Service-Oriented Architectures for Safe and Secure Cyber-Physical and IoT Systems

Marilyn Wolf

Event Details
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
4–5 p.m., Avery 115

3:30 p.m., Avery 348

Marilyn Wolf, Ph.D. - Distinguished Speaker

Distinguished Chair, Georgia Tech


Service-oriented architectures are widely used in information processing and Web technologies to provide scalable access to resources in distributed systems and extensible applications. However, many traditional service-oriented architectures are designed for transaction processing. In contrast, cyber-physical systems used for real-time control require quality-of-service constraints and graceful handling of failures to provide requested services. Our group is developing extended service-oriented models for use in smart energy grids and other applications. We will describe our work in service-oriented architectures, including model-based design and simulation. We will motivate discuss safety and security in cyber-physical systems and discuss how service-oriented architectures fit into the methodologies required to deliver safe and secure cyber-physical and IoT systems.

Speaker Bio

Marilyn Wolf is Rhesa S. “Ray” Farmer Distinguished Chair in Embedded Computing Systems and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology.  She received her BS, MS, and PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1980, 1981, and 1984, respectively.  She was with AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1984 to 1989.  She was on the faculty of Princeton University from 1989 to 2007.  Her research interests include cyber-physical systems, embedded computing, embedded video and computer vision, and VLSI systems. She has received the ASEE Terman Award and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Education Award. She is a Fellow of the IEEE and ACM and an IEEE Computer Society Golden Core member.