates  the name of a symbol in which TeX should  store the name of
 the DVI file it writes.  Default is /JOBNAME_SYMBOL=TEX_JOBNAME.



 Indicates that TeX should continue after editing a file.