Radial Velocity Simulator
 radialVelocitySimulator012view, link (100.6 KB, 920×680) source (717.5 KB)Sat, 21 Jul 07, 8:56pm UTC 

Updated the About dialog box.

 radialVelocitySimulator011view, link (98.7 KB, 920×680) source (906.5 KB)Tue, 3 Oct 06, 8:55pm UTC 

Added Help and About info boxes as well as Option D (earth) to the presets menu.

Transit Simulator
 transitSimulator017view, link (85.7 KB, 920×650) source (752 KB)Wed, 25 Jul 07, 6:08pm UTC 

Fixed a problem with the set preset button not being enabled after property changes.

Radial Velocity Component
 radialVelocityComponent010view, link (34.5 KB, 900×400) source (352 KB)Fri, 19 May 06, 10:07pm UTC 
Binary System Component
 binSysComponent005view, link (37.6 KB, 950×600) source (276.5 KB)Tue, 23 May 06, 2:59pm UTC 
Doppler Shift Demo
 dopplerShiftDemo004view, link (25.2 KB, 700×300) source (164 KB)Mon, 2 Oct 06, 3:40pm UTC 
Doppler Shift Component
 dopplerShiftComponent001view, link (5.9 KB, 310×120) source (59.5 KB)Fri, 29 Sep 06, 6:09pm UTC 

The doppler shift in this component is set with the setShift function, where the shift is the pixel offset from the center. Most of the appearance parameters can be adjusted in the live preview.

The demonstration swf above looks for the shift flashvar (the shift is given in pixels; the default is 0). The native size of this swf is 310×120. The width can be changed in the embedding block but the height should always be 120.

Exoplanet Orbit Diagram
 exoplanetOrbitDiagram007view, link (10 KB, 300×300) source (50.5 KB)Thu, 5 Oct 06, 10:50pm UTC 

New flashvars:

  • animate - boolean to control whether the diagram is animated; default is false
  • period - the period of the animation in seconds; default is 5
  • showStarDirectionArrow, showPlanetDirectionArrow - these booleans can be used to toggle the visibility of the direction arrows individually (they are parsed after showDirectionArrows, so thier value(s) dominate); the default is to show the arrows
  • showEarthArrow - boolean to show/hide the earth direction arrow; the default is true
  • perimeterLabels - this comma/semicolon delimited list adds labels around the perimeter; the format is the same as for starLabels and planetLabels below, except that the angle is measured ccw from left (like the earth arrow angle); these labels will rotate with the earthArrowAngle (so 0° always corresponds with the view from earth arrow)

Note that earthArrowAngle still is meaningful (everything will be rotated) even if showEarthArrow is false.

The flashvars line for the example above is showEarthArrow=f&perimeterLabels=A,0;B,90;C,180;D,270

 exoplanetOrbitDiagram006   Wed, 4 Oct 06, 8:23pm UTC 

Now labels can be added to positions on the star and planet orbits. This is done using the starLabels or the planetLabels flashvars. If either of these variables is used it should consist of a semicolon delimited list of label items, where each label item is a comma delimited list of (1) the label text and (2) the angle (where the angle is in degrees counter-clockwise from right if the earth is at left -- the same definition as for planetAngle and starAngle). For example, the demonstration page above uses the following flashvars line:


 exoplanetOrbitDiagram005   Wed, 4 Oct 06, 5:10pm UTC 

The native size of the swf is 300×300. The following flashvars are accepted:

  • starOrbitRadius - in pixels, default is 18; the planet's orbital radius is fixed at 94
  • showPlanet - can be 'T' or 'F' (or '1' or '0'), default is 'T'
  • showStar - can be 'T' or 'F' (or '1' or '0'), default is 'T'
  • planetAngle - in degrees counterclockwise from right (assuming that the view from earth is from the left), default is 180, but see note below
  • starAngle - in degrees counterclockwise from right (assuming that the view from earth is from the left), default is 0, but see note below
  • earthArrowAngle - in degrees counterclockwise from left, default is 0, changing this value causes the planetAngle and starAngle to change correspondingly (so they are effectively independent of this setting)
  • showDirectionArrows - can be 'T' or 'F' (or '1' or '0'), default is 'T'
  • orbitDirection - can be 'cw' or 'ccw', default is 'cw'
  • starOrbitDirection, planetOrbitDirection - both of these must be set for either to have an effect; these properties override the orbitDirection property

Note regarding the planet and star angles: if only one of these properties is defined the other will be assigned so that the bodies are on the opposite sides of the center of mass (the physically correct situation). The only reason for defining both properties is if you want to model a physically incorrect situation.

Sinusoid Component II
 sinusoidComponentII004view, link (11.5 KB, 400×200) source (204.5 KB)Thu, 21 Sep 06, 2:39pm UTC 

Slight changes have been made to the component: a change in how the size is set when attaching using attachMovie and the inclusion of more embedded characters for the default label.

Besides these changes to the component this demonstration swf has been changed so that the appearance of the example sinusoid can be set using flashvars. The width and height of the component will adjust to the size of the stage (ie. the swf size specified in the embedding html block).

All of the following flashvars are optional:

  • amplitude - in pixels, default is 60
  • wavelength - in pixels, default is 80
  • offset - in pixels, default is 0
  • showAxis - can be 'T' or 'F' (or '1' or '0'), default is 'T'
  • curveThickness - default is 1
  • curveColor - in hex (without '#' or '0x' in front), default is '999999'
  • curveAlpha - default is 100
  • axisThickness - default is 1
  • axisColor - in hex, default is 'cccccc'
  • axisAlpha - default is 100

Labels are added at positions posZ where Z denotes the label number, running consecutively from 1. The position should be given in pixels. Each label can be customized with the following optional flashvars:

  • colorZ - in hex, default is 'd00000'
  • textZ - default is no text
  • textAngleZ - in degrees clockwise from up, default is 0
  • textRadiusZ - in pixels, default is 7
  • textSizeZ - in points, default is 12
  • dotRadiusZ - in pixels, default is 3

 sinusoidComponentII003   Mon, 18 Sep 06, 8:38pm UTC 


amplitude, wavelength, offset - These properties determine the shape of the curve. Values are in pixels.

width, height - These properties set the dimensions of the plot area.

addLabel(linkageName, name, position, initObj, depth) - This function adds a label (movieclip) to the curve. If the linkage name is null or undefined the "SCII Default Label" found in the resources folder is used. name should be a valid actionscript identifier since it will be used to provide a reference to the movieclip. The position is the x-coordinate of the label. The optional argument initObj will be used when attaching the label movieclip. The last argument, depth, is also optional.

The "SCII Default Label" movieclip has the following properties:

  • labelColor - the color of the label (both the text and dot)
  • text - the text to place next to the label
  • textAngle - in degrees, clockwise from up, default is 0
  • textRadius - approximate distance, in pixels, between the text and the dot, default is 7
  • textSize - point size of text font, default is whatever the text size is in the embedded font field
  • dotRadius - radius of dot, in pixels, default is 3

These properties can be set by defining them on an initObject and passing it to addLabel. Afterwards, they can be set on directly on the the movieclip instance. Call update on the label movieclip after changing these properties.

setLabelPosition(name, position) - Sets the position (x-coordinate in pixels) of a label.

removeLabel(name) - Removes the label.

showVerticalAxis,showHorizontalAxis - Properties toggle visibility of the axes.

setAxisStyle(thickness, color, alpha) - Sets the linestyle of the axes. Use null to leave a parameter unchanged.

setCurveStyle(thickness, color, alpha) - Sets the linestyle of the sine curve. Use null to leave a parameter unchanged.

Exoplanet Combo Diagram
 exoplanetComboDiagram004view, link (19.9 KB, 650×300) source (89.5 KB)Tue, 10 Oct 06, 4:13pm UTC 

In version 002 the planet and star discs would be drawn only if there were no labels. Now it is possible to have labels and discs by using the boolean showDiscs. The default for this property is true when no labels have been added and false when there are labels.

One necessary consequence of these changes is that there is no longer any margin to the curve on the radial velocity plot.

 exoplanetComboDiagram002   Fri, 6 Oct 06, 9:55pm UTC 

Now the planet and star discs will be drawn if no labels are added. In this case a red cursor dot will appear on the radial velocity curve and the following flashvars will be parsed:

  • animate - boolean to have the diagram animate (default is false)
  • period - the period of the animation in seconds (defaut is 5)
  • starAngle - specifies the position of the star in degrees ccw from right (with the earth at left); default is 0 (note that there is no planetAngle flashvar in this component)

 exoplanetComboDiagram001view, link (19.4 KB, 650×300)  Fri, 6 Oct 06, 5:33pm UTC 

The native size of the movie is 650×300. Accepted flashvars:

  • orbitDirection - 'cw' or 'ccw' (default is 'ccw')
  • earthArrowAngle - in degrees ccw from left (default is 0); this causes the entire diagram to rotate; so, for example, if a label is given an angle of 0° it will always be at the opposite of the center of mass no matter what the value of earthArrowAngle is
  • starLabels, planetLabels - these are comma/semicolon delimited lists of labels; the semicolons separate the labels and the commas separate the parts of the label; each label consists of three parts: the angle, the label to show on the diagram, and the label to show on the velocity plot (note that the angle goes first, unlike for exoplanetOrbitDiagram); the angle is measured ccw from right where the earth view is at left (so 0° is always at the opposite side of the center of mass from the earth)

The above example has the following flashvars line: planetLabels=0,a,A;90,d,D&starLabels=0,c,C;90,b,B&orbitDirection=cw&earthArrowAngle=180